chapter thirty-four

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You waited nervously what he was going to tell you. You were actually a little aftaid too, you didn't want to tell Clint that he had been right about Peter.

"When I broke up with MJ, I realized something Y/N." he said nervously while you tried to avoid the eye contact with him.
"And.. what it was..?" you asked carefully, afraid of those specific words. Peter took a deep breath as he stepped closer.
"I... I realized that I am still in... in love... with you." he stuttered while his eyes nervously wandered around the hall. Your eyes widened in shock as you heard what he just had said. You had been a really afraid that this would happen ever since Clint had convinced you that Peter was still interested in you. You didn't want to believe this at all, not at all.

"And I would like to... try again, if you want it too." he added. But instead of feeling flattered of his feelings, you felt offended and upset. You couldn't believe the fact that he actually thought that you two could start again after everything you had been through. You had basically and accidentally cheated on him, and he had done the same to you after he had got very mad that you had cheated. So there was no chance that you two could ever work, and besides you were with Loki now and you definitely weren't going to lose him.

You loved him.

Peter tried to reach your eyes while you just stared into nothing in shock, and not knowing should you get mad at him or what.

"Y/N?" he said softly and tried to grab your hand, but you pulled it away very, very quickly.

Peter frowned at your rejection.

But then before you could have said anything, Peter was lifted up from his collars and pushed up against the wall.
"Don't you dare to touch her!" Loki grumbled as his grip just tightened around Peter, while this poor, way more shorter and smaller boy looked into Loki's eyes with the fear in his eyes.

"Loki put him down." you grumbled, lowering your voice, looking around and being afraid that someone could see you. Then Peter turned to look at you, still the shock showing in his eyes and then turned back at Loki.
"Are you two..?" he mumbled and tried his best not to stutter and seem weak in Loki's eyes.
"Yes we are, and that means, you little mortal, that you have no rights to touch her or even talk to her without my permission, which you will never get." Loki growled while he still was holding Peter up from his collars. You watched from aside in shock but also a little flattered that Loki was so possessive over you.

"Loki! What the hell are you doing?!!" you heard Thor's angry voice from the stairs as he climbed them up on your floor with a bottle of beer in his hand.
"Teaching a lesson." Loki grumbled back at Thor without taking his eyes off Peter.
"Put him down now!" Thor hissed as he walked over to you. Loki gave a very angry glare at his brother as he loosened his grip around Peter, just enough that he could land back on his feet again.

But then Loki turned to look at Peter again, and there was a lot of jealousy and anger in his eyes as he glared at him.

"If you ever touch Y/N again, I will make sure you will experience a very painful death. And if you tell anyone and I mean anyone in this building about us, I will make sure you will die for that too." Loki grumbled threateningly while he still kept his tight grip around Peter's collars. Peter was clearly afraid but still trying to hide it, which he didn't manage to do so well though. He looked at you helplessly and then gave the same look at Thor, but neither of you did nothing. Thor hadn't appreciated Peter's actions during your break up at all, and as a matter of fact, he hadn't liked Peter much before that either.

"Do you understand?" Loki growled then and it made Peter flinch and turn to look at him again.
Peter nodded carefully as he mumbled something that sounded 'yes' to you, and then Loki took his hands off him with little forced help from his brother.
And after Peter had got over his major shock, he turned to look at you in disbelief. But there was no sympathy in you to give him in return. You didn't appreciate him anymore, and the fact that your father had started to treat him differently and better now, hadn't helped it at all.

And then he walked away, quietly and quickly and not turning to look back at all. Seemed like Loki had really scared the hell out of him.

"What the hell was that?!" Thor murmured then as he turned to look at Loki, who was now looking at you. The look on his face had turned into concern and love as he walked over to you, completely ignoring Thor's question. He grabbed your hands in his as he laid his eyes on you.
"Are you okay?" he asked softly, and the earlier, angry and upset Loki was already now long gone.
You couldn't help smiling as you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled yourself into his arms.
"I am." you replied as Loki tightened his grip around you and hugged you very tightly.

But Thor instead was glaring at you two from aside and waiting that your cute little cuddling moment would finally come to an end.

And then you needed to step aside quickly as Thor walked over to you and grabbed Loki's arm and pulled him further from you.
"Now you tell me brother, what the hell were you thinking?" he growled. Loki frowned and struggled himself out of Thor's strong grip.
"Isn't it obvious brother? He harassed Y/N and tried to take her from me!" Loki grumbled, still being overprotective and possessive over you.

Thor turned to look at you and you nodded in return.

"That still doesn't mean that you can attack him like that! Do you really want to return into Asgard already brother? Do you?" Thor grumbled, it seemed like Thor really didn't want his brother to leave back to Asgard. And neither did you too. You had noticed how much Thor actually loved Loki, he just didn't admit it.

"No I don't! But living here is hard enough without that little pathetic spider-boy trying to hurt someone I love!" Loki grumbled back. And it was actually pretty shocking to you and to Thor that Loki had just admitted to him that he loved you. You hadn't thought that he would be that type of guy who could express his feelings like that.

"I know brother, I understand." Thor replied then as he placed his hand on his shoulder, switching his voice from the anger into love.
Thor was the only one besides you, who knew that Loki wasn't playing games anymore and he really, really cared about you.
And now you finally fully believed it too. He wasn't that same guy who had been mind controlled and forced to kidnap and torture
you anymore. That Loki was long gone, even though it was still affecting him as long as your father took care of that.
But you had also noticed too how important it was to him that you had slowly started to trust him and even forgiven him for his actions. And you knew he needed it. After everything he had told about his rough childhood, when he had lived in Thor's shadow and had not been trustworthy in his family's eyes, you knew he desperately needed the feeling of being loved and trusted.

And you wanted to give him the chance to feel those feelings again.

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