chapter six

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"Uhh... I was just in the bathroom." you lied quickly. Clint looked at you suspiciously and you saw how he didn't believe you at all.
"We have a bathroom in here Y/N, where did you really go?" he asked again, sounding now more serious. He wasn't going to give up and you knew it. You tried to think hard but you couldn't come up with any excuses.


You needed to tell him the truth.

Also you are tired of lying to your best friend, so it's maybe a time to tell him now. You weren't going to do the same mistake with him as you did with Peter. You couldn't lose him, ever.

"Y/N? You can tell me." he softened his voice just enough to make you relax more. You sighed heavily as you gathered all your courage to tell him about Loki.
"Just promise you won't get mad?" you stuttered and looked down at your feet. Clint scowled in confusion.
"It can't be that bad that you would get me mad." he replied in amuse. You rolled your eyes, he had no idea what was coming.

"This one just might be.." you mumbled and then lifted your head up again to look at him directly into his eyes.
"I lied, I wasn't in the bathroom. I was in..... in the dungeons, meeting Loki." you tried to be as confident as you could in that situation.
You clenched your fists together as you waited for his reaction.
Clint's face was first shocked as he stood up, but when he started to walk over you, his shocked face switched into gently and little amused smile.
"I knew it.." he chuckled and sat down next to you. You felt like you wanted to gasp in shock, but instead you asked: "How?"

"After those fights with Peter. You never talked about them and you never had fought with him like that before you got kidnapped. I knew there must had happened something while you had been in here. And after your break up, it just confirmed my doubts." Clint explained, he didn't seem to be mad at all.
"Then why didn't you say something?" you asked.
"I waited you to tell me that yourself. And also if I had been wrong, you probably would've kicked my ass or something for it." he grinned and poked you a little at your side. You couldn't help grinning either, it was relieving that Clint hadn't got mad at you at all.

"So tell me now little sister, what happened between you and that god over there? Peter had got so mad at you after you had returned back, so there must be something." Clint suggested and pointed towards the door. You looked down again, avoiding his eyes and hesitating, you felt like you didn't have enough courage to tell him.
"Hey, seriously Y/N, it's alright." he added when he noticed your hesitating. He grabbed your hand gently in his and smiled.

"I.. or he.. kissed me." you stuttered, hating to admit that to anyone.

Clint's eyes widened and he went totally speechless for awhile. "You did.. what?"

"It just happened.." you mumbled, thinking that at least now, Clint was upset and disappointed at you. Maybe he was going to leave you as well.
"I can't believe it." Clint blurted and looked into your eyes.
"You got a kiss from a god!" he snarled with the biggest smirk ever. Now your eyes widened in turn and you looked at him shocked.
"You're not.. mad?" you asked in shock. Clint shook his head in amuse.
"Of course I'm not, but I have to admit that I'm little surprised instead. He kidnapped you!" he replied and was still amused.

"I'm as confused as you are! I have no idea why he did it. Probably it was just one part of his plan back then." you told him. You really couldn't believe Loki when he had told you about his feelings. He had to have some ulterior motive behind it.
"Yeah probably... but I just can't believe you didn't tell me this earlier! I'm your best friend I should've been the first one you tell this." he laughed. Clint wasn't mad at you, not even the fact that you had kept this as a secret for so long time.
"Well I didn't tell anyone else either, first. What do you think would happen if my father hears about it? You know what he was like when I was with Peter." you murmured. You didn't even want to think about how mad he would get if he just knew.
"Oh yeah right. He would probably ground you and kill Loki." Clint gave a laugh. He had learned pretty well how your father behaves.
"That's right, so please can this just stay between us." you suggested.
"Of course." he smiled and leaned forwards to hug you.

You were so relieved that he hadn't got mad at you. You couldn't imagine a better friend than him.


Next morning came quick and you woke up after one rough night behind. You had explained to Clint about you and Loki and your break up with Peter because of it. He had also asked about your little night trip to the dungeons, but you hadn't gave him all the details though. You needed to process this through by yourself first.

Thor were leading you and the team to the dining hall and your father was extremely annoying while he was snarling about being in Asgard and how dangerous it was to you be there while Loki was around.
"Can you just stop already?" you snarled, tired of listening your father's stupid overprotective mode.
"No I can't, not until we are out of this place." Tony grumbled.
"Oh cmon Tony, Y/N is perfectly alright." Thor murmured, he was little offended. Asgard was his home after all.

You stepped inside the big dining hall and you all gathered around the big table, where Odin and Frigga were already sitting with Steve. They seemed to have an important conversation going on.
"Good morning to all, did you sleep well?" Frigga asked after you all had sat down.
"We did, thank you mother." Thor replied politely and gave a light kiss on his mother's cheek.

After you had filled your stomachs with delicious asgardian food, Thor stood up and signed you to follow him. While you were there, he wanted so badly to show you all the things in Asgard. Besides Steve had some business going on with Odin anyways, so you had plenty of time to walk around the palace.

"Thor, wait." Frigga called after you all before you could leave. "I would like to borrow Y/N for awhile, I think we have something to discuss about." she told him and smiled at you. Tony looked like he wasn't going to allow it, but he couldn't say anything after Thor had drew a angry gaze towards him.

After the others had left, you followed Frigga through the palace into her suite. It was as lovely as last the time you had been in there.

"Sit down my dear." she gestured and you sat down next to her.
"So, how was your night? Everything went alright?" she asked gently.
"Yes, I slept well." you told her innocently, acting like she didn't know anything about last night's events. She smiled in reply.

"It was awful to hear what happened to you and my son. Loki was in terrible shape when Thor brought him back, I had to heal him for a long time to get him back to this world." Frigga sighed, seeing her son in that shape had broke her. Frigga truly loved her son and you needed to admit that you were just a little jealous about it. "And I would like to know what you're feeling right now. Have you had any signs others should be worried about?"

"No, I'm perfectly alright. Hydra didn't manage to get me under their control as they had got Loki. And I also feel just fine." you convinced her, just like you had convinced the others as well.
"It's good to hear that dear, but you can always contact me if something goes wrong. I can help with my magic." she explained and smiled kindly. She was always so generous and warm.
"I will, thank you." you thanked her politely. You really wanted to impress her, and you didn't do that often with everyone.


After you had talked with Frigga a long time about your time with Hydra and your abilities with mind controlling, you were heading back to the throne room where Odin had requested you to come.

You had to admit that you were still little confused about those abilities of yours, even though Frigga had tried to help you with them as best as she could. But you really didn't have that much time to learn how to use them so you needed to survive your own for now. And you really hated that she couldn't be around to help you with it.

"Alright, now when everyone had gathered. I and your Captain have something to tell you." Odin told you all, straightening his spine and raising his chest a bit at the same time. He gave a look at Steve who nodded and let him carry on. Tony gave a suspicious look at Odin and Steve, while the others were listening Odin carefully and waiting for his next words for you.

Odin cleared his throat first and then he continued. "We had discussed with Steve about Loki's punishment for his actions with Y/N, and I had suggested that Loki, will join you into Midgard."

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