44- The Deal

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"-And then he ended up falling into the pond and the police arrived it was fucking crazy!"

"Only Dan would do something like that, what a nerd."

Both Charlie and Phil chuckle among each other, Phil taking a sip of wine that Charlie had supplied from getting one of his mates to bring it over.
They've been in the same spot on the sofa for two hours now, the sun is setting and the only light admitting in the room is a small lamp and the TV that's on mute.

They've been talking for all this time about Dan and Dan only. Mutually, they've bonded over the brown haired boy and the love they equally share for him.

Phil will admit that it's a strange experience. Within the first ten minutes it was uncomfortable, but now they're chatting like they've been friends for years, laughing and practically laying all over each other.
Well, not actually laying, just resting and managing to sit with touching arms and legs without wanting to murder each other.

All fear has gone. Most of it anyway.

Charlie leans even more into the sofa cushions and props his legs over Phil's, hiccuping from drinking way more than the church boy. His cheeks are flared red and his face scrunches up as he giggles into his hand. The sound catches Phil's attention.

"You've barely drank anything, Philly." He points out, swinging his foot from side to side as its balanced on the black haired boys' knee.

Phil ignores the nickname and shrugs with a smile. "I like being sober." Charlie pouts but let's it slide, staring down into his own wine glass and sighing softly.

"Dan used to be like that," Phil frowns and tilts his head in interest to Charlie's words. "Dan always tried to be like me and fit in with everyone, he has such a big heart... I was never there for him."

Cautiously, Phil places a hand on Charlie's leg, smiling weakly.

There's been moments like this where Charlie has shown... emotions. He's shown that he's human but usually he quickly shakes it off within a few seconds. However, looking into Charlie's eyes, Phil can tell he's in deep thought.

"You were. You meant everything to him, you were both just young and had no experience in long term relationships." Phil says softly, placing down his drink on the floor.

"I guess. But I still shouldn't have hit him and abused him. I have nightmares often of the way he looked at me and the screams he gave out... The way he would curl up in fear... His lips would visibly tremble whenever I stepped too close... I was a monster."

Phil's eyes widen at Charlie's words, his heart almost reaching out for the boy in front of him. It's soon apparent that Charlie really isn't as bad as people make him out to be, he himself is broken, but people refuse to help fix him.

Of course he done all that bad stuff to Dan but it's clear that he constantly feels bad about it. It hurts Phil to have to think of Dan in a situation like that though, a feeling of sickness coursing through his body.

"How did he end up nearly... You know..." Phil begins asking, being steady with what words he chooses.

"Raping me? Simple. We hadn't seen each other for two months and suddenly he shows up at my door pissed off his tits, we started making out and then he goes for more. I didn't want it though, I didn't want to hurt him anymore." Charlie explains, resting his head on Phil's shoulder. His free hand goes and traces over the faint cuts on Phil's pale knuckles, smiling to himself in self pity.

The black haired boy intensely watches the action, licking his lips and letting his mind run into overdrive thinking about what's happening and what he should do.

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