chapter three

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Clint had spent the rest of the evening and night with you, without leaving you from his sight even for a moment. He was super curious why you two had broke up, but you just didn't have the courage to tell him what had happened between you and Loki when you had been kidnapped by him. You were too scared that he would get mad at you just like Peter had.

Fuck that stupid god of mischief who had ruined everything.

You woke up from the couch, Clint sleeping on the floor with only his arm as his pillow. You two had stayed up for too long and fell asleep in your living room.

You sat up and tried hard not to laugh at your best friend, who was drooling while he slept.
But your fun time ended soon as Clint suddenly woke up when someone knocked on your door.

Your father walked in with your little sister Morgan, in his arms.

"Morning kid." he said and drew a quick glare at Clint, who tried painfully to sat up from the rough floor.
"And before you start snarling, your little sister insisted to come check on you." he bid you and let Morgan down from his arms. You rolled your eyes in reply.

Of course he wouldn't have been interested about your well-being.

Morgan run up to you and hugged you tightly.
"Are you feeling better?" she asked with that cute little smile on her face. She was always so adorable.
"Yes I am." you replied and ruffled her hair.

Finally Clint managed to stand up as well and he came to ruffle your sister's hair as well.

"We already ate breakfast, but there is some leftovers in the kitchen if you like." Tony suggested and lifted Morgan back into his arms.
"And you two really look like you had a rough night behind, so I really recommend it to you." he added and pointed at you two.

Of course he didn't even bother to ask why you looked so horrible after crying for hours.

"Thanks, we'll do that, sir." Clint teased. It earned a grin from you too.

Tony just rolled his eyes like usual. He was too tired of you two already, even though you had just got back home from being Hydra's prisoner.

You walked with Clint to the kitchen after Tony and Morgan had left for Morgan's kindergarten.
You went down by the elevator, and as you stepped in you saw Peter, MJ and Thor together in the kitchen.

"I really have to admit, spider-boy, you're funnier than I expected." Thor laughed. You had walked into the middle of something, and it seemed to be something very funny.

"Maybe we shouldn't..." you started and grabbed Clint's sleeve.
"Y/N!" Thor greeted, and it was already too late to run away. Peter and MJ turned to look at you as well.

Peter looked embarrassed and upset as he saw you, and MJ seemed to notice it soon, so she grabbed Peter's hand and said. "Let's go, school is waiting."

They walked pass you without saying a word, and Clint was glaring at Peter with murderous look on his face. You poked him at his side as a sign to stop.

"What was that about?" Thor asked curiously as you sat down across from him, while Clint headed to get you two some breakfast.

"Uhm..." you stuttered. You didn't know should you tell him or not.

But he was going to find it out anyway, any time soon now when Peter was always hanging around with his new girlfriend.

Thor lifted his eyebrows, waiting for your answer.
"We broke up." you managed to blurt out. Thor spat out his cereal and he looked extremely stunned.
"What? Why?" he asked shockingly.
"That I would like to know as well." Clint said and handed you a plate full of pancakes.
"We just didn't work out anymore, that's all." you said, trying your best to sound as convincing as possible.
"But you had been together for months! How's that possible?" Clint asked and shoved a pancake into his mouth. Thor was looking at you suspiciously, like he was suspecting something.

"I don't know, people just broke up sometimes without a good reason Clint!" you murmured. You didn't wanna talk about your ex relationship, and the fact that it literally had fell apart because what had happened with you and Loki.
It was also more frustrating to even think about it, or him.

"Jeez... okay, I'm sorry." Clint bid you with an apology. You glared at him a little and then got back to your breakfast, hoping that Thor would let it go as well.

"What are you guys yelling in here?" your father showed up behind you with Nat, Bruce and Steve following him behind.
"Nothing.." you mumbled and took a bite from your food.

Nat sat down next to you as Steve and Tony walked behind Thor.

"You wanted us here?" Steve asked and drew his gaze at Thor.
"This better be as important as you said, I had to drive with full speed back in here, and I'm really not that surprised if cops are soon at my door." Tony grumbled as he crossed his arms.

You and Clint were confused, you didn't have the slightest idea that Thor had wanted to gather you all in there.

"It is, trust me tiny little midgardian." Thor grinned and sipped the rest of his coffee before continuing.
"I got a message from my father, Odin, as you should know already." Thor started and cleared his throat a little.
"He wants us there as his guests."

You gave a look at Clint, who lifted his head up in excitement. He had always wanted to visit in Asgard.
"Odin really wants to invite humans to his realm?" Nat doubted. Thor grinned as he nodded.
"Yes, he said he had something urgent, regarding to my younger brother." Thor added and glanced quickly at you.

"Oh hell no, I'm not going there if you're brother is receiving us in." Tony huffed.
"Language." Steve reminded Tony, which made him roll his eyes, this time at Steve.

"Loki is in Asgard's most secured cells, you are not going to meet him in there if you don't want it yourself." Thor murmured and pointed at your father with his finger.

"Does Odin need us all?" Bruce interrupted, he didn't like to leave the tower, and leaving into unknown realm like Asgard, wasn't interesting him at all.
"Well, he only said that he needs to meet Y/N, and our 'leader'. But he accepted my suggestion to bring you all with me." Thor replied and looked at you.

"Y/N? Why would he want to meet my daughter?!" Tony grumbled, which made you roll your eyes and sigh heavily.

"I don't know, but I assume it's something to do with my dear brother." Thor shrugged.
"Definitely not, she's not going as long as your 'dear brother' is in there!" Tony murmured.

Thor sighed in reply.

"Odin wants to meet her, that was his only and most important request. So, I'm bringing her with me you like or not." Thor grumbled back as he stood up. You tried hard not to smile, you enjoyed when someone defended you from your stubborn father.

"Tony cmon, Thor just said that Loki is locked up into the most secured cell in the whole Asgard. There is nothing that can possibly go wrong. Besides, we are all in there to protect her." Nat defended you as well, interrupting Tony's attempt to protest.
Tony drew his gaze at Steve who seemed to agree with Nat and Thor. Then you father admitted his loss, and he sighed and nodded as an accept.

"Alright then, but I am keeping my eyes on you the whole time, and you all will as well. I'm not letting that psychotic brother of yours to kidnap her again." Tony ordered them all, and the rest of the team agreed, except you.

You didn't want to be babysitted.

"Agreed then, when do we leave?" Clint said without hiding his excitement. He was super excited for this trip, definitely more than you.

You didn't know if you wanted to go back in there, but you also would like to meet Loki again and clear up some things with him.

"In two days." Thor replied, he was clearly pretty excited too. He really wanted to show you all his real home.

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