chapter seven

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Tony didn't take Odin's suggestion pretty well. He was angry and almost furious as he spoke up.
"Loki?! To earth? In my home where my daughter happens to live as well!" he grumbled at Odin, and not being careful with his words at all.
"Tony calm down." Steve said calmly and grabbed Tony from his shoulder.
"Are you okay with this?!" Tony growled at Steve who tried his best to shut his mouth.
"I wasn't first, but after I talked with the Allfather, I decided to agree with him. Odin has his point." Steve tried to convince Tony who looked like he wasn't going to believe Steve anyway.
"Which is?" Tony grumbled and turned to look at Odin, who looked surprisingly calm.
"I assume that Loki will learn how to live among the humans and he realizes the difference between bad and good. If he joins the avengers -as you call yourselves-, he might have a chance to change." Odin explained firmly. You and Clint looked at each other, and you knew what you were both thinking about.

"But Y/N lives in there! I can't take that.. bastard to live in there when she's around!" Tony grumbled. You were surprised that Odin didn't even bat an eye when Tony had called his son 'bastard'.
"My son Thor, will take care of him and keep his eyes on him the whole time. He will make sure that Loki behaves in the way what it's not dangerous for your daughter's safety." Odin replied, still staying surprisingly calm and stable. Thor nodded in reply, he had accepted the possibility of Loki coming to earth with you.

"You knew about this?" Tony grumbled at Thor.
"I had my doubts." Thor replied firmly.

"What happens when he does something to my daughter? You just let him live in there, just like that?" Tony murmured at Odin again.
"If Loki decides to do something, Thor will bring him back immediately and I'll throw him back to his cell. I think he will act properly if he knows about the other option of living in the dungeons for the rest of his life." Odin replied and you raised your eyebrow in confusion. Seemed like he didn't care about his son that much since he was ready to keep him in there forever.

"Tony, listen. It'll go well, we all are there making sure that he is going to behave. I already contacted Nat and Pepper, and I have their permission for this. I really think we should try.
Besides, it wasn't really Loki, who kidnapped Y/N, he was brainwashed remember? And he's healed, so he's not that dangerous anymore." Steve still tried to convince your father. Tony looked at Steve and then Odin and sighed. This time, for your surprise, he gave up.

"Alright fine, but I will send him back right away if he even looks at Y/N in the wrong way." Tony grumbled and pointed at Odin with his finger. Odin nodded in reply, accepting Tony's terms.

"What about you, are you okay with this?" Clint turned to look at you as he asked.

You literally had thought that no one would care about your opinion at this.

Everyone turned to look at you as you opened your mouth to reply. "I'm fine with it, I trust Thor and that he will keep his brother away from mischievous actions." you replied firmly and smiled a little at Thor who seemed to be relieved by your words.

"Well, now when we all can agree with this, I think it's our time to go back to Midgard." Thor suggested and bowed a little at his father.

Frigga walked over you and grabbed your hands gently in hers.
"Remember what I told you earlier lady
Y/N." she reminded you and leaned forwards to give you a nice warm hug. You got little surprised by that, but you didn't mind it at all.
"You're gonna be alright, trust him." Frigga whispered into your ear right before she loosened her grip around you and headed next to hug her son.

'Trust him'? What that was supposed to mean?


After your goodbyes with Odin and Frigga, and also after the guards had brought Loki to you in chains, you were walking back inside the Bifrost.

"Heimdall!" Thor greeted his friend while he was dragging Loki behind him in to the Bifrost. You couldn't ignore the fact that you and Loki were constantly looking at each other. It was kind of annoying but you couldn't help it. Tony instead, was glaring at him the whole time, not letting him out of his sight.

"So, you're taking your dear mischievous brother to Midgard?" Heimdall replied, seeming to be little amused.
"My father's orders." Thor huffed and gave a look at his brother who just rolled his eyes in reply.
"Well, I hope everything goes well. I'm watching over him from here." Heimdall replied and then twisted his sword, opening the rainbow bridge to earth.
"Hah, you better." Thor laughed and then signed you all to follow him into the bridge.


You entered back to the tower, your home. The rest of the team, including Pepper and Morgan, were receiving you back.
"Welcome back." Pepper greeted her husband and kissed his cheek. Morgan ran to you and you picked her up in your arms. After two days of being away, had already made you miss your adorable little sister.

"Okay brother, we're here. I'm gonna take these off now." Thor turned at Loki and started to unbound him. And after Loki had got free from his chains he sighed in relief. You actually knew how relieving was to get free from chains.

Then Tony walked over Bruce and you saw him handing something over to your father. Tony walked back and went straight over Loki and grabbed his wrist.
"Here's a little gift from me." he told him firmly and attached a wristband around his wrist.
"What the hell is this?" Loki grumbled and you covered your sister's ears.
"Now, your abilities to use your magic are limited and you will not be capable to harm anyone with it." Tony grumbled. "And also one thing, reindeer games, make sure you will stay away from Y/N. Otherwise it will end badly for you."

Loki looked amused as he shook his head. "What ever you say." he murmured little sarcastically and smirked afterwards.

"Okay, if you're done now, we should give Loki his room." Steve ordered and walked over Tony to lead him further from Loki.
"Do we have any?" Steve added and drew his gaze at Pepper, who walked over you and took Morgan back into her arms from you.
"There's one, but it needs a little renovation before he can live in there." Pepper replied.
"Then he lives with me until that." Thor replied and tapped Loki's back few times. Loki didn't seem to be happy about it at all.

"Good, problem solved. Show Loki your room and then you can show him around the tower." Steve ordered and Thor nodded in reply.
"And keep him away from Y/N." Tony reminded and headed back to his lab to continue with his all time work. Thor grabbed Loki's shoulder and led him into the elevator.

And right before the door closed you attached your eyes with Loki, once again.


"You alright?" Clint asked, after you had got safely back into your room after convincing to others almost an hour how you were okay and perfectly fine with Loki's presence in there.
"I'm fine." you blurted and grabbed your book from the table. It had been a long time since you had got a chance to read.
"I saw how he looked at you by the way." Clint smirked as he sat down next to you on your couch.
"Stop it." you laughed and almost pushed him down from the couch.

"You are not starting this again, we have absolutely nothing going on. Or do I have to remind you what really happened?" you grumbled at him.
"But what if that kiss wasn't just a part of his plan? I mean, he hadn't said anything according to it? You had plenty of time when you two were captured by Hydra." Clint questioned you again and it was really annoying.
"...No he hadn't." you lied. You hadn't told Clint what Loki had told you during your time with Hydra. It felt bad for still not telling him everything, but you weren't sure about it either so it was better to think it through first, just by yourself.

And what it comes to that god of mischief, you had no idea what was going to happen now, when he was around.

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