2- The new recruit

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It's the next day and Phil is up at the usual time of seven. Its the weekend which should mean he gets a day off and a sleep-in; that's if he wasn't the vicars son.

He throws on a white button up shirt with some black skinny jeans, which he only just managed to convince his father to letting him wear.
His fingers sort out his fringe, it's not as long as it used to be and now that it's shorter makes him look smarter and more appealing apparently.
He had a bath last night so his hairs all puffy and soft.

Before he heads downstairs he ties on some polished shoes, brushes his teeth and then goes down.

His father is reading the paper, turning his nose up at nose of the stories.

Phil doesn't understand why his dad even reads those news papers if he dislikes them so much. Isn't it just a waste of money to buy something that you hate? What's the point?

Phil lets out a yawn which brings his father to attention, closing the news paper and taking off his glasses.
Unfortunately Phil must also have to wear glasses as his father won't let him get contact lenses.
When he's old enough he will though.

"I hope you're ready Phil because we have someone new coming in today and I want you to show him the path to God." The vicar informs, standing up and checking his hair in the mirror, the strands stuck back with gel.

Phil resists the urge to roll his eyes and instead nods, staring at the ground.

He always has to do stuff that commits to the church. Whether it's holding prayer sessions for the younger youth or just arriving there everyday for a minute of prayer; his life has to always be connected with religion one way or another.

"Okay let's go. We don't want to be late." Phil's father bellows and heads out the door, Phil on his heels as they head to the car. "When are you going to learn how to drive, Phil? I keep telling you to go to these driving lessons but you never do." The vicar lectures, making Phil's stomach churn with how much expectation his dad has for him.

He's only seventeen, he has the rest of his life to sort out driving and other essentials.

He's only seventeen; still being treated like a kid.

As the car approaches the church Phil can't help notice the way that all the cars are lined up in a specific order, as if it was planned.
Well, all the cars apart from one, a car that Phil has never seen in front of the church before.

That must be the new person his dad was talking about.

His father parks up and they get out, walking into the church. Light pours in when they open the doors, heads turning around and all eyes on them.
Phil finds himself wanting to just sink into the earth because why must everyone stare at him?
What's so interesting about being the vicars son? Unless they pity him for it.

He's sits at the back this time, usually he sits at the front but today he just wants to stay out of eyesight.

As Phil sits down he realises he's actually sat next to someone.

His father starts the morning prayer and Phil takes a sneak peak at who is sat beside him.
And he doesn't believe it.

The boy from yesterday who made eye contact with him.

He gapes at the brown haired boy, already feeling himself tense up at being able to be at such close proximity to him.
The boy glances over and smirks lightly at Phil, his deep hazel eyes scanning his attire.

Phil shuffles uneasily under his gaze and manages to tug his eyes away from the boy, facing the front where his father seems oblivious to this psychological communication going on between these two lads.

All throughout the entire prayer the brown eyed boy just won't stop looking at Phil, his eyes burning into his face.
Phil's Adam's apple bobs anxiously every time he makes accidental eye contact, every time the action is repeated makes the boys smirk grow larger and larger.

Oh let this be over soon.

"- thank you and amen." At his fathers words Phil relaxes slightly, a smile returning to his lips.
But then he remembers that it isn't fully over yet.

He quickly gets out of his seat and rushes up to his father who gives him a weary look. "Are you okay, son?" He asks.

Phil nods and manages a smile. "I'm fine, I'm completely fine. Great reading father." He replies, making his dad smile and then look behind him.

"Ah here's the boy who I was talking about," He bellows and steps past Phil.
Phil turns around and of course it had to be that boy. "Phil this is Dan and I want you to teach him the path to God."

Phil feels faint. He could actually pass out right now.
Is his father serious?
Dan is obviously a trouble maker so why on earth is he insisting that he helps him out?!

Dan smiles, but it isn't like the smirk from earlier, it looks sweet and innocent.
He holds his hand out for Phil to shake.
"Nice to meet you, Phil. I'm sure we'll get along just fine." Dan says in a deep, rich voice.

Phil shakes his hand and winces slightly when Dan squeezes a little too hard.

The vicar looks on pleased before parting Phil's shoulder. "There's some spare new testaments down the hall, you know where they are, go get some would you Phil?"

He nods and pulls away from Dans tight grasp before walking down the churches hall, away from the main prayer space.
Once he enter the cupboard where the books are kept he takes a second to compose himself, leaning against the wall as he closes the door and steadies his breathing.

Why is this boy having such an effect on him?
Phil has taught people in the past about God but with Dan it's looking near impossible.

Maybe it's because he's got that 'bad boy' aura so he's intimidated by him?
Maybe it's his sneaky personality which Phil can point out straight away?

Or maybe it's because Dan is the most beautiful human that Phil has ever laid his eyes on; and that terrifies him.

The cupboard door suddenly opens and obviously God must hate him today because guess who it is... Dan himself.
"Shouldn't you be getting your little story books?" Dan questions, leaning against the door frame with his arms across his chest.

Phil nods but then shakes his head. "They're called Bibles." He corrects, turning away and begins picking a few up in his arms.

He freezes when he feels Dans presence behind him, close behind him.
So close that his breath is running over Phil's neck.
"You're interesting, Phil." Dan says, placing his hands on Phil's hips.

Phil can't move. He's traumatised by what's happening.

What is Dan doing?!

"Dan, stop it, stop messing around and give me personal space." He requests, finding the urge to move again.

Dans hand tighten on his hips, causing him to squeak in pain.
Suddenly Phil's neck is being attacked by Dans lips, his teeth grazing over his sensitive skin. The Bibles fall with a thud at Phil's feet from his arms, shudders as Dans hands start making circles against where his hips were just being bruised, his whole body trembling with fear and yet also another sensation.

"I like you, Phil." Dan mumbles, placing a sweet kiss to under Phil's jaw before pulling away.

Phil gasps and spins around, his stomach boils with anger as he's glaring at this boy who thinks he can just assault him like that.

Who does he think he is?!

"Well I don't like you. Leave me alone." Phil hisses and turns back to get the Bibles he dropped.

A stinging pain then whips at his behind, causing him to squeal and cup his butt, staring wide eyed at Dan who is laughing down the hall as he makes his way back to the main area of the church.

Phil can already tell he's going to have trouble with this one.

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