| fifty-one |

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Hello hello everyone I'm back with another chapter!  Kinda hate how my writing for this book is so sporadic because I really can't tell if I'm happy with what I've written for these important scenes or nah. Idk

Also I looked at so many pictures of people with heroin overdoses in the hospital in order to write this part of the scene and it was fucking sad to do so. I basically cried writing this chapter, addiction is truly a very tragic.

ANYWAYS I hope this chapter makes you feel something! Please comment and excuse any errors xx

Also the song below is Hey Lord by Labrinth, very good song and very relevant for this chapter more so how Adriana probably feels at this moment.



Hey Lord, you know I'm tired

Hey Lord, you know I'm tired of tears

Hey Lord, just cut me loose

Hey Lord, just cut me loose

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The faint beeping of a hospital heart monitor was the first thing Adriana was aware of when she woke up. The steady beeping sounded muffled at first but eventually grew clearer, planting a seed of anxiety in her heart. Her vision cleared after a few seconds of opening her eyes, recognizing her surroundings to be the inside of a hospital room. There was no one else around her, the door of the room was closed, and it was dimly lit. A groan escaped her open mouth causing her to move her gaze to the large tube that was occupying her mouth and throat, providing her with oxygen. Her eyes moved to the IV drip connected to her right arm. Her eyes darted to her left arm, widening slightly when she noticed the track mark on the area where she injected herself with heroine. It suddenly dawned upon her why she was in the hospital room.

  The beeping on the monitor began to rise as her eyes grew glossy with tears of utter disappointment in herself. She felt like her heart was banging against her ribcage violently as she was bombarded with images of her last night sticking a needle into her arm with the deadly drug that made her overdose. When she remembered that Mateo witnessed her overdose, it was like she felt her heart was physically, painfully struck with a bout of anxiety. The tears began rolling down her cheeks as she looked to remove the tube from her mouth and unplug herself from the saline drip bag so she could search the hospital for her son. She struggled to sit up due to the breathing apparatus and tubes stuck to her. She felt trapped and even though there was oxygen being shoved into her lungs she felt like she couldn't breathe.

  The beeping on the monitor was louder now, and luckily it attracted attention from the outside. Adriana's heart lurched in her chest when the door opened, only to see that it was Harry who walked in, causing her heart to sink in her chest. No no no no. The words echoed in her mind as she locked gazes with him. The first thing that she noticed was that his eyes were puffy and red around his washed-out green irises. He had a coffee in his hands that he almost dropped when he noticed that Adriana was awake, and her heart monitor was going crazy. A muffled sob escaped her lips, eyes closing tight shut because she couldn't bear to see the pain on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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