chapter twenty-seven

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Days passed quickly as you hung out with Clint, took care of your little sister without forgetting the arguments with your father, and waited for Loki and Thor to come back. The nightmares had started to tease you again and you just wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible. So hopefully Loki would return soon and end them all.

And after four, long frustrating days, you heard the sound of Thor's loud voice as he entered to training room where the team members were training together, including you.
"What's up my friends?!" Thor yelped as he walked in, Loki slouching behind.
"Thor! How was your trip to home?" Clint exclaimed as he saw Thor and followed others and walked over to him. Meanwhile you looked behind him and saw Loki, who didn't seem to be so pleased to see others like his brother. He didn't even smile back at you as he noticed your presence.

"Perhaps your father gave us some good news?" Tony murmured and gave a quick glare at Loki. He still waited impatiently for the day Loki would leave the tower. Loki just rolled his eyes in return and then all sudden walked away, not even bothering to talk back to your father.
"Stop it Stark." Steve grumbled and then they walked back to the gym with Thor to hear what he had to say about his visit.
You instead, looked towards the stairs where Loki had disappeared and wondered what had made him look that mad.

"Ready for a rematch?" Clint asked behind you and pointed at the fighting area.
"Sure.." you hesitated a little and then followed him there.


Later in the afternoon, you walked into the kitchen with Clint, you both almost starving to death.

"Thor? Did you ate all our food again?" you heard Nat's words from the kitchen as you two walked in. You saw Thor, his mouth full of waffles as he stared at Nat. No man in this tower has the courage to stand up against her.

"He did what?!" Clint snarled and looked into the fridge. "Thor! I'm literally starving!" he whined and you saw the urge to hit that god in Clint's eyes.
"I'm sorry! I didn't have time to eat in Asgard! I was hungry!" Thor snarled and swallowed the last piece of his waffle.
"Clint calm down, I'll just order some chinese. And Thor, stop eating all our food, there are literally a lot of people in this tower who need food to live as well." Nat scolded them and then went to ask Jarvis to order you some food.

"I'm so sorry guys, our trip just wasn't as easy as I had expected." Thor sighed as you and Clint sat down with him while Clint kept still glaring at Thor.
"Is everything alright?" you decided to ask, and then kicked Clint gently at his leg under the table as a sign to stop that ridiculous glaring.
"Yes, we're fine. Father was just a little moron again, nothing special." Thor shrugged. You had a strange feeling that Loki had something to do with that since he had been so weird when you two had seen each other again earlier.

"What about you, little mind reader?" Thor asked as he leaned his head against his hand.
"I'm okay, why?" you asked confused.
"I just heard from captain that the little spider-boy is back. You two had a relationship didn't you?" Thor asked and you nodded awkwardly in reply.
"It's alright, we actually talked things through between us few days ago." you said and Clint raised his eyebrow in return.
"You did? Did he even apologize?" Clint asked little stunned.
"Yeah he did actually." you replied firmly and now Clint looked more surprised than ever. And you didn't blame him though, you had felt exactly the same when you had heard his apology as well.
"But isn't that great!" Thor exclaimed and slammed you on your back couple of times.
"Yeah, sure." you replied with hint of smile on your face.

"And perhaps, maybe you two... oh hey brother! I already started to wonder where you disappeared!" Loki interrupted Thor by passing by the kitchen. Loki just glared at Thor and didn't even a take a look at you, and which seemed little weird since he usually did.

"Is something wrong with him? He seems grumpy, I mean more grumpier than usual." Clint decided to ask after Loki had disappeared again. Thor just shrugged in reply.
"No idea, maybe he is just going through one of his bad days again. Or maybe he's still little pissed off because of our father." Thor replied but he didn't seem to be that concerned about his brother as you were.
"What happened..?" you decided to ask then.

"Well, he.." Thor started but he got interrupted again as you heard Nat calling you from the dining room to go and get your foods.
And you couldn't get your answer anymore since Thor was already rushing there to get his food, even though he had just eaten. But you still wanted to know what was wrong with that mischievous god and you were going to find it out today.

It was almost midnight as you walked through the corridors towards your room. You haven't been able to stop thinking about Loki and how the visit in his home had changed something in him somehow. Or at least it felt like it had.

But suddenly then, you saw him coming out of the elevator and heading towards his room.

"Loki, wait." you said as it seemed like he hadn't noticed you at all. He stopped and turned around, but he didn't seem to be happy to see you like usual.
"Hey, is something wrong? I had barely seen you since you came back." you asked concerned.
"Everything is fine." he blurted and then turned around to leave, but you grabbed his arm before he could.
"It really doesn't seem like it, what's wrong? You know you can talk to me." you told him and tried to grab his hand but he pulled it away.
"I said I'm fine, just leave me alone." he grumbled and walked over to his door and turned his back on you. But even though he was the god of lies, he hadn't lied very well at all and you knew he was lying. Even your little sister could recognize that those words were lies.
"Loki please, talk to me." you tried to convince him to trust you.
"No! I told you to leave me alone you.. pathetic midgardian! Just go and run to that little boyfriend of yours and leave me alone!" Loki kept grumbling and even raised his voice at you. And it made you to flinch badly. Last time he had treated you like that was when you had been kidnapped by him. And that isn't pleasing memory at all.

And then he just walked away and slammed his door behind him, and left you there standing like an idiot, who was hiding the fear he had caused in you for the first time after the kidnap.

You rushed back into your room and locked the door behind you. Your feelings were messed up while you tried to figure out what the hell just happened. What the heck was wrong with him and why he acted like that? Had you done something wrong?
You felt how couple teardrops fell down on your cheeks as you sat on you couch. You didn't want your relationship to end, no you loved him too much.

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