chapter twenty-one

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The morning came fast and soon after you had taken a long warm shower, Loki sneaked inside to your room.
"Feeling better?" he asked as you were tying up your hair.
"Yeah." you replied. "No one saw you?"
"Relax, I'm good at sneaking. I had done it in Asgard since I was a kid." Loki replied little amused of your concern.
"I can believe that." you huffed and led him on the couch.

"I was actually wondering, since I didn't got the answer earlier.." Loki started while you raised yout eyebrows in return.
"Why that little sister of yours doesn't know about your powers?"

You sighed.

"Tony, he insisted to keep it as a secret from
her. I'm not so sure why, probably cause he doesn't want to give her some bad examples from me." you shrugged.
Since the day you had discovered your powers, you had felt like Tony had been disappointed on you or something like that. You couldn't read him so properly, your father was very complicated person.
"Bad example?" Loki huffed and shook his head. He didn't appreciate your father's actions at all. And you actually liked it how he didn't obey Tony like Peter had, and still did.

"Y/N, sorry for interrupting but I have an important message for you, from mr Stark." Jarvis interrupted you then suddenly.
"What is it?" you asked and looked at Loki who seemed to be as confused as you.
"He wanted me to tell you how angry he was and that he wants you downstairs immediately." Jarvis replied casually, like it was his everyday job to tell you how much you had screwed up each time.
"Okay... thanks Jarvis." you replied firmly and looked at Loki, feeling a little shocked.

"This can not be good." you whined to him.


"Okay, what is it now?" you asked as you entered into the common room alone and saw your father with Sam, Steve and.. Laura. Tony was looking at you very angrily and Steve seemed to be very confused.
"We have something to discuss about young lady." Tony started and he didn't sound nice at all. You gave a glance at Laura who was smirking at you in secret.

Oh fuck.

Now you were dead.

"Laura here told me, that you had been threatening her last night." Tony murmured and walked over to you.
"What?" you grumbled.
"She told me you had started to threaten her while she was on her way to sleep." Tony explained while you looked at him feeling a little shocked.
"And why would I have done something like that?" you murmured and gave a glare at Laura who seemed to enjoy the situation what was caused by her lies.
"I don't know, perhaps you could tell me? She told us that you had been bullying her since the day they had came here as our guests, and just because you don't like her." Tony replied. You gave a look at Steve who wasn't obviously going to help you out of it this time, and Sam was just glaring at you with his protective-uncle mode on.

"But I hadn't bullied or threatened her! Maybe, I can at least admit that I definitely don't like her but she doesn't like me either." you tried to defend yourself and get some common sense into your father's stubborn head.
"Well, I don't believe she made them up either. So you gotta had done something." Sam interrupted. You gave a glare at him, the last thing you wanted now was the whole team to turn against you.

"Let me handle my own daughter, please." Tony grumbled at Sam, which was a little surprising act from him.

"Okay maybe we should all just calm down." Steve suggested then as he noticed the tension between Sam and your father.
"Don't you dare to tell me to calm down, Cap." Tony grumbled at Steve then. Tony hated when someone bossed him around, especially when that someone was Steve.
"Let's just stick into the point." Steve gave up, still trying to cool your father's temper down. And with quick glare at Steve, Tony turned back at you with that same angry and disappointed look on his face.
"I really hoped that you could have admitted what you did, kid. I'm very disappointed at you, again." Tony calmed his voice a bit and focused it on you.

"Aren't you always.." you mumbled, but quietly enough that your father couldn't hear.

"And since you aren't going to do so, I have to ground you again." Tony said like it was a thing that he had to do and not something he wanted to do.
"This is absolutely ridiculous! You're seriously believing her instead of me?!" you grumbled at them all. You tried hard not to snap and made this a show about you. All you wanted now was to punch that little bitch on her face and perhaps, you will do it someday soon.

"No, you're absolutely ridiculous when you act like that young lady! I can't tell what the hell is wrong with you these days? You had been acting so badly!" Tony started to get more angry with you again. You looked at him and then Steve and you could even see how disappointed he looked too. And usually he was on your side and questioning Tony's decisions, but not this time. Now he seemed to believe Laura and her stupid lies.

"I can't believe you all believe her lies. You guys are unbelievable." you grumbled and then after you had given a murderous glare at Laura, you turned around and headed to the stairs and not wanting to go on with this conversation any longer.


"Let it go Tony." Steve said and grabbed Tony's shoulder to stop him from going after you. "You can discuss about this later, but we need to help Sam and Laura pack their stuff first."

You ran up the stairs and when you got to your floor you saw Loki and Thor discussing at Loki's doorway. You ignored Thor's happy greeting wave at you as you just slammed your door behind you as you walked aggressively into your room.
And right as you had got into your room, you noticed how you couldn't ignore that one thought that had appeared into your mind. You noticed that all you wanted now was to learn how to use that mind controlling ability of yours and make your father believe that you were the victim in here. Perhaps only then, he could see how wrong he was.

How wrong he was about everything.

"Y/N?" you heard then Thor's voice behind your door after a few minutes since your aggressive appearance.
"What?" you grumbled from your couch. You heard two voices talking together behind your closed door. And you assumed that Thor had dragged Loki with him.
"Is everything alright?" he asked politely, not having enough courage to open your door.

"Go away." you grumbled in reply. You weren't in the mood to talk with them right now.

Then you heard their whispering, like they were thinking you couldn't hear them.
"Maybe we should ask Clint." Thor suggested.
"Or maybe you should just leave her alone, brother." Loki murmured back, although there was a hint of concern in his voice and you knew he would had liked to come in to find out what had happened.
"No, I'm gonna ask Clint anyway. He might be the only one she lets in." Thor replied and after Loki had sighed in return, you heard their steps getting further from your door.


After couple of minutes, you heard a knock on your door again and you assumed that it was that dear best friend of yours who Thor had insisted to get there to check on you.
"Hey, Thor told me you came here like a walking hurricane, is everything alright?" Clint asked as he opened your door and welcomed himself in.
"Can't you all just leave me alone?" you snarled.

"I can, after you had told me what the hell is wrong with you this time." Clint said as he sat down next to you.
"It was just my father again, you know what he is like." you replied, not mentioning the reason your father had got so angry again. You didn't want to tell him about Laura or what really had happened last night.
"Surprise.." Clint sighed. "What did you do this time?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." you snarled in hope that he would let it go already.
"You never do, and I can't make you either. But don't tell me he found out about you and.. him." Clint asked like he feared that your father was behind your door listening your conversation (what wouldn't be so surprising either).
"No, thank god no." you replied in relief. The very last thing you definitely needed now was a lifelong grounding and Loki getting killed.

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