chapter thirty-six

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"Should I be concerned?" you asked while Loki was driving again with the stolen car. You were pretty excited but also scared that at least now your father would catch you two.
"No of course not. Everything goes right as I planned." he replied with confidence. You turned to look at him with raise of an eyebrow while this mischievous god had that seductive smile on his lips. But then as he turned to look at you too, his smile switched into frown.
"You really thought that I just pulled this out of my sleeve?" Loki asked little offended but amused.
"No.." you replied as you looked away, and Loki laughed in return. "Don't lie to the god of lies darling."

You smiled and shook your head in reply as you turned your eyes back at him. His hand had moved to rest on your thigh and now you had placed your hand above it. You lifted the rose with your other hand and sniffed it lightly.
This night was already lovely, even though you were just sitting in the car with him, and driving through the streets towards your unknown destination.

Few minutes later, Loki had pulled over the car and opened the door for you. He was acting like a total gentleman and you loved it a lot. No one has ever treated you like this before.

You walked with Loki as he led you into a building you hadn't seen before. He opened the door for you and you stepped into a small but beautiful restaurant.
"Wow." you said as you looked around you. Loki walked over to you with smirk on his face.
"You like it?" he asked mischievously.
"Yes.." you replied while you admired the restaurant.
"Good, because I have something even better for you in somewhere else." he grinned and then started to led you through the restaurant, towards the door on its other side. You were confused but relieved that you didn't stay. You didn't like crowds and public restaurants. Especially now when there was always a risk that someone could see you two there, together.

Loki opened the door for you again and you stepped into a hall with stairs going straight up.

And after those multiple stairs and your impatient questions what was going on, you finally ended up on the roof of the building. Loki smiled when he saw your reaction as you admired what he had done. It was beautiful, even better than the restaurant downstairs. There was a table with candles and roses on it. The food was already brought for you and it looked very delicious. The whole setting was lovely and romantic.

"What is this?" you said in amazement. You were almost speechless, you hadn't expected anything like this from Loki.
"A peaceful night out without any possible distractions, just us." Loki replied proudly as he grabbed your hand gently into his. You turned around to look up into his green eyes. You saw the pride in there, he had managed to build up something he probably had thought he couldn't do before. You loved to see how confident he had started to be around you, and others too.

"Do you.. like it? I really tried to-" but you interrupted him by kissing his cheek as his voice had turned to sound more insecure, and he clearly was afraid that this was too much for you.
"I.. I love it. This looks lovely." you replied softly with a gentle smile on your lips, and
then Loki relaxed and sighed in relief.
Then he led you to your table and helped you with the chair. A very nice gentleman had hatched out from this god and it felt strange first.
If you looked back to the time when you two had first met and compare it to this day, you wouldn't have ever thought you two would be in this situation together. You both had literally threatened to kill each other, and Loki almost had managed to do so (not consciously of course).
And now here you were: one human with strange abilities and one god of lies, and both of them have a major trust and family issues. And if you really give a thought to it, you two weren't so different, and maybe that was just a good thing. After all, you both understand one another and had learned to earn each other's trust.


You had a great dinner with him. Food was good and you enjoyed very, very much when you were witnessing Loki's first bites of  'earth food'. Half of his meal he had left untouched because of how disgusting and absurd it had tasted like. 

Loki wrapped his arms around you from behind after he had walked over to you. You two were standing on the edge and looking at the view behind the barrier. It was a quiet for a moment as you admired the stars and enjoyed your moment without a fear of someone interrupting you.
Then you took few deep breaths and placed your hands over his on your waist.
"Thank you." you said while you kept your eyes towards the beautiful night sky. You felt his confusion and frowning as he grabbed you better from your waist and turned you around.
"For what?" he asked gently but confused.
"For... everything." you replied softly. He really had made this night special and you even felt like you had started to heal again.
Heal from everything what had happened to you, your father, Peter.. everything. And you wouldn't have ever thought you would say this to him but..

"..You have made me whole again."

Loki looked at you first little shocked, and silence took over you both. But then the shock in his eyes turned into love as he placed his hand gently on your cheek. Loki didn't have any words, but you read more from his eyes than thousand words could ever tell how he felt. It looked like he had finally found the love he had been craving for a long time now.

"Love, you have no idea.." he replied softly as he pressed his lips against your forehead. But you knew what he had meant. You two were broken, but you also filled each other. And you couldn't be happier with anyone else, you knew it now.

You two went back to the car after your lovely and successful night together. It was midnight and if you two were really lucky, everyone else would be sleeping by now.

"Oh no, it's dying.." you said as you picked up the rose Loki had given you earlier. You had left it in the car which hadn't been so good idea after all. You looked regretfully at it and felt sorry for Loki that you haven't been capable to take care of the rose.
"Let me.." he said after little hesitation, and took the rose from your hands. "You want to know my deepest secret?" he asked then as he looked at the rose. You frowned in confusion as you turned to look at him. Loki looked afraid and unsure. You hadn't thought that there would be any more secrets between you two, but obviously you couldn't know since you still didn't have the ability to go into a god's mind.

Then you looked at Loki as his eyes turned to look red and his hand was blue. You watched how the rose started look more alive in his hand.
And then, the blue shape in his hand disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, and his eyes turned back to normal again. The rose was almost frozen but alive as he handed it back to you.
"Now.. it will last until we get back to the tower." Loki said quietly and clearly embarrassed and afraid. You were speechless, but not actually shocked.

You took his hand into yours as you smiled gently at him.

And Loki looked hurt as he turned his green eyes at you.
"I'm a frost giant.." he explained firmly, in fear that you would find it scary or disgusting.
"A.. frost giant..?" you asked, not letting go of his hand.
"I didn't tell you cause... I don't want you to see me any more as a monster than I already am." he replied then with hurt and fear in his voice, and his words made your heart shatter.
"A monster? Is that what you think you are Loki?" you asked confused. "Loki.. love."
Loki turned to look at you as he heard you call him the way you never had called him before.
"I don't see you as a monster, not before and not even now. And I still love you, no matter what you look like. Didn't this night prove it already?" you continued with concern and love in your voice as you tried to prove him your love.
"But I'm a frost giant, Y/N... I-" but you interrupted him again by grabbing his collar and pulling him into a long, kiss.

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