chapter thirty-five

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"I'm so sorry Loki, I had no idea.." you started in the next morning as you met him at your floor. But he stopped you by grabbing your waist and pulling you into one passionate kiss. It was quite surprising act from him since he had been kind of mad the rest of the night.
"I'm not mad at you darling." he said after he had pulled his lips out of yours. Even though he was telling you that very convincingly, you still felt bad and like it was somehow your fault. You were also embarrassed that you hadn't been capable to reject Peter the second he had told you about his feeling, but frozen and just stared at him in shock.

"I know but.." you said but he pressed his finger on your lips.
"Husshh now, love." he said seductively as he smiled, and you couldn't help smiling either.

"But you still believe that I don't have any feelings for him at all? Right?" you asked then, sounding very concerned.
"I do." he replied without any hesitation and then he pressed his lips against yours again. It almost seemed like he wanted to avoid that whole conversation about yesterday (and it kind of worked, though..).

"You two should be more careful." Clint said as he appeared behind you and it almost made you to hit him. "You really are loosing your grip Y/N." he grinned and it made Loki to roll his eyes in return.
"Yeah, as if." you sighed heavily and gave a glare at your best friend.
Even though there was a point in his words. Your secret relationship with Loki wasn't so secret anymore and you just wondered when the rest of the team would finally find out.


"Soo, I heard about that thing with Peter. Can I say now that I was right?" Clint whispered as you two walked over to the dining table while Loki was still making his tea in kitchen.
"Oh shut it." you hissed as you sat down with others, who were in huge hangover. You father was sipping his coffee and leaning against the table, Steve and Nat hardly even stayed awake, Bruce looked totally normal since he didn't have the habit to get totally wasted, and Thor was happily eating his sandwich since he was a god who healed very fast.

"How do you even know about it?" you whispered then while you were sitting a little further from the others.
"Thor got pretty wasted during the final hours, I needed to shut his mouth before it was too late." Clint replied and sipped his juice. You gave a glare at Thor who didn't seem to understand what it was for.
"Thanks.." you replied then, being upset but relieved that Thor hadn't get you into a huge trouble.

Then you turned to look at Loki who was sitting down too and looking pretty amused how the others looked at the moment. He really enjoyed it.

"How is it possible that you don't look like that?" you asked then as you watched your teammates' hopeless faces.
"I didn't feel like getting wasted, it wouldn't have been fun without you." Clint replied and grinned as he earned a laugh from you.
"Well, as soon as I had managed to come up with a working plan how to convince my father that I'm adult enough to join his parties, then we can get totally wasted together." you replied while Clint chuckled and smirked in reply.


The next few days went well, Peter hadn't told anyone about you and Loki, and Loki had got little less mad than before. He was still little pissed and jealous, but he only let it show around Peter but not when you two were alone.

Loki also had started to work with your nightmares again since it had started to seem like they were never ending and long lasting teasers. It was scary how Hydra was still affecting you like that and you sometimes had started to be afraid that they would take the control over you again. The nightmares just felt so real. But you didn't have the courage to tell anyone, you didn't want to seem crazy. And you really do believe that Loki would be the one who will manage to take them away. At least you really hoped so.

Now it was early evening while you were training with Clint in the training room.

"You had started to be very good with those." Clint finally admitted after you had pushed him against the wall with dagger on his throat.
"Wow, are you really flattering me?" you teased him, and he huffed and rolled his eyes in reply. Then you let him go from your arms, and then you two headed back into the elevator since you had almost been training the whole day already.

"Should we get some snacks next or what do you think?" you asked as you were heading up by the elevator.
"Nahh, I don't feel like it. I was just thinking to get some sleep, I'm tired." Clint snarled and then yawned.
"Don't feel like getting snacks? You're broken, brother." you teased him, you knew how much that man loved food.
"Okay fine.. but later cause I really am tired and I need some rest. Like you should too little sister." Clint huffed and it earned a chuckle from you. It didn't need much to convince him to eat.

You walked through your corridor into your room. But as you opened your door, you almost had a heart attack when you saw Loki standing in the middle of your room. He was wearing that full black suit of his, his hair were brushed back and he was holding a red rose in his hand.

"You literally need to stop scaring me like that." you snarled as you closed your door behind you. Loki just laughed in amuse as he walked over to you.
"I will if you do something for me." he replied then mischievously, and you couldn't ignore how good he looked in that suit at the moment.
"And what it would be?" you asked politely and with hint of teasing tone in your voice.
"Dress up." he replied shortly and with smirk on his lips.

You looked at him suspiciously but then nodded in return and accepting his request.

"Very well then." you replied politely, hiding the excitement in your voice as you vanished into your bathroom to clean up quickly after your train with Clint.

And after twenty minutes, you had cleaned yourself and dressed up. You had done your hair quickly and put even some makeup on, and you were wearing a casual, black dress.
And as you walked out of your bedroom, Loki's eyes attached into your dress and his jaw dropped a little in amazement. You blushed as you walked over to him. Loki handed you that red rose in his hand while his eyes were still wandering around your body.
"You look stunning darling." he managed to say as he attached his eyes with yours.
"You don't look that bad either." you replied while you straightened his collars. Loki smirked and then leaned down to give you a light kiss.

"Shall we then?" he asked after he had broke the kiss and offered you his arm. You wrapped your hand around his arm and then let him led you out of the room and towards the elevator.
"Where are we going?" you asked curiously as you stepped inside the elevator. Loki smiled mischievously in return.
"You'll see." he replied shortly but with hint of proud in his voice. Seemed like that mischievous god had done something he was very proud of.

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