10- Watch my lips

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"Good morning vicar."

"Good morning."

Good morning father Lester."


"Morning vicar."


Phil groans as he leans back against the heavy wooden doors of the church, watching as people walk in, everyone of them being greeted by his father.
Why he has to stand here and listen to this he doesn't know, it's probably a punishment.

Today however his father said he and Dan can skip the usually talking part and go into the common room so that Phil can explain to Dan about the new testament properly.

This is a good thing and also a bad thing.

Phil can't loose control of Dan and has to make sure he behaves. There can't be any funny business from now on if they are to remain friends, because that's all they are, friends.

"Hello vicar, looking dashing today might I say."

Phil's head spins around at the sound of Dan's voice, a pull tugging at his lips as he tries to suppress a smile.

Dan waves happily at Phil before once again grinning up at his father who so far is just glaring at him. Today Dan's wearing an actual shirt, that's black of course, and some tight jeans; his hair styled nicely.

He's such a tease.

But Phil can control himself and he already knows what effect he has on Dan and can easily get him back.

"Morning Daniel-"

"Just Dan. Daniel makes me sound like a vicar, no offence." Dan replies, gazing around without a care in the world.

Phil chuckles quietly, making his father clear his throat and compose himself. "Dan. Phil will take you to the back common room where he will go over the new testament with you, okay?" The vicar explains, making Dan raise his eyebrows in amusement and smile even wider, his tongue trailing along his lower lip as his eyes catch Phil's.

This isn't going to end well.

"That's sounds perfect. We best not keep you waiting, come on Philly." Dan sings and grabs Phil's hand, making sure to intertwine their fingers as he tugs him along.

Unlike Phil's horrified face, Dan smirks at the vicars shocked reaction as they leave, laughing to himself as they walk down the corridor towards the common room.

Phil pulls their hands apart and smacks Dan's arm. "What are you doing?! Are you trying to get me killed?" Phil exclaims, glancing towards the main church hall.

"Me? Never. Just teasing your dad a little, no biggie." Dan responds and continues walking.

"No biggie? You have no idea what he's like and you've already lost his trust, you're just making things harder for us." The pale lad argues, scratching the back of his neck anxiously as they enter the room at the end of the corridor, Dan scoffing at the amount of books there are.

"Making things harder," Dan whispers, trailing his fingers along the old keyboard resting upon a table. He then chuckles and twists around, raising his eyebrows to Phil who stays standing at the entrance of the room. "Oh come on Phil." He breathes and pulls him in by his waist, kicking the door close with his foot.

"Dan no," Phil struggles to get the words out as Dan pushes him back against the shut door. "No." Phil grabs his wrists and harshly glares at the brown eyed boy; he won't loose control.

They both stare at each other for a good few seconds before Dan kisses his teeth and pushes away, slumping into one of the arm chairs, Phil breathing out and sitting on the one opposite him.

Take me to church (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now