chapter five

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You stood up from your bed as quiet as possible and not letting Clint to hear your steps towards the door.

You opened the door slightly and before leaving, you checked quickly that Clint hadn't noticed.
You sneaked slowly through the corridors, avoiding and hiding from the guards who were walking around the palace. Sneaking around was a lot harder than you had expected.
You found your way quickly to the corridor, where the dungeons lied. For your luck, Frigga had told you earlier where they were, but now your problem was those guards, standing in front of the doorway.

How were you supposed to be able to pass them without getting caught?

But then, out of nowhere, Frigga walked towards those guards. You backed further behind the corner, not letting her see you.
You peeked carefully behind it to see what was going on. You noticed they were discussing about something, but you couldn't hear them properly. And your mind reading ability wasn't going to help when there was a goddess against it.

And then, it seemed like Frigga had ordered them away from the doorway. The guards were heading away.
You watched behind the corner how the guards were walking away while Frigga gave a quick glance at your way. Just like she had knew you were there. But instead of coming towards your direction, she headed to the opposite way, leaving the doorway to the dungeons open, without any kind of protection.

/thank you Frigga./ you thought and sneaked quickly through the corridor to its other side and headed down the stairs to the dungeons.


You were walking around the cells, looking for Loki and trying to avoid the wandering guards.

You walked to the back of the dungeons and saw a stairs leading more downwards.
And you decided to look from there.

That place seemed awfully familiar as you were walking around it. For your luck there seemed to be no guards so you could keep searching for the god in peace.

And just right then, when you were passing one of the cells, you heard a very familiar voice you had been looking for.
"Y/N?" you heard that mischievous and surprised male voice. You turned around and saw Loki, sitting on the floor with book in his hands. He looked surprised as he stood up.
"How you..
my father." he already had figured it out. He seemed like he had to got quickly the idea why you were in Asgard again.

"Long time no see." he grinned then and walked over you.
"Yeah, last time we did, you were trying hard to get me killed." you grumbled, trying to avoid all those different strange feelings you were experiencing at the moment. Loki always brought plenty of them to you.

Loki looked down at his feet, he seemed little embarrassed and he clearly were regretting at the time. You could feel it.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't..." he stuttered.
"Save your words, I know you were brainwashed. Being kidnapped is pretty rough." you said little ironically. Loki laughed and leaned against the wall on his left side.
"It's kind of ironic, I was thrown into cell where I had kept you as my prisoner." he smirked and looked around his cell. It was decorated much more comfortably than your was back then. He had a bed, a couch and plenty of books to read.

"Well, you deserve it." you said firmly. You didn't mind at all seeing him in there instead of you.
"You really think like that, little midgardian?" Loki grinned, he loved to play with you. "Tell me, how did you get in here? Asgardian guards are not that easy to pass." he added. He seemed to be flattered that you had came all the way down there to meet him.

"I think I got some help." you admitted, still being little unsure, though. Did Frigga order the guards away on purpose?
Loki thought it for a while and then smiled gently but mischievously.
"My mother, I assume." he chuckled and couldn't help smiling. Seemed like they were pretty close with each other since she was his first guess.

"Well, what brings you here in my lovely cell? I thought you hated me." Loki smirked. You rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms.
"I do hate you and I have every rights to hate you!" your anger started to grow inside you. "But I think we might have something to discuss about too." you cooled your temper and took few steps closer to the shield. You still didn't want to touch it though, you had seen what it does to people.

Loki sighed as he sat down on the floor, still leaning against the wall. He looked little upset and sad, which was little strange.
Then you decided to sat down too on the floor near the force field. You had the whole night time to talk so you could just easily sit down for awhile and listen what he has to say.

Loki didn't look at you anymore and his mischievous smile was also gone. You sighed heavily as you started.
"I just want to know.."

"Did I lie?" he completed your sentence. You nodded in reply, letting him to carry on. Loki huffed and shook his head.
"You still don't believe me, don't you?"

You looked down at your hands, thinking what you should say without letting your cooled temper slip away.
"Why would I? You kidnapped me and ruined literally everything!" you grumbled, fighting the urge to punch the shield with your hand. You hadn't recovered from breaking up with Peter yet. It has only been four days since it happened.

"What did I ruin this time?" Loki sighed, like it was his usual habit to ruin everything around him.
"Peter broke up with me, because what happened between us." you explained, your voice didn't sound angry but hurt this time. Loki lifted his head up and looked at you. He seemed to be relieved, but he tried his best to show you some kind of sympathy.

Which he didn't manage quite well..

"He wasn't worth it, darling." he said with hint of mischief in his voice. You huffed and rolled your eyes.
"I am not your darling." you murmured and looked directly into his green eyes.
"Oh, you will." he teased you again. You sighed and stood back up. You were too tired to play his stupid games right now.

"Okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he said softly, trying to keep you in there with him.

You stopped and thought it for awhile, and then decided to sat down again. You still had few questions to ask.

"Hydra brainwashed you, what about now?" you changed the subject. You needed to know if he had still some kind of bonds with Hydra.
"My dear mother helped me the best she could. I haven't had any urges to kill anyone or do something else more 'Hydra style' things." Loki huffed. He seemed to be alright, and you also felt it.

Then he looked at you, raising his eyebrows, wanting to know if you were alright or not.

"They didn't got me under their control when we were in there, I'm perfectly alright." you replied. You hadn't felt anything after returning back to your home, besides the little headache afterwards, but it had vanished pretty quickly.
Loki nodded and was relieved by your words. Then he opened his mouth to say something, but got interrupted by sounds of someone walking. And those steps were coming towards you two.
"Go, you can't be seen in here." Loki told you firmly and got back up on his feet. And he didn't have to tell you that twice. You stood up and ran behind his cell, just right on time before the guards could've seen you.

You walked from behind the cell, trying your best to not been seen by the guards. Luckily, Loki was taking care of them and distracting them so you could slip away from their sight.


You sneaked back to your room, closing the door as quietly as possible without letting Clint weak up.

You walked back to your bed and sat on it while sighing heavily.

"Where were you?" you heard Clint's sleepy voice from other side of the room. You flinched and looked up, seeing Clint sitting on his bed as well.


He had noticed..

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