23- Possession

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(Prewarning: this chapter takes a dark turn and includes sexual abuse, attempt rape and violence. Please read on with care <3)


"Help yourself to anything, what's mine is yours," Dan shouts whilst walking through his house, Phil timidly following behind, taking in the beauty of the simplicity decorated home.
"I'll get out a few outfits ready that you can choose from."

Phil nods gratefully towards the brown eyed boy before he disappears into his room, leaving the church boy to wonder around.

Phil decides that if Dan is trusting him then he might as well go to look more in the living room. His hands are shoved tightly into his pockets, his head held low as if he's doing something he shouldn't, even though Dan just said that this house is practically theirs to share.

There are many letters and random pieces of papers stacked up on top of the fireplace, high towers ready to fall with one gust of wind.

Phil takes a ponder and notices a lot of the letters are unpaid bills.

"Typical." He says to himself, moving them aside when spotting a picture frame of some kind. His eyebrows knit closely together when he picks it up, only to unravel once realisation kicks in on who is contained in the picture.

Dan, clearly younger than he is now as his hair is ridiculously long for whatever age he is and his skin is more tanned than it is now. Although it's the same dimple grin and gorgeous eyes.

Beside him stands a woman, the other side a man; his parents.

Phil stares at the picture for a few more seconds before placing it down, chewing the inside of his cheek thoughtfully.

Dan mentioned that stuff happened within his family home. Of course, he doesn't know what, but it's left Dan having to take care of himself and make a living. It breaks his heart to think about this, all those bills. Its a wonder that he even has a home. His grandma probably helps in some aspect.

"Ready to change?" Dan's voice startles him slightly and he turns on the spot, Dan leaning against the wall with his arms crossed observing the scene.

Phil nods and follows him into his room.

There's a selection of clothes spread out on the bed. They're not exactly Phils type, but he'll consider them.

"Okay so I have this white shirt with weird red dots on it and then a red jacket to go with it. The black jeans you're wearing will be fine." Dan informs and throws the clothes at the lad, smirking and picking up his own handful of clothes.

"Where can I change?" The quietness and frailness in Phil's voice is an almost shocking sound, considering Phil usually hasn't been this nervous since the following week of them first meeting.

Dan sighs and points outside the door. "Go into the bathroom. Don't take forever."

The church boy complies with the instructions and walks out the room, closing the door and walking into the bathroom, also closing that door.

He quickly removes his shirt, glancing in the mirror and wrapping his arms around his stomach.

Almost as quickly as he rid himself of a shirt, he slips on the chosen shirt that Dan picked out before shrugging the jacket on after. After a quick check over in the mirror he finds that he doesn't look that bad.

He smiles and sorts out any fringe gaps, running his fingers through his black hair and then patting it into shape. A can of deodorant catches his eye and he sprays a little, noting how it smells like Dan. It's a comforting smell.

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