chapter eleven

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"Thank you so much, this was the best night ever." you thanked your best friend after a lovely picnic on the roof he had made for you.
"Of course little sister." Clint replied while you pulled yourself out of his arms. You smiled gently at him as he placed a soft kiss on your hair.
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Clint asked then. You huffed a little in amuse.
"I'm fine, really. Thanks to you." you replied and gave a look at your beautiful bracelet Clint had got you for a graduation gift.
"If you say so. Good night then, see you in the morning." Clint smiled and opened his door.
"Good night." you replied and after he had got back inside his room, you headed back to yours.

You opened your door and turned on your lights since it had already got a lot darker. It was already a late evening and even still, you could hear the party in downstairs.

As you turned on the lights, you flinched badly and almost got a heart attack when you saw a man sitting on your couch.
"How in the hell had you got yourself in here?!" you grumbled in shock while you glared at Loki, who stood up from the couch.
"You are bad at locking your door." Loki huffed in amuse. He was wearing a black suit and had even brushed that long black hair of his too.

He was looking kinda good.

"Well, that doesn't necessarily mean that you can just walk in." you murmured and closed the door behind you. Loki shook his head and laughed softly.
"I did it anyway. I wanted to congratulate you for your... graduation, I think." he stuttered. He still had some hard times to remember midgardian terms.
"Really?" you smirked a little at that silly trickster god. Loki grinned and came closer.
"Of course, love." he replied mischievously. His eyes glanced through your body as he noticed your dress. He looked little amazed while you tried hard not to blush.

But then he shook his head a little to get out of his trance and cleared his throat.
"I heard that humans have their own tradition and they give a graduation gift." Loki told you and rubbed his neck. He looked like he really didn't know what he was doing. You looked at him little confused but amused as he took carefully few steps closer.

"So I got you my own, turn around." he added with little smirk. You hesitated first, but after Loki had made his -cmon and trust me for once- face, you decided to turn your back on him as he had requested.
Then you felt his cold hands around you as he placed something around your neck. You looked down and grabbed the necklace in your hand. It was golden and it had a small green emerald hanging in it. It was so beautiful.

Loki looked amused and proud as he watched you admiring that necklace he had got for you.
"Where did you get this? It's.. beautiful." you admitted as you still kept admiring it.
"It's asgardian, you.. like it?" Loki asked curiously, like he had expected that you wouldn't like it.
"I actually like it a lot, thank you." you admitted and gave even a little smile in return. Loki sighed a little in relief as he smiled too. And it was rare to see him smiling like that.

"But you still shouldn't had sneaked in my room without my permission. I could've hurt you, by accident of course." you changed subject and the tone in your voice back to its usual serious tone. It earned a laugh from Loki as he smirked.
"You could never hurt me darling." he said and placed his hand on your back as he pulled you a little closer.
"You sure?" you grumbled as you held your breath while his face was only inches away from yours.

You two breathed heavily while your eyes were attached on each other. But neither of you did nothing. Loki wouldn't kiss you, like you had wished the last time you had kissed. It had to be done by you, you both knew that.
You placed your hand gently on his cheek and then did something you had never thought you would actually do.
Instead of kissing him on his lips, you placed a soft kiss on his cheek and then pulled yourself carefully out of his arms.
"Thank you for your gift, it's very lovely." you said firmly but with hint of love in your voice. Loki smiled a bit and nodded. He looked little disappointed, but also understanding.
"Glad you liked it, my lady Y/N." Loki replied and moved a tress behind your ear.

"Good night then.." he added gently and before you could have replied, he already had vanished behind your door and closed it in front of you.


"Good morning lady Y/N!" Thor greeted you as you walked in the dining room. Almost the whole team had gathered there and they all looked exhausted and extremely tired, especially your father.
"I'm glad I didn't get that bad hangover." Clint teased and sipped his coffee as he was sharing some painkillers to his teammates.
You shook your head and poured a coffee into your cup. Your party, hadn't clearly end that well as it had supposed to.

"Shut up Clint." Tony snarled and swallowed the piller with shot of water, which made it look like he was still taking shots of vodka.
"I'm hungry as hell, do we have anything?" Nat snarled from the couch as she was wrapped inside her blanket like a burrito. Thor walked over the fridge and peeked in.
"Nope, we have to go and get some groceries." he replied and it earned a plenty of frustrated snarling from the team.

"Then could you go please." Tony snarled firmly and laid his head against his hands. Your father tried hard to not throw up on the floor. You hadn't seen him in that bad shape for ages.
"Fine, but you will owe me one for this.
Y/N?" Thor replied and turned at you. You nodded in reply and sipped the rest of your coffee down your throat.
"And you come too brother." Thor ordered Loki, who had been standing further, being nearly soundless so no one could notice his presence. Loki rolled his eyes and sighed in reply.

"I will stay here and take a good care of these oafs." Clint said and then smirked at you as he gave you that look. You signed him to cut it off as you had understood what he had meant.
"Great, see you later." Thor replied as he signed you to follow him and his brother to the elevator.
"Remember to keep your brother the hell away from Y/N!" Tony grumbled before the door closed in front of him.


"What the hell is this place?" Loki asked as you entered to the store. He had never been in one before and he was absolutely confused.
"It's a store brother, here humans are getting their food." Thor replied and signed you to follow him in.
"This is absolutely absurd." Loki replied and and looked disgusted.
"Is there anything, that isn't absurd in your eyes?" you sighed in little amuse as you walked through the shelfs and grabbed different type of packages of food into your shopping cart.
"I don't think there is." Thor laughed and then rushed to get some brownies from further.

After you had paid for your food and heard Loki commenting a word 'absurd' again as he had discovered that you had to paid for it, you headed back to the tower by foot. None of you didn't know how to drive after all, and Thor had just only started to learn it couple of weeks ago, so you had to use your feet.

"I noticed you kept the necklace." Loki smirked after you had got a far enough from Thor. You turned to look at him as you kept walking.
"Well, I didn't have any reasons not to." you replied firmly and grinned a little. And it was true, you really didn't have any reasons to take it off. It was beautiful and you liked it a lot.

Your only problem was now your feelings. Those were getting only more and more messed up.

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