16- No One Hurts Him

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"Shut up!"

"I'm telling the truth, look that vein connects there and it means forgiveness."

Phil stares at Dan with a skeptical look, his eyebrow raised as the other boy trails his finger along his wrist, both lay side by side, bodies close together in the centre of Dan's bed. They haven't moved since PJ and Emma left.

A smile slips on Dan's lips as he continues tracing the light blue veins and arteries peeking through Phil's pale skin, admiring how clear they seem to be and complex. It's funny how Phil doesn't believe his readings, Dan's uncle used to be one of those people who can read others just from certain markings on their hands or the way their veins are, he taught young Daniel a few tricks or so.

Phil tugs his hand away and sticks his tongue out. "I'm not forgiving, trust me." He informs and taps Dan's nose, smiling softly.

"I don't believe that, you're the kindest person I've ever met, you'd feel bad if you didn't forgive someone and left them feeling miserable." Dan replies cockily, leaning fully on his back with his arms supporting his head.
Phil lays down on his chest and let's out a soft sigh.

"That's true. You know me better than I know myself." Phil laughs and tries not to flinch when Dan's fingers crawl along his back, tracing patterns into the skin through the fabric.

Both boys then glance to the clock, both hearts dropping at the time and both knowing that it's time they departed.

Phil sits up and winces slightly, placing his hand on his ribs to soothe the pain.
Dan sits up after and hops off the bed to collect Phil's shoes and hand them to him before putting his own on.

"I'll drive you, the least I can do after I got you involved with that twat earlier." Dan chuckles and forces a smile, but when Phil looks down to tie his shoe laces the brown haired boy clenches his fists and glares out the window, the anger still building up inside him.

"You don't have to, but thanks." Phil responds and stands up. "Also it wasn't your fault." He adds, stepping closer and slinging his arm around Dan's shoulder for support.

Dan doesn't reply and just helps Phil out to the car, carefully assisting him into the front car seat before widening his eyes and holding a finger up to Phil.

"Forgot something," He says and runs back in.

Phil grins and clips his seat belt in, his eyes looking around in Dan's car and admiring how even his car seems organised. For a young adult Dan sure is clean.

He then realises that he never asked about Dan's parents, it doesn't look like they even live with him?

If that is true then who forced him to come to church if he lives alone?

He's cut off his thoughts when Dan opens his side of the cars door, jumping in and glancing to Phil with a goofy smile on his face, as if he's just done something mischievous.

"What have you done now?" Phil questions with a sigh, watching as Dan starts the engine and turns on the radio, the same song coming in from the other day again.

Dan pauses at recognition, Phil doing the same and humming slightly to the now familiar tune.

"When you try your best but you don't succeed- I love this song, who sings it?" Phil questions with a tilt of his head.

"Coldplay, yeah it's a nice song I guess..." Dan trails off as he shifts his eyes up to Phil, his breath caught and his hands nervously twitching as Phil stares back down at him. He clears his throat that breaks the tension and begins driving, not bothering with his seat belt.

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