chapter twenty-four

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"But before you two come up with some headless ideas how to spent your birthday, we should visit the common room first." you suggested after you had already seen the mischievous looks on Morgan's and Loki's faces.
"Why?" Morgan snarled while she crossed her arms and pouted.
"Trust me, you'll like it." you smiled as you carried the cake back to the fridge so it wouldn't get ruined.

Then you walked back to Morgan and grabbed her on your arms and signed Loki to follow you few floors down.

And after you had got your way to the common room, Morgan already jumped down from your arms and rushed to the couch where her presents lied.
"Wow!" she exclaimed and admired all her gifts from the team. "Can I open them?"

"Of course." you replied and looked at Loki who seemed to be little confused.
"What is wrong this time?" you asked him while you watched from aside as Morgan got all different kind of toys and other stuff.
"Humas give strange gifts for children." he murmured and looked at one of Morgans toys.
"Let me guess, this is absurd." you teased him.
"Definitely." Loki smirked and touched your hand softly behind your back.

"Y/N look!" Morgan interrupted you then and rushed to you with a mini bow and an arrow in her hands.
"Clint seriously gave you this?" you questioned him and looked at the arrow which wasn't sharp, thank god.
"It's so cool!" Morgan chuckled and walked further to try it.

"Isn't that little too dangerous for a little girls like you?" Loki murmured and looked at Morgan who was trying to find out how the bow worked.
"I'm not a little girl anymore!" she snarled and stuck her tongue out at Loki.

Well at least you didn't need to be worried anymore since they both had got back to their old teasing selves. You had almost started think that they would be nice to each other for even once, but seemed like you needed to wait for that for a little longer.


You spent couple of hours by admiring and playing with Morgan's gifts, except Loki, he was just reading his book in the corner of the couch since he thought that her gifts were too childish for him.

"So, what would you like to eat today?" you asked then after Morgan had snarled a bit in hunger. She thought for awhile and then she came up with maybe the most easiest food ever.
"You want pizza?" you clarified then. She nodded in reply and you turned to look at Loki.
"Would you like some too?" you asked politely and distracted him from his book.
"Well, why not. I happened to actually like it when I tried it for the first time." Loki admitted and shrugged at the same time.
"Okay brilliant, what pizza are we gonna get?" you asked then from Morgan.
"Pepperoni!" Morgan said without even giving it a thought.
"Okay, what about you?" you said and turned at Loki again.
"I don't really care, everything is just fine." he shrugged and kept his eyes on the book.

"Okay fine, but you need to take care of Morgan for awhile because I'm going to get those pizzas myself and stop by a store as well." you said then while you were trying to get Loki's attention from his book. You didn't know for sure was it the greatest idea to left those two here alone, especially when there was a chance that your father could come home anytime soon.

"Really? You're leaving me to babysit her?" Loki snarled.
"Yes and I think you two will be just fine." you teased them after you had seen the glare in Morgan's eyes.


After an hour, you came back to the tower with your pizzas and went straight to the kitchen where you assumed them to be. You had been relieved when you had noticed that none of the team members or your mom had come back yet. Your father would had killed you if he knew that you had left Morgan alone with Loki. But you had finally learned to trust that mischievous god, and it really seemed like Morgan had too.

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