chapter thirty-two

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"Finally, I already started to wonder what was taking you so long." Tony snarled as you two walked into the medical. Clint just rolled his eyes in return as you walked over to Bruce who was already waiting for you.
"Let's check that arm then." he said and started to untie your bandage.

And after Bruce had took couple of tests and replaced the old bandage with a new one, you turned on your father who was studying the alien sword from the battle.
"Where did you get that from?" you asked and frowned.
"From that dead alien who decided to cut you." he replied dryly without letting his eyes off the sword.
"That's.. weird." you huffed. "And did you have something to tell me because I really don't believe that you asked me here only to check my arm." you added and tried to get your father's attention. It was very frustrating when you tried to have a conversation with him while he studied his ridiculous inventions or in this case an alien sword.

"Oh yeah you're right." he replied and finally paid some attention. "I want you to look after your sister tomorrow, we're gonna have a little party, only for adults, and she needs someone who will look after her." he told you firmly, clearly reminding you that you still weren't 'an adult' (at least in his eyes).
"And I assume everyone else in here are adults enough to join you?" you grumbled back, little offended that you weren't included to the party. Even though you didn't even like or enjoy parties, you hated to be surrounded by a lot of people.
"Yes indeed." Tony replied and then went back to his work with the sword, ignoring your glaring.


"Why don't you ever talk back at him?" Clint asked after you two had got into the kitchen to have some snacks.
"I have tried, but as you should know, it never works." you huffed and grabbed some poptarts from the table.
"I'm sorry but your father is an ass." Clint grumbled then and shoved a poptart into his mouth.
"You got that one right." you snorted and it earned a chuckle from Clint.

"Hi." you heard suddenly a voice behind you while Clint's smile disappeared as he saw who there was. You turned around and saw your ex, Peter who was smiling at you like a little child.
"Hey." you replied awkwardly as Peter walked into the kitchen too. Clint didn't seem to be so pleased when he was around, and neither did you.

"So Y/N, I was planning to go to town later, would you like to come?" he asked then, and you and Clint switched some weird looks.
"Uhm, I'm sorry but no. I have.. other plans." you replied and then looked at Clint who put his thumb up in return.
"Oh, it's okay. Maybe some other time then." Peter replied innocently and grabbed his bowl of cereal as he was about to leave.
"Yeah perhaps.." you mumbled and watched as he disappeared again. And then you looked at Clint again as he was still staring after Peter.

"What the hell was that?" he asked then and turned to look at you, looking as confused as you were at the time.
"I have no idea. He had started to act very differently since the day he came back to live here." you shrugged in confusion.
"Has he said anything?" Clint asked then.
"No... or yes actually." you said as you remembered that little conversation of yours in the common room. "He told me about his break up with MJ." you said and you noticed how the look on Clint's face switched completely. "What?" you asked confused. "Do you think he..."

"Oh yes, definitely yes. He's totally into you again." Clint replied without a doubt. You frowned in shock as you realized it too.
"Oh shit." you snarled while Clint tried hard not to laugh.
"I bet your god isn't going to be so excited about this." he grinned, but you slapped his hand gently in return for saying that out loud.
"Ouch!" Clint whined and rubbed his hand.
"Oh come on, I didn't slap that hard!" you teased him and rolled your eyes after he had stuck his tongue out.

"But seriously, does he think that I would be interested in him after everything what happened to us?" you snarled and took a bite of your poptart which you had forgotten to eat.
"If he does, and he does, he is just stupid. But he's just a kid so.." Clint shrugged as he took your plates and threw them into the sink.
"Clint! I'm not that much older than him so that basically makes me one too!" you whined and tried to throw him with the rest of the poptart you had left.
"Oh right... but if it helps, you're so much more mature than him." Clint replied after he had successfully dodged your poptart. But you just rolled your eyes back at your ridiculous best friend.


Next day came quickly, and now you were sitting in the common room with your book while your parents were setting up the coming party.

"What ya doing little mind reader?" Thor suddenly appeared behind you and jumped over the couch to sit next to you.
"Reading, or more like trying to read while those two are constantly arguing about everything again." you replied and pointed at your parents who weren't capable to decide what kind of decorations they were going to hang up.
"Sounds stupid, as long as there is beer, I'm happy." he replied with grin on his face and it earned a chuckle from you.
"I'm pretty sure there is. But try to not get that drunk in there like you did in the last one. Or do you even remember that chaos afterwards?" you teased him as he blushed in embarrassment.
"I'll try my best, but aren't you coming?" he asked then as you closed your book.
"No, I was told that I'm going to babysit my sister and not allowed to come." you grumbled and threw a glare at your father.
"That's unfair!" Thor replied and he seemed to be disappointed that you wouldn't come.
"Nahh.. It's fine." you huffed and looked at Thor who looked like he would have liked to hit your father with the lighting bolt.


The evening had landed finally and now you were getting ready to pick up your sister from her friend's house where she had gone earlier.

And as you opened your door, you saw Loki just right in front of you with his arm raised up.
"I was just about to knock." he smirked as you looked at him strangely.
"I'm going to pick up Morgan, did you have something important?" you asked and looked around you to make sure Tony wouldn't surprise you two.
"I was about to ask if you were planning to go to that ridiculous party of your father's." he replied while he followed you into the elevator.
"No I'm not, I need to babysit Morgan." you replied dryly. But Loki looked pretty relieved of your words instead. "What about you?" you added.

"Never in my life, I hate such things." he grumbled and you laughed a little at that. Loki literally hated your father, and you didn't blame him for that at all.
"Well I hope you find something to do because this night is going to be frustrating and exhausting." you huffed as you heard the music and loud noises, even drunk ones already.
"I was actually hoping to spend it with you this time." Loki replied mischievously while you felt his arm around your waist as he pulled you little closer to him.
"I guess it could work now since my father is definitely going to be drunk for the whole night." you shrugged and then looked up into his precious green eyes.
"It will." Loki replied seductively as he leaned forwards to give you a gentle but passionate kiss.

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