| forty five |

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I am SORRY if this chapter ain't that great but I tried my best.

Just to remind you what happened in the last chapter: Dean tried to kill Harry but Harry ended up stabbing him out of self-defense. This chapter starts off right after Dean died from the stabbing.

Enjoy my lovelies, excuse any errors and I'm so sorry for the wait!


R.I.P. to my youth

You could call this the funeral



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It was everywhere.

  The stench of it filled Harry's nose and was making him dizzy. His pale eyes were wide with shock, lips slightly parted and skin pale because he had just committed a crime. Adriana sat there in shock, trying to comprehend what had just occurred. Harry killed Dean. Dean was dead.

  Her abdomen ached as she pushed herself off the floor to move towards Harry, who was laying there in shock, staring at Dean's limp body. She took a moment to look at Dean, feeling absolutely nothing but numbness. His dark brown eyes were empty, a single tear streak stained the left side of his face. The blood from the stab wound was spreading across the carpeted floor, growing like a disease. Adriana grimaced at the way Dean was staring into space with his dead eyes, before looking away and at Harry who was still shaking.

   "H-Harry," she turned to him, touching his arm but he didn't react. He just sat there staring at Dean. "Harry, look at me."

  Her words were almost muted in his ears, everything was playing in slow motion. He wanted to respond to her but he couldn't; he was too tongue-tied. Adriana didn't want to leave him to deal with what happened but she had to call Donnie at least so she grabbed Harry's arms and tried to pull him up. His movements were slow, blood-stained hands held out in front of him like he didn't know what to do with them. His gaze was still fixated on Dean and it worried Adriana immensely but she tried not to focus on that worry.

   "Just wait here, I'll be right back I'm gonna call Donnie," she told him, hands touching his face to direct his gaze to hers. But when she looked at him all she could see were pale, dead eyes. "I'm so sorry."

  Harry didn't respond, he simply stared back. Adriana sighed lightly under her breath before moving away to grab her phone and call Donnie. Her hands were shaking as she heard the rings going off in the phone before feeling a wave of relief when she answered. Her trembling voice rambled quickly to Donnie, explaining what had happened and halfway through the story she didn't even realize she was crying.

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