chapter twenty-six

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"Okay you won, you won!" Clint shouted underneath you after you had threw him on the ground and sat on his back, your dagger on his neck.

"Still think I'm rusty?" you teased him as you helped him up.
"Yes.." Clint said and dragged you down by your hand and soon you found yourself underneath him. "..a little bit."

You just laughed and then stood up after Clint had got that ass of his out of your way.

"So tell me one thing Y/N..." Clint said as he laid his bow on the table and went to grab something to clean it with. You sat down on the floor and waited him to continue while you started to stretch your muscles. "That Morgan's necklace wasn't from you, am I right? It looks little bit too much familiar with yours, and I sure do know where you had gotten that." Clint grinned as he pointed at your necklace around your neck.
"You think I should've told my father who really gave it to her? I would had died." you rolled your eyes and Clint just laughed.
"No, I totally understand. I think it just.. cute." Clint smirked.
"It's cute?" you questioned and raised your eyebrow.
"Yeah, I mean, he must really like you if he wants to please your sister like that." Clint replied innocently with kind smile instead of grin on his face for once. You tried not to blush as you looked down at your necklace.

"And speaking of him, have you two done it yet?" Clint grinned then and you just sat there with stunned look on your face.
"What the actual fuck Clint?" you snarled and stood up to hit him at his arm. "Absolutely disgusting, you can't ask that!" you snarled and walked over to the elevator.
"Why not?!" Clint whined and followed you after he had placed his bow back to its own place on the wall.
"Well let's think about it... it's none of you business." you grumbled and stepped inside the elevator. Clint raised his eyebrows and followed you in.
"I'm your best friend! Of course it's my business! Besides, you didn't even deny it so that only means one thing.." Clint kept teasing as you two headed up to the kitchen.
"Oh stop it.." you murmured and signed him to shut up as the door slid open and you two stepped into the kitchen.

And for your surprise, there was someone you hadn't expected to see.

"What is Peter doing here?" Clint whispered as you locked your eyes with Peter who seemed to be as embarrassed as you were.
"How would I know?" you huffed quietly as you walked into he kitchen where Peter, Steve and Tony were chatting.

"Hi Y/N.." Peter greeted you awkwardly and you nodded in reply, not knowing why he had even greeted you since he had stopped to do so when you two had broke up.

"Peter came back to live with us." Steve told you as you grabbed some food with Clint.
"That's... nice." you tried to act polite. Clint just kept glaring at Peter like he had done something very, very terrible. And it was little bit too dramatic from Clint in your opinion, but you still appreciate it though.


Later in the evening you were walking alone through the corridors and heading to your room after helping your parents and putting Morgan to sleep. And then all sudden, you ran up to Peter who seemed to be heading into his room as well.

"Hi." he greeted you as you stopped in front of him.
"Hi.." you replied and tried move on, but Peter stopped you before you could.
"Hey uhm, I just wanted to say.. that I'm sorry." Peter stuttered and you couldn't be more amazed than ever before.
"Did you just..?" you stared at him in confusion.
"Yeah, I wanted to apologize my behavior back then. I didn't treat you well either." Peter replied and he sounded like he truly was sorry.
"Well, it's alright I guess. I wasn't acting well either." you replied. You actually wanted to try to forgive him, maybe that way it wouldn't be so awkward between you two anymore.
"Can we just forget that it ever happened?" Peter suggested with that puppy dog look in his eyes like usual.
"Yeah sure, we can." you replied firmly and innocently, but at the same time you were just trying to get to your room and far away from that awkward conversation.

"Okay that's great.. uhm, good night then I guess." Peter replied with kind smile on his lips.
"Good night." you replied and then rushed to your room without looking back.

Peter acting like that seemed little weird in your opinion. You wouldn't have ever assumed him to apologize about what had happened during your final days together. He had seemed  like he had blamed it all on you back then.


You woke up in the middle of the night again, but this time it wasn't caused by a nightmare. You actually had no idea why you had woken up, but now you weren't tired at all so you decided to get some fresh air on the roof instead.

You sat down on the edge on your regular spot and took few deep breaths of fresh midnight air. But instead of finding it relaxing like usual, it felt more like something was missing.
You looked at your right and then over your shoulder behind you, and then it hit you.

By now, that mischievous god would have appeared next to you and you two would have interesting conversations about the universe, and Loki would also tell you different things about the nine realms.

Then you laughed at yourself and shook your head in amuse.

You felt so ridiculous that you already missed someone like Loki, and it hasn't even been so long since he had left with Thor to Asgard anyways.

Maybe you really had  fell in love.


Finally the sun woke up and so did you, but little late of course since the half of your night had gone on the roof.

You walked down the stairs after you had grabbed some food with you from the kitchen, and then entered into the common room. You were minding your own business as you sat down on the couch and then flinched hard when you saw Peter, sitting on there too and watching TV. You hadn't noticed him at all.

"Oh sorry, I'll leave you alone." you apologized immediately and stood back up.
"No- no you can stay if you want. I don't mind." Peter replied and then smiled innocently. You hesitated for awhile but then decided to sat down.
And it was quite awkward between you two, you really didn't enjoy to be there, but you didn't want to be rude either since you two had finally forgiven each other.

"So, how are you nowadays..? I mean how had it been?" Peter tried to make up some conversation into the silence.
"Uhm, fine. Things are working.. great." you mumbled and actually not knowing what you should say. "You?" you asked then, although you weren't even that interested about his life at all, but you wanted to be polite.
"I'm fine.. I guess." Peter mumbled as he rubbed his neck and looked little embarrassed. You had known Peter for a long time enough to know that there was something wrong.

"Something wrong?" you asked and settled down your cereal bowl after finishing it.
"No, everything's fine.. I just.." Peter struggled and you knew he wanted to tell you something.
" and Mj.. we broke up." Peter said and you raised your eyebrows surprised. You hadn't expected news like that. You felt bad because you find it kind of funny since Peter had basically switched to another girl immediately after your break up.

"I'm.. so sorry." you replied and tried to sound as serious as you could.
"Thanks.. I guess it just didn't work out or something." Peter replied and even gave you a little smile. You smiled back, but in reality, you had no idea what you should do. You didn't even have any idea why he was telling you this.

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