chapter twenty-eight

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You didn't even bother to talk to Loki for couple of days after he had suddenly yelled at you. You wanted to give him time and peace since something was really bothering him. And that something caused him to avoid you during the next days, and you didn't really enjoy it. After what he had said to you that night, had got you thinking. He had made you to fear that he didn't want to be with you anymore and it all would end just like your previous relationship.

You walked into the kitchen early in the morning in hope that no one would bother you. You weren't in the mood to hang out or even talk with anyone. All your thoughts were in Loki all the time.

But when you entered into the kitchen, you saw your little sister Morgan, all by herself and trying to reach for a box of cereal from the upper shelf.
"What are you doing here alone this early?" you asked and grabbed her from the chair and put her down on the floor before she could hurt herself.
"I was hungry." she snarled while you climbed on the chair to get her cereal.
"Then why didn't you wake someone? You could have hurt yourself." you told her and grabbed a bowl for her cereal and a cup for your coffee from the shelf as well.
Morgan just shrugged in reply while you sighed heavily and rolled your eyes.

Then few minutes later you two sat down in the dining room to have your breakfast together.

"Y/N?" Morgan started after few minutes of silence and you raised your eyebrows in return.
"Is Loki mad at you?" she asked firmly and you looked at her quite surprised.
"Why-.. why do you think so?" you asked carefully while you took a sip of your coffee.
"You two had acted strangely and it looks like you are mad at each other. Are you two going to break up?" she asked then, sounding very disappointed if you two would.
"Break up-?  ..Morgan what are you talking about? We're not together." you replied quickly.
"Don't lie to me!" she whined then and crossed her arms as a protest.

You sighed heavily and put your coffee aside.
"You notice a lot of things for a five year old, you know that?" you huffed and leaned against the table. Morgan just grinned and nodded in reply. "But you have to promise that you won't tell anyone about it." you added firmly. Last thing you needed now was your father's anger next to Loki's.

"Pinky promise!" Morgan replied, and you two made that a pinky promise like she had wanted.

"..But what about Loki?" Morgan asked then and she sounded more sad than earlier. You shad noticed how much she liked Loki.
"I'll talk to him, okay?" you suggested and then walked over to her to give her a light kiss on her head.
"Okay." she replied as you grabbed your empty dishes and carried them back to the kitchen.

"Wow, look who's up this early!" you heard your father's voice as he entered to the common room where you and Morgan had went to watch cartoons after your breakfast.
"Dad!" Morgan exclaimed and jumped on his arms while you turned around and greeted Bruce and Steve.

"I bet you two hadn't even gone to sleep yet." you protested as you noticed the dark circles around Tony's and Bruce's eyes.
"We have a great project going on right now." Tony snarled and put Morgan back down.
"That great that you don't even have a time to sleep?" Nat huffed as she entered into the room too with your mother.
"Yes it is. Actually, I think I just might go and get it done since it's almost finished. Coming Banner?" he replied and then tried to drag Bruce with him who looked like he could turn into Hulk any time soon just because he was so tired.

"Okay but you better not forget that you had promised Morgan the movie night today evening. So get some sleep before it." Pepper reminded your father and then grabbed Morgan on her arms.
"Yeah yeah." Tony huffed and rolled his eyes. "And by the way, you're all coming." he added quietly and gave a look at each of you to make sure you all had to join to watch some boring kid's movie.


"Alright! What are we watching?!" Thor exclaimed as he walked in, dragging Loki behind him. Thor was always so excited for kid's movies, he still had that five year old kid inside him.
"A dragon movie!" Morgan shouted and grabbed Thor's hand and dragged him over to the couch while others followed from behind.

You watched how Loki slouched on the corner of the couch, still not even giving a look at you. He acted like you had done something wrong but you didn't have the slightest idea what it could be.

But then your thoughts got distracted as Peter entered to the common room as well and greeted you happily like usual.
"You came to watch the movie too?" Peter asked, sounding a bit too excited about it.
"Yeah.. dad wanted us all." you huffed and then glanced at Morgan who was picking the movie with Thor's help.
"Should we go then..?" Peter suggested and pointed at the two empty seats which were left on the couch. You nodded in return and then you two walked over to the others just right on time as the movie started.

You took your place next to Clint and Peter sat down on your other side. And it felt quite uncomfortable, but you didn't want to complain or be rude. You just needed to sit there for a one movie and then it would be over.

The time went slowly since you had seen that movie 'how to train your dragon' little too many times because of your sister. But Thor instead was very amazed and probably the only one who gave his full attention to it. He was the only one besides Morgan, who loved kid's movies and cartoons.
And during the movie, you had noticed how much Peter had started to talk to you again. He literally acted like nothing had ever happened between you two. But maybe it was just a good thing?

Or not.

At least it had seemed to get some kind of attention from Loki as you had noticed how he had glared at Peter couple of times.


Your eyes cracked open as you woke up in the middle of the night again because of your nightmare. You had fallen asleep on the couch in the common room with the whole team with you. You tried to stand up without making any noice that would cause them awake. Thor was sleeping with Morgan leaning against him and Nat and Steve were sleeping on the floor, Nat curled up next to him. Your father had fell asleep on his chair, and Peter would had almost fallen off the couch if Clint hadn't collapsed on his way after you had managed to get yourself up from underneath him.

Only one person hadn't fallen asleep on the couch with others, and that one was Loki. There were only an empty spot left where he had sat on.

But then you suddenly felt like you needed to get away to somewhere where you could be alone, so you headed carefully up on the roof without waking up anybody. You also hoped that you would run into Loki so you two could finally have a talk. Hopefully you had given him enough time so he would be ready to talk with you soon.

You sat down and grabbed your legs inside your arms and leaned your head against them. You felt tired but you didn't want to go to sleep because you assumed that Hydra wouldn't leave you alone if you did.

You had also started to be more afraid, not the dreams, but yourself. There was very good reasons to feel so.

But then your thoughts broke as you heard steps behind you, and soon you saw that familiar black haired god, who had decided to take a seat next to you.

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