chapter forty-four

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Bruce was fighting against Y/N while the others stared in shock from aside.
"Y/N what's wrong with you?! STOP!" Nat yelled again and tried to jump between them and help Bruce to not to turn into Hulk. And with the help of Steve, Nat managed to throw Y/N against the wall, while Thor took care of Bruce and pulled him aside.
"Y/N calm down!" Nat tried again but she didn't respond. Instead, Y/N turned against Nat and kicked her straight at her leg, forcing Nat to kneel down.

"KID!" Tony shouted and tried to stop her, without any succession. Y/N was strong, stronger than any of them had ever imagined.
"What's wrong with her?!" Steve asked shocked while Tony and Nat were trying to hold her still.
Loki looked at her from aside, shocked and afraid. But not afraid of her, but afraid of that this would have eventually happen to her. And it hurt him to see Y/N like that, he felt like he had failed. He knew there needed to be a way to save her.

And just right then, Y/N broke free from Nat's and Tony's grip and kicked them both out of her way. Her next target would have been Steve if Loki hadn't done something unexpected. Right out of nowhere, he appeared behind her back and grabbed her between his arms. Loki held her tightly while she tried to resist and fight her way out of his arms.
"Y/N you need to stop!!" Loki grumbled while he tried his best to keep her inside his arms. But Y/N didn't listen and just kept resisting and punching.
And then, Y/N managed to push Loki against the wall.
"Brother!!" Thor yelled in shock and afraid that his brother would hurt himself.
"Y/N wake up please!" Loki begged and tightened his grip around her, ignoring everyone else around him. "Darling please!" his voice started to break, but Y/N kept resisting and struggling. "Darling you have to wake up!!!" he yelled.

And then, all sudden...

she stopped.


It was nothing else but darkness and void. You were surrounded by nothing. You didn't feel anything. It was like you had no control over anything.

But then...

There was a light, and it suddenly started become brighter and brighter. You heard voices, voices of familiar people and one of them was the most loudest.

And it was Loki's.

"Y/N...!" You heard him in the darkness and you followed that voice into the light. And you started to hear it louder as you were getting closer...

and closer..

and closer..

"Darling you have to wake up!!"
Was those words you heard as you suddenly snapped back into your world. You opened your eyes and looked around you. First thing you saw was your teammates looks on their faces. They looked horrified and shocked, but someway relieved. And then you felt those cold arms, wrapped around your body and holding you tightly against this person's cold chest. You looked up and saw Loki, almost tears in his eyes while he looked deeply into yours.
"..Loki..?" you mumbled in shock. You had no idea how you had ended up in there, on the floor in Loki's lap. The last thing you remember was that you were lying on the floor in pain next to Clint's bed after going inside his mind.

"Y/N?" you heard then Nat's gentle voice. You turned around to look at her. She walked over to you and knelt down in front of you while you felt how Loki's grip around you were loosing.
"Is it.. you?" she asked and looked into your eyes. She also looked shocked and horrified. You nodded in confusion since you had no idea what they were talking about. And then, for your surprise, you felt Nat's arms around you as she hugged you tightly. You didn't quite understand what was happening, and the fact that Nat was hugging you was very confusing and odd.
And then, she helped you up back on your feet while Loki was doing the same with the help of his brother Thor.

"What.. happened?" you asked and looked everyone in turn. Tony's face was shocked but more angry and furious than other's. Steve and Bruce looked at you relieved and Thor seemed to be happy to see you like that again. But you still didn't have no idea what had happened.
"You attacked Bruce.." Steve replied carefully, like he was afraid that he would offend you.
"I did.. what?! Why?" you asked then shocked. You didn't have any memories from the last events.
"We don't know.." Nat replied softly.
"I bet there's someone who does." Tony grumbled as he interrupted Nat. He looked very furious while he glared at Loki and he glared back at your father with unpleasant look on his face.

"How Loki could possibly know that?" Steve asked and took few steps closer after checking that Bruce was calm and stable.
"Well, cap.. I can't be the only one who just saw what the hell he did to my daughter!" Tony growled. You looked at him and then Loki, and then you realized what Loki had just said to you in front of everyone.
"Calm down Stark." Nat told him firmly and walked between you two. But of course those words didn't affect him at all, and soon you found Tony attacking Loki like a beast. He grabbed Loki's collars and pushed him against the wall.
"What did you do to her?!" Tony growled while Loki glared at him angrily.
"You really think that was my doings?!" Loki grumbled back. "It was Hydra you oaf!!" he growled and tried to push Tony further from him without any success.
"Hydra?" Nat repeated and looked at Steve who also looked concerned. You just stared at them in shock, trying to clear your mind. There was still a little headache left and your thoughts were a one big mess.

"You liar! Don't you dare to try to trick us again you filthy little bastard!" Tony grumbled and tightened his grip around Loki.
"Tony you need to calm down!" Steve ordered him but you all knew damn well that Tony wouldn't ever listen to him.
"Not until I had taught this moron-" but Tony got interrupted by Thor who grabbed him by his waist and pulled him away from his brother.
"It wasn't him!" Thor grumbled at Tony after he had managed to drag him further from Loki.

"And how could you possibly know that?!" Tony grumbled back. There was no way that Tony would believe him or anyone else in your group.
"Because he had been trying to help me!!" you suddenly stepped in, grumbling at your father. They all looked at you confused, especially your father. They hadn't expected you to say anything since you had been so messed up after you had woken up from your 'trance'.

"He had what.. exactly?" Tony grumbled and glanced at Loki who took few steps closer to you, ready to protect you from anything that your father would come up with next.
"Helped me!" you repeated dryly while you still tried to get your explanation how you had got into that situation. You had got enough time to figure out that you had somehow got mind controlled by Hydra. Which right now felt very impossible, but it also was the only reasonable explanation.
"Y/N.. what are you talking about? What is all this?" Steve asked concerned and confused. He didn't understand anything more than Tony or Bruce did because they were the only three left who didn't know about your relationship with Loki.
"I think that.. Hydra did this to me." you replied and looked at Loki who nodded in return, clarifying that you were right.

"And you knew about this?" Tony grumbled at Loki while he still tried to struggle himself out of Thor's strong grip.
Loki glared at your father and he would had been ready to protest, if Bruce hadn't interrupted you.

"Guys.. Clint's awake.."

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