| forty seven |

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WhALE isn't Mateo such a cutie!

Sorry for the late update! Been busy with some family stuff ): hope you enjoy this chapter it's a bit of an intense one!

Pls excuse any errors


Pain don't hurt the same, I know

The lane I travel feels alone


A few weeks later

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A few weeks later

"Mamá look at me! I'm Tarzan!"

A smile of amusement tugged at Adriana's lips when her gaze shifted to her little boy who was sat on the grass in front of her, tugging at his long chocolate curls with a big grin. His hair had grown long and he genuinely did look like a fetus version of Tarzan. She briefly wondered where he got his curls from since neither his biological father nor she had curls. But just thinking about Dean ever so briefly made her body shudder. It was difficult not to think about him, especially whenever she spent time with Mateo because he looked really similar to Dean.

"Your hair is so long, cariño. We should get it cut," she pinched his cheek playfully before running her fingers through his curls. They were currently sat in the rabbit pen Harry had outside in his humongous garden.

"No!" He retorted with a firm shake of his head.

"No?" Adriana arched a brow at him with a chuckle.

"Papá said he likes mi pelo," Mateo mumbled with a grin, not noticing how Adriana's face fell when he mentioned Dean. "Mamá?"

"Yes, baby?" Adriana muttered back, distracting herself by petting one of the bunnies that passed by her.

"I kinda miss Papá," Mateo pouted at her.

"I know you do, baby," she sighed in response, lips forming a tight-lipped smile.

"I want Papá to come home."

"Papá is working, Mateo. He is too busy to come home right now," she mumbled quietly to him, stroking Angel the rabbit. Adriana didn't have the energy to make up a lie about how Dean is dead and deal with Mateo mourning her father just then. She was going to give it at least a month before breaking the news to him.

"Can you call Papá?" Mateo asked with his pink lower lip jutting out, brown innocent eyes gazing at her.

"I tried baby, but he's too busy to even talk," Adriana continued to fib, heart aching at the sight of Mateo's face falling. "I'm sorry, my love."

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