chapter forty-five

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You rushed towards the stairs immediately after you had heard Bruce's words.
"Get back here!" Tony yelled after you, but you completely ignored him. You needed to see if it was true, if Clint was really awake, finally.
You stormed into the medical, the rest of the team coming behind.
Then your eyes attached with Clint's. He really was awake...

..he freaking finally was awake.

You rushed over to him and jumped into his arms.
"I missed you too little sister." he chuckled and grinned a little out of pain. One single happy tear escaped from the corner of your eye as you looked at your best friend. You really couldn't believe that he was there, alive and well.
"How do you feel?" Steve asked and looked at Clint.
"I've been better." Clint grinned and you rolled your eyes. You had missed his terrible sense of humor a lot.
"How is this possible?" Nat asked from Bruce after she had greeted Clint too. Bruce was going through all Clint's files but he seemed to be as confused and amazed as others as well.
"I don't know, according to these files, it shouldn't have been possible." Bruce replied and it made you all very confused. Or not everyone, you might have a clue what had caused his awakening, and so did Loki based on the look on his face as he looked at you from aside. Your father was making sure he wouldn't get close to you and you saw the bottled-up anger in his eyes. You knew what he had seen and you knew what was going to happen next.

"Y/N.." Steve spoke up, making sure that your father would be silent because you all knew he couldn't be able to stay calm at the moment. Steve took few steps closer and his eyes locked with yours. He was serious but obviously confused at the same time, and you knew he craved for the answer, just like the rest of the team. "I think it's time for you to give us an explanation."

You sighed heavily, gathering your thoughts and trying to put them into rational words. You looked at them all in turns, even Clint who seemed to be the most confused of them all. And you didn't blame him tho, he had just woken up from coma.
"What does he mean? What did you do this time?" Clint asked sarcastically as you laid your eyes on him. But you didn't laugh this time like usual, and it made Clint look more concerned over you.

And then you decided to gather all the courage and information you had, and finally tell them everything. From the very beginning, when you had been rescued by the team, to the moment when your nightmares had begun and Loki had offered his help, and all the way to the very end when you had decided to dug into your best friend's mind without his permission and blacked out afterwards.
And first it felt very hard to tell them, without forgetting the fact that you weren't even sure did you want to tell them that. But you knew that they did deserve the truth. You had never told anything about your personal things or problems to any of them. Hardly even to your best friend. But after Loki had appeared into your life, everything had changed. You could even say that he had changed you a little.

First it was quiet. First time ever none of your teammates had nothing to say. They all looked shocked and even maybe a little offended that you had kept this as a secret for so long. You looked up at your father, he didn't look that shocked, no.. he looked more furious and angrier than before and there was also a hint of disappointment in his eyes as he happened to attach them with yours. You knew he had lot of things to say, or more likely to yell.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Nat asked, breaking the long-lasted silence among the team. You glanced over Loki and he gave you a loving look back, as a sign that he was here for you. And right now you felt like he was the only one who really was. Everyone else just seemed horrified.
"I.. I'm not sure. I guess I didn't want to make you worry too much over such a thing." you shrugged.
"Such a thing?" Steve repeated. He was horrified and you knew damn well why. His best friend had gone through the same and you knew he didn't wish it to anyone else, not even to his worst enemy.
"Y/N you should have told us!" Thor spoke up. He sounded very concerned and for the first time ever he really showed it. "We could have helped you!"

You looked down at your knees. You didn't have anything to say, and you always had a proper answer for situations like this. Then you threw your eyes at Clint, he hadn't said anything yet, and you craved for him to say something. But he still didn't.
Clint just stayed silent, looking absolutely disappointed and offended. And then he looked away, wanting to ignore your presence and that gesture made your heart drop.

"Y/N I can't believe you kept this from us. You had been in danger all this time." Steve told you then firmly.
"I think you meant danger to you." you grumbled back and turned your eyes at him.
"Of course not! Y/N you know damn well we just want to protect you." Nat stepped in. "And like Thor said, we could have helped you!" she added, despaired tone in her voice.
"I already got help." you protested and gave a quick glance at Loki who took few steps closer to you.
"But not from all of us." Nat replied dryly and gave a look at Loki too.
"I assure you, I got it under control." Loki responded while straightening his spine.
"No, it actually looks like you didn't." Tony finally spoke up after a long, frustrating silence. Loki frowned and his eyes glared at your father.
"You midgardians couldn't ever manage to master same healing skills as I do." Loki grumbled threateningly. "You wouldn't have been able to help her."

"Oh I know what you asgardians are capable to do. Or do I need to remind you what you did to my daughter!" Tony grumbled back, anger glowing in his eyes. Loki took few steps closer, like giving a threat to your father.
"Brother.." Thor growled while getting closer to his brother, ready to grab him between his arms before something unstoppable would happen.
You watched from aside, not knowing what you should do. Now your father knew about you two and you really wouldn't like to know what was gonna happen next.

"Tony, don't.." Steve came along. He didn't like the way Tony wanted to solve his problems. And this problem was the worst of them all. Tony raised his finger and opened his mouth to say something, but then Bruce (who was the last person you had expected to take any place in this 'conversation') interrupted your father completely by saying "Maybe you should take this conversation to somewhere else. We need to let Clint rest."

You looked at Clint who was clearly uncomfortable at the time and seemed like he really didn't want to be with anyone right now. Which was so not him. And you knew what had made him act that way.


"Bruce is right." Nat grumbled. She was already frustrated and clearly didn't want to involve herself to this fight.
Then Steve grabbed Tony's shoulder and dragged him away while Thor was dragging his little brother out of the room as well. You laid your eyes one last time on Clint, but didn't got any response back. He was mad at you, and for a reason, and that made your heart break even more.
And the situation didn't get any better as you saw your father's look on his face while you were walking towards the common room. And only two words came into your frustrated and tired mind..

Oh shit..

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