chapter twenty-five

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You sat up on your bed your body all the way covered in sweat, you had seen that stupid nightmare of Hydra again and how they had tried to make you one of their super soldiers by trying mind control you. You already had thought that they wouldn't come back anymore, but seems like two times of mind healing hadn't been enough to get them out of your head.

And after you had washed your face with ice cold water to wake you up from the nightmare, you headed out of your room since you started to feel anxious again.
You entered into your floor and stopped on your way to the stairs as your eyes attached on Loki's door. You had got that sudden urge to go to him, but at the same time it felt like a stupid decision. You still didn't want to seem weak in anyone's eyes, especially his.

But it didn't take even a minute as you found yourself knocking on his door, after all, and deciding to let your urges to decide for once.

"Y/N?" Loki said as he opened his door. He was only wearing his pants and was completely shirtless. He looked like you had just woken him up, which you had probably just done.
"Is everything alright?" he asked, sounding concerned but sleepy.
"I-  I'm sorry for bothering you with this, but.." suddenly you didn't get the words out of your mouth and you felt so embarrassed.
"You saw a nightmare again, didn't you?" Loki guessed right away as he leaned against his door.
"Well yes.."

"Would you like to come in?" he asked then and stepped aside from the door. His smile was kind and he didn't seem to be that bothered as you had assumed after all.
"If it isn't too much trouble.." you mumbled but Loki just smiled at you in amuse.
"Come on now, love." he said and pulled you gently in by your hand. He closed the door behind him and led you to sat down on his bed.

"You really thought you would bother me with this?" he asked and kept his hand in yours.
"Darling, you are always welcomed in here."

You smiled a little in return, but then that smile disappeared as you spoke up.

"I just thought you would like to have some own time sometimes and not have to deal with my nightmares constantly." you told him then firmly, but he just kept smiling warmly at you.
"I think I have just enough time for myself during the days while we have to pretend to hate each other, if you still remember?" Loki teased you. "And what it comes to your nightmares, I am always ready and willing to help you with them. I know what it feels like, and I don't want you to suffer from them anymore, because.."

"...because I love you."

You hadn't expected him to say that, so you just stared at him in shock, completely speechless and not knowing what you should say. You had always thought that Loki wouldn't be that kind of person who expresses their feelings and you had accepted that inside your head already.

But then Loki looked down and he seemed to regret his words already. "Yeah it's stupid.. I just-" He had thought that you didn't feel the same since it took you so long to reply.

"No Loki no.." you said softly and placed your hand on his cheek and turned his head towards you. "I- I love you too." 
It felt so much harder to say it than you had expected since you barely had said that to anyone before. You weren't that close with your family and neither of you or Peter had ever said that to each other before. You had noticed how hard it was to you to express your feelings.

Then Loki's disappointment switched into a smile as he leaned forwards to kiss you. And then he pulled you closer by your waist and soon you found yourself on top of him.


"Loki! Brother! Are you there?" you woke up to Thor's knocking on Loki's door. You both stood up rapidly and you looked at Loki very terrified.
"Loki?!" Thor kept banging on his door.

"Go to the bathroom." Loki told you and you took your clothes and ran inside his bathroom. Loki just looked like he was having fun while you tried to hide, but you thought this situation wasn't that funny at all.

You closed the bathroom door just right on time when you heard the door opening and Thor walking in.
"What took you so long?" Thor grumbled and you heard him wandering through the room and stopping really close to the bathroom.
"I was sleeping, what do you want?" Loki murmured, sounding like his normal self again.
"We need to visit Asgard, father's orders." Thor replied firmly.
"What that old oaf wants now?" Loki snarled and it was kind of amusing how he didn't like his own father either.
"I don't know, but they wants us there. And no illusions this time." Thor added with hint of amuse in his voice. "Oh cmon brother don't give me that look, you really thought I would be that stupid and think that it was really you."

"It was worth to try." Loki huffed.

"How long do we have to stay?" Loki asked then and you knew what he meant by that.
"Loki, don't you tell me you had actually started to enjoy in here?" Thor teased and you heard how he slammed Loki's back couple of times.
"Don't be ridiculous brother, of course not." Loki grumbled back. Meanwhile you tried hard not to grin while you tried to listen their conversation.
"Let's go then, shall we?" Thor suggested and you heard his steps getting further towards the door. Loki's steps were hesitating but then you heard him following his brother out of the room and closing the door behind him.

Then you waited for a couple of minutes and then walked out of the bathroom and sneaked back into your room.

After you had closed your door behind you, you noticed a note on your table. You picked it up and you started smiling as you read it.
'I'm sorry love,
I'll come back as soon as my idiotic father let's me."

You smirked and hid the note into your table's cabinet.


You walked downstairs into kitchen to get some lunch. The whole team had gathered around the table and they were having the rest of the cake you had left for them with your little sister who now seemed to be more happy than yesterday.
"Y/N!" Morgan shouted as she saw you and ran straight into your arms. "Look what I found on my table this morning!"

She showed you a beautiful golden necklace which looked very similar with yours, but instead of green emerald, she had a pink stone in it. And it was very beautiful too.

You smirked a little as you realized who was behind this.

"We were actually wondering where she had got that since none of us gave that to her. Do you have any idea who that might be?" Steve asked politely and you saw the questioning face on your father's face as he had turned to look at you too.
"Uhh actually yes.. it's from, me." you lied because you knew damn well what would happen if your father finds out who really was behind that gift.
"You? Since when you have had that much money to spend?" Tony asked while you followed Morgan to the others and sat down next to her.
"Since the day you had started to be her father." Pepper interrupted and it earned few laughs from the team. Even your father smiled at that.
"I guess you're right.. as always." Tony huffed and continued with his cake.

"Has anyone seen Thor, or Loki? I mean, Thor wouldn't miss the chance to eat a cake, ever." Nat asked then.
"Thor told me they had to go back to Asgard again. Didn't tell why." Steve replied dryly. You tried to act surprised, like you hadn't just been in Loki's room and heard the whole conversation.
"When Loki will come back?" Morgan asked innocently and everybody turned to look at her. Your father especially, looked very suspiciously at his younger daughter.
"I don't know, Thor didn't either." Steve replied with confused look on his face. He didn't seem to understand either why Morgan was so interested in Loki.

But they just didn't know how good friends Morgan and Loki were, even those two didn't admit it.

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