chapter twenty

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"So when I am gonna be your bridesmaid?" Clint asked as you were heading up inside the elevator after you had successfully bought your book.
"What?" you laughed and playfully pushed him away from you.
"You're going little bit too far now." you added firmly and rolled your eyes. You had noticed how much he enjoyed to tease you.
"But I really want to be one!" he snarled with his cute baby voice.

"I don't care what you want to be because I'm not marrying anyone." you huffed and stepped out of the elevator. You had also got some groceries with Clint on your way back and now you needed to unpack them.

"Are you getting married?" Thor laughed as you walked into the kitchen and he caused you a major heart attack as you noticed him. Clint laughed at your reaction as he walked in too. "No she's not, probably." Clint replied for you.
You gave an angry and threatening glare at your best friend as a sign to shut up.
"Well if you do, make sure I will be your bridesmaid." Thor laughed and took a bite of his waffle.
"What's that thing with the bridesmaids?" you snarled and placed some milk into the fridge. Thor and Clint both shrugged at the same time in reply and they both had that awful smirk on their faces.

"Did I hear something about bridesmaids?" you heard then a voice behind you. You sighed and shook your head, why everybody had right now to pop out of their caves and hear that stupid conversation of yours.
"Ah brother, yes. Y/N here is going to get married!" Thor kept teasing you and you felt Clint's grin behind your back.
"Sounds interesting." Loki smirked seductively as you looked at him and rolled your eyes at the same time.


"..rusted.. seventeen.."

"No stop."

"..daybreak.. furnace.. nine.."

"No stop!"

"We won't ever stop you pathetic little girl! Not until you're ours!"


Your eyes cracked open as you threw yourself up from your bed and rushed to your bathroom. You were covered in cold sweat and your hands were shaking like crazy, and without forgetting that awful headache of yours too.
"Not again..." you sighed heavily as you washed your face with ice cold water. "It was just a dream, calm down."

You took some deep breaths and tried to stabilize your breathing.

You had already made yourself believe that those nightmares were finally gone, and you wouldn't need any help with those, but looked like Loki had been right after all. And now you had to take the help you didn't want from him, unless...

you won't tell him about it.

You walked down the stairs and headed to the common room. Your usual habit was to leave your room when you had seen any kind of nightmares. You had done it since you were just a little kid. Your room felt so uncomfortable and unsafe after a nightmare that you really had to get away from there.

You walked over to the couch, but before you could've sit on it, someone was already disturbing you. And that someone was Laura with her stupid purse and makeup. She was always sneaking out to parties, which you didn't mind at all, as long as you wouldn't run up to her.

But somehow you always managed to do so.

"Oh hi there, what are you doing here in the middle of the night, all alone?" Laura asked with that pathetic pitying tone in her voice. She was obviously here to annoy you again.
"Did your boyfriend finally left you ?" she added and made that fake laugh of hers.
"Could you just shut the hell up?" you snarled and settled down the book from your hands.
"Oh right, it's supposed to be a secret right?" she teased you. She was smiling that evil grin of hers again and it pissed you off.

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