chapter thirty-nine

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You ran inside the burning jet. There were flames everywhere and the ship was completely destroyed. You tried to look for Clint but you didn't see him anywhere. You tried to shout his name but he didn't reply.
Your teammates and father were screaming into your earphone that you needed to leave, but you ignored them. The only thing you were capable to think was Clint. No one else mattered.

You ran deeper into the ship and tried to find him. The flames were burning your skin, the heat was murderous and the bruises from the battle were aching, but you didn't care no, Clint was now your priority number one.

"Clint! Clint please answer to me!" you shouted into the flames and tried to find him with your eyes. You started to panic, you didn't see him anywhere. You took few more steps and looked around you.
And then, when you looked to your left, you finally saw him. You saw Clint's body, lying on the floor surrounded by the flames. You rushed to him and dropped on your knees right next to him. You tried to shook him gently but he didn't respond.
"Clint.. Clint please wake up." you begged and felt a single teardrop running down your cheek from the corner of your eye. Then you placed your fingers on his neck to check his pulse, to see if he was still alive.

And he was.

You sighed heavily in relief when you had felt his heartbeat. He was alive, but his pulse was weak and he was dying.

You felt it.

You tried to grab him into your arms but he was too heavy for you, you didn't have enough strength to carry him.
"Just hang on, I'm gonna get you out of here." you told him and wrapped your arms around his chest. Then you started to drag him carefully and gently further from the burning flames.
You managed to drag him to the halfway of the ship but then things got harder when the burning pieces of the ship crashed in front of you, blocking your way out of the ship. You tried to look for another way out, but you didn't find anything. You turned to look at Clint who was still unconscious and weak in your arms. You felt how your time was running out.
"You moron, why you had to be the one who flew the ship." you whispered as you collapsed on the floor, Clint still in your arms. You had no way out and your earphone wasn't working because of the high temperature. You had no idea what you should do and you felt completely hopeless.
"I'm sorry Clint.." you said while another tear escaped from your eye as you hugged him tightly.

But then, out of nowhere, someone crashed through the ceiling. And that someone was your father in his ironman armor. He grabbed Clint and threw him on his shoulder and grabbed you by your waist. And then he flew out of the ship, which blew up again right after he had got you two out of there.
"That was so stupid, kid." Tony told you as he brought you to others.

"Y/N! Clint!" you heard then Natasha who was the first one who had got over to you. She helped and grabbed you by your waist to keep you on your feet. Steve ran over to Tony and took Clint on his arms.
"We need to get him out of here now." Steve said as he was looking at Clint who was barely breathing.
"I already asked Jarvis to bring us another ship, it'll be here anytime soon." Tony replied and then turned to look at you. He looked disappointed but concerned.

Then you looked at Loki who look like he was almost in tears. You also noticed that Thor's hand was around his waist and you assumed that he had stopped Loki from coming in. And you were thankful for it. You couldn't handle two of your loved ones in danger.


You had been forced to wait in the waiting room, outside of the medical. It was torture and you couldn't stop thinking about Clint and if he was still alive, or had you even managed to save him on time?
Thor, Steve and Loki were there with you while your father and Nat tried their best to help Bruce to save Clint. Thor was walking nervously around the room and Steve was tying your bruises and cleaning your burn marks.
"How are you feeling?" Steve asked after he had tied the last bruise in your arm.
"I'm fine.." you grumbled and then moved your eyes at Loki who was looking very concerned. You knew he wanted to help but you or Thor wouldn't let him. It would be catastrophic.

Besides you couldn't even care about your health at the moment while your best friend was lying on his deathbed and fighting for his life. And it was even more worse that you couldn't do anything but just sit and wait.

But then, after several hours of waiting, the door opened and Nat peeked out. You all stood up immediately and Thor stopped his headless wandering.
"How is he?" Steve asked firmly and you held you breath while you waited for Nat's answer.
"He is alive but his condition is still critical." she replied and you felt your teammates eyes on your back.
"Can we see him?" Thor asked then as he noticed that you were too upset to say anything.
"Yeah.." Nat sighed and opened the door for you. Thor and Steve walked in first and you followed them with Loki behind you. You felt his fingers touching your hand gently as you walked into the medical room too.

You saw Tony and Bruce next to Clint's bed, checking his vitals.
"I did everything I could." Bruce told you all as you gathered around his bed.
"You did your best, Bruce." Nat replied gently. Tony nodded in agreement as he placed his hand on Bruce's shoulder.
"What happens next?" Steve asked then. The whole team was very upset about Clint's condition and you knew it was going to affect every single one of you.
"Now we just have to wait, he either wakes up or... not." Tony replied, even though he didn't let it show, you knew this was hard for him too. Tony hasn't ever liked Clint that much but you knew he deep down cared about him, a lot. And maybe he was your crackhead best friend, but you wouldn't trade him for anyone else.
"It might take days or weeks.. or even more. We can't say yet, but we're going to take very good care of him until that." Bruce added.

"He's strong." Nat said, and you knew she had meant it to you. But you were just standing there quietly, staring at your unconscious best friend who might not wake up anymore. And that broke your heart in pieces, it was terrifying and scary to see him like that.


It was middle of the night as your eyes cracked open. Tony and Bruce had forced you all to leave and let Clint rest in peace. You had locked yourself into your room and even rejected Loki's suggestion to help you. You didn't want to be with anyone right now, all you could think about was Clint. And you wanted to see him so badly, but your father had told you not to..

..No, screw it.

You hadn't done anything what he had told you before so why would you now either?

You jumped out of your bed and sneaked out of your room. You used the stairs and walked them down towards the medical. You peeked behind the corner to see if anyone was around but luckily, Clint was alone at the time. So you sneaked into the medical and walked over to him.

You sat on the chair next to his bed and grabbed his hand gently into yours. You looked at his bruised face, hoping that you could take his place instead.
"I'm so sorry Clint.. this is..  all my fault." you whispered as tears burst out of your eyes after holding them back for too long. "If I had been any faster I might had managed to..." but you couldn't get the words out of your mouth. It was too heartbreaking to see him lying on that bed.

"Please Clint, I need you. Don't you dare to leave me now brother." you told him softly and rubbed the back in his hand gently with your thumb.

"I love you.." you whispered and leaned your head against his chest while your eyes were filled with tears.

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