| twenty seven |

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hey yallllllll I'm back! hope y'all enjoy this chapter, or at least try to haha (:

There's a few paragraphs in italics! Those are flashbacks!


Lost and afraid, young and innocent, but getting older

I don't want to be alone



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"Mi luna!"

  The sound of Mateo's happy laughter followed by Adriana's soft chuckling brought a smile to Harry's lips. It was the following morning where Harry had decided to take the morning and afternoon off from work to spend time with Adriana and Mateo. He suggested spending the beautiful day at his swimming pool to brighten the mood of both Mateo and Adriana. Adriana and Harry decided that they will have a talk again about her addiction the morning after, but Harry told her they could do it at night and instead enjoy the morning. He just felt like he needed to cheer her up after the rough night they had.

   "Fuck she's so tight."

  Harry snapped his head to the left to glare at Niall who had his eyes trained on Adriana as she climbed out of the swimming pool. Her slim body was clad in a dusty pink bikini.

   "Niall," Harry continued to glare, making Niall remove his gaze from Adriana and smirk at Harry. "Don't."

   "Sorry, peach. I'm just wondering how she's managed to maintain a body like that while being a coke addict," Niall said bluntly.

   "I don't know either, but I can see she's losing weight," Harry said with a little sigh, noticing Adriana's spine sticking out a little as she bent down to take Mateo into her arms.

   "Has there been any progress in getting her to stop?" Niall questioned, adjusting his Ray-Bans on the bridge of his nose.

   "I tried getting her to reduce her intake to one line a day. But sometimes she'd go and do more without telling me. She did that yesterday," Harry mumbled sadly, making Niall pout.

   "Don't be too upset if it happens often, Harry," Niall advised. "You can't expect her to quit or reduce that quickly. It's-"

   "Hard, I know," Harry murmured. "I'm just...scared. Scared and worried. She told me she does it to forget what happened to her in the past."

   "What happened to her?" Niall questioned with a frown.

   "I don't know. She hasn't told me that. I asked her about it yesterday and she got all anxious and afraid. It's too painful for her to talk about it now," Harry explained, making Niall pout sympathetically.

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