chapter thirty-one

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You were lying on your couch very relieved after you had managed to convince Clint to leave you alone. He had been taken care of you the rest of the day after you had got back home from the mission. He would had insisted to stay in your room for the next night as well, but after you had literally grumbled at him for being too overprotective big brother, he had understood too how ridiculous he had been.

Your arm wasn't even hurting that bad anymore. Bruce had given you a lot of painkillers and now you were feeling a lot better. Even though it was still bleeding a lot and you needed to change the bandage every now and then.

It was already a late evening as you heard a knock on your door. You invited the visitor in, and before you had even managed to get yourself up, Loki had rushed over to you and now he was looking at your arm his face full of concern.

"Relax, I'm fine." you said little amused.
"You scared me love." he replied and looked into your eyes. It was so cute that he worried about you that much. Before him, Clint had been the only one who had made you feel like someone really cared about you.
"It's just a cut." you huffed.
"Yes, but you could have died." Loki grumbled and his face turned to look even more worried.
"But I didn't, thanks to you." you replied with a little smile on your lips as you placed your hand gently on his cheek. Loki smiled too and leaned closer to kiss you on your forehead. Then he grabbed you into his arms and you laid your head against his chest. You felt so safe  and protected in his arms.


After an exhausting breakfast where everyone had came to check on you and ask if you were okay, you had managed to get the hell away from there, and now you were heading up to your room.
But the elevator stopped in your half way there and suddenly Thor walked in. You greeted him like usual and stepped aside to give him some room.

For a moment it was awkwardly silent, but then Thor turned to look at you while he cleared his throat.
"Could we talk a little? In private?" he asked and you sighed heavily but quietly. You had been afraid of this moment since the time you had got back home.
"Sure.." you replied and smiled a little as the door slid open and you led Thor towards your room.

You two entered in and you closed the door behind you.

"Is everything alright?" you asked first as Thor walked around your room, his eyes also wandering around it.
"I was hoping that you could tell me that." he replied firmly and then he stopped. You swallowed and pretended to be confused and surprised. But then Thor's face turned to look more concerned as he walked closer to you.
"Is there something going on between you and my brother?" he asked as he looked at you into your eyes.
"No, why?" you lied, you didn't want him to know because you feared that he would tell your father.

"Y/N please, I have noticed how you two are acting around each other. I just want to know if you're okay." he replied then and placed his hand on your shoulder.
"Wait, you think Loki is hurting me or something?" you asked then very confused.
"Well it crossed my mind, I know my brother and what he's like. And I also know what he had done to you before." Thor shrugged but you heard from his voice how concerned he was and that he truly cared, although he wasn't going to admit it.
"No, gosh no. He's not hurting me, not at all. He had been very sweet." you replied, not even thinking what you were saying, and based on Thor's surprised but amused face, you had said something you were going regret later.
"Or I meant-"

"I KNEW IT!!" he roared little bit too loudly.

"No Thor wait-" you stuttered but you didn't really know how you were supposed to fix this now.
"This is awesome!" he exclaimed and lifted you up on his arm into a hug and started spinning you around.
"Wait- it is?" you said stunned as he let you down from his arms.
"Yes! My little brother has a girlfriend!" he kept yelling and you needed to hiss at him for that.
"Thor shut it!" you grumbled and slapped his arm gently which made him finally calm down.
"You don't think it's.. weird?" you asked then, being completely confused that he hadn't got mad at you or anything.
"No of course not, I think you two make a perfect couple. You're like made for each other." Thor replied innocently. "And I know he was brainwashed when he kidnapped you, I'm not that naive like Stark. And based on yesterday's events, he kind of proved that he really likes you and doesn't want any harm to you." he added as he saw that questioning look on your face.
And his last words actually made you smile in relief, it was very comforting to hear that he was on your side. Now there was only one problem left, could he keep the secret for you?

"You know, you can't tell anyone about this Thor. You definitely know my father and I assume you also know how he would react if he hears about us." you told him firmly. You trusted Thor, but sometimes he had the ability to say things without thinking first.
"Yes of course little mind reader. And I promise I won't tell anyone, I swear. Especially to your father." he replied and placed both of his hands on your shoulders with convincing smile on his lips.
"Thanks Thor." you replied then and smiled softly in return.
Now there were one more who knew about your relationship with Loki, and you were starting to think if you needed to be more careful for now on. Since Thor had noticed it, you were afraid that others could see it too.

Or maybe you were just overreacting. He's Loki's brother after all, and the god of thunder. He's not that stupid.


And as you opened your door to let Thor out, you saw Loki walking towards his room and then something that you had assumed but feared, happened.

"Congrats little brother!" Thor exclaimed and grabbed Loki into his arms as well. Loki looked terrified and very uncomfortable as he tried to struggle himself out of Thor's strong arms.
"What in the name of Odin is this?!" he grumbled as Thor let him go after you had tried to shut his mouth once again.
"He knows." you huffed and looked around you just in case if your father was around (or someone else who shouldn't know).

"You told him?" Loki asked stunned as he straightened his shirt after Thor's strong cuddle. But you just shook your head in reply.
"You really think I'm that stupid brother? Of course I saw what was going on!" Thor replied, trying to sound offended by his brother's words.
"Yes I actually do. And can you keep it down? Y/N is scared of her father." Loki teased you with grin on his face as you rolled your eyes at him.

"And for a reason, Tony has the ability to be terrifying sometimes." you heard a voice behind you and it made you to flinch badly. But luckily, it was just Clint.
"And now that we're talking about him, he wanted me to find you and tell that you have to go to see him and Bruce." Clint told you then very casually.
"Why?" you snarled while you walked further from the asgardians who had started to argue again about something very pointless.

"He just wanted to check your arm or something." Clint shrugged and then looked amused at Loki and Thor who were acting like two children. "Cmon, I'll walk you there." he added then and started to led you towards the stairs.

"So Thor knows now?" he asked after you had walked few floors down and far enough from the noisy gods.
"Yeah, he figured it out." you sighed and then you explained him the whole story what had happened after you had left from the breakfast.

And you also weren't still so sure if Thor could keep his mouth shut, but you trusted his brother though. So maybe he could manage to keep his brother under control.

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