chapter forty

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"Love.." you heard a gentle male voice from the door. You lifted your head up and looked at Loki who attached his eyes with yours. You tried to dry your tears because you didn't want him to see you like that.
"It's okay.." he added softly while he took few steps closer. He knew well that you usually didn't like to cry in front of people.

"No, no it's not okay Loki.." you sniffed and looked at Clint while you tightened your grip around his hand.
"I know it hurts to see him like that, I understand Y/N." he replied keeping the loving tone in his voice while he talked. But you shook your head instead.
"How? How could you possibly understand?" you grumbled while your voice started to break. You felt so much anger, pain and frustration caused by the situation. Who ever the shooter was and if they were still alive, you were going to destroy them.

"You really think I haven't lost anyone in my life Y/N? Of course I know how it feels!" Loki grumbled back.
"No you don't Loki! Your family is alive and if I remember right, you told me you didn't have much of friends in Asgard! So please tell me, who have you lost?!" your voice broke as you looked away to hide the tear which was escaping from your eye. All you wanted was to be alone right now, you didn't need anyone, like you haven't ever before.

"You, Y/N! You!" Loki grumbled, his voice sounded hopeless as it cracked. You lifted your head back up and looked into his emerald green eyes which were gleaming. "So please
Y/N, don't shut me out like you do to everyone. You don't need to go through this alone." he softened his voice as he continued. You frowned in return.
"I don't shut-"
"Yes you do darling.. and I understand why. I understand better than you can imagine, trust me. And I want you to understand too that I am here for you and I'm not leaving.. or giving up on you." he told you firmly but with love. Loki was now on the other side of Clint's bed, not wanting to get closer before you would let him.

You took very deep breath and sighed heavily. More tears were trying to escape from your eyes while you tried your best to keep them away from your cheeks. You looked at him, trying to find the right words while million things were running through your head.
Then you stood up, loosened your grip around Clint's hand and walked closer to Loki.
"I'm.. I'm so sorry Loki. I- I didn't mean to. I just.." you stuttered as you realized how ridiculously you were behaving, and throwing all your anger towards him. You knew he had meant good, and you also knew that he was right.

"Hushh, I know love." he replied gently as he walked closer and wrapped his arms around you, and then pulled you into a tight and loving hug. You laid your head against his chest and wrapped your hands around his waist. You took few deep breaths and tried to calm yourself down while you listened to his heartbeat.
You knew you had always shut people out of your life, but only because you never really had anyone who would have been there for you. Except Clint, but he had been the only one who had cared about you even a little bit and also showed it, until now. You were aware that you needed to trust Loki more and let him in. He had proved himself many times already, but something inside you still tried to tell you not to let anyone in.

"I'm so sorry.." you whispered while you tightened your grip around him. It was so soothing to be in his arms and you had already managed to relax your breathing.
"I know." Loki replied shortly but compassionately. You didn't quite understand how he was so calm and understanding but you were thankful for it. You loved that god of mischief so much.


Next morning you woke up and found yourself sleeping on the chair next to Clint's bed. You lifted your head up and looked around you and saw Loki sleeping on the floor. You loved to look at him sleeping, he was so adorable.
But then you remembered Clint and a feeling of panic took over your body for a second as you turned around to see his vitals. You sighed in relief as you noticed that everything was okay, or as okay as this situation lets it to be.

But then you flinched as someone coughed and your eyes widened as you noticed that you two weren't alone in the room.
"You're not supposed to be here." Nat told you as she was grabbing some new bandages for Clint's bruises. "Especially him." Nat added and looked at Loki, who was still sleeping on the floor. You just stared at her in shock, not getting any words out of your mouth.
Then she walked over to you and started to untie Clint's bandages. She gave a look at you while she was working. "Don't worry, I won't tell Stark. He's too hot-headed to hear about this." she told you and glanced at Loki, who was now finally opening his eyes and waking up.
"How- How did you..?" you stuttered, still feeling shocked about the situation. But Nat just smiled and gave a laugh ironically.
"I'm a very good at finding out about things as you should know, and people rarely can hide things from me. Besides, I have seen the way he looks at you." she said proudly as Loki stood up and looked pretty shocked by himself too.
"I know you two had tried to keep it as a secret but that boyfriend of yours just doesn't have the ability take his eyes off you." she continued with a smirk while she started to tie Clint's bruises again.

You saw Loki's eye rolling but you knew he secretly enjoyed it.
"Looks like not everyone are dumb in here after all." Loki huffed sarcastically. Nat smiled and turned around to look at him.
"I'll take that as a compliment." Nat nodded in reply while Loki rolled his eyes again.

But you weren't so okay with this as Loki and Nat might had been. Now that there was one more who knew about your 'secret' relationship, it wouldn't take long before Tony would find out too. You two really should be more careful for now on.

"What's happening?!" you asked shocked as your thoughts were distracted when Clint's vitals had dropped and Nat started rush around the room. Loud noise had filled the room and it told you that Clint's condition had dropped.
"Nat?!" you panicked when she didn't reply. Loki walked over to you and grabbed your hand.

"Bruce and Tony is coming, you two should leave, now." Nat told you firmly while she was trying to do everything she could for Clint.
"Darling, let me take you out of here." Loki told you and tried to trag you with him.
"No! I'm not leaving." you replied and tried to fight Loki, but his grip was very tight and since he was so much stronger than you, it was really hard to resist him.
"Please.." Loki softened his voice enough to get you more calm. You looked at Clint and then Loki, you didn't want to leave your best friend, but staying would be too dangerous for Loki.

And then you nodded and let him take you away even though it hurt like hell.


"Calm down Y/N." Loki told you firmly while you were panicking and wandering headlessly around his room.
"What if he dies?!" you grumbled back at him, resisting his helpless attempts to calm you down.
"He's not gonna die." Loki grumbled and tried to convince you but it didn't help at all. But then Loki grabbed you into his arms and hugged you tightly, making you stop the panicking. "Trust my word, love. He's okay." Loki told you while holding you tightly in his arms.
"But.." you started, but then you realized what he had meant. "You sent an illusion, didn't you?" you sighed in relief with little smirk on your face.
"Yeah, I did." Loki replied gently and with hint of mischief in his voice as he leaned down to kiss your forehead.


"What happened?" Thor asked as he rushed down the stairs into the common room where the rest of you had gathered already.
"Clint's vitals dropped, but he's fine now." Bruce replied and gave a look at you which was nothing more than compassionate.
"Will he still get better?" Steve asked then the question which was probably wandering inside of your minds. You held your breath again and your muscles tensed while you waited the answer. But Loki had soon noticed it and walked closer to you and grabbed your hand secretly in his behind your back.

"I hope so.." Bruce replied, sounding very unsure and insecure while your father tried to cheer him up.
"He will get through this, we all will." Steve replied then. He tried his best to cheer up the team, but it wasn't helpful. Every single one of you in that room knew that Clint can might as well die, but you also knew that Bruce and your father was doing everything they could to save him.

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