5- Park bantz

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Phil could barely keep his eyes open at his tutor lesson. He wasn't always home schooled and occasionally did go to a private school, but everyone hates him there. Plainly because he was the vicars son.

There were some lessons that just became too much for him and soon enough he begged his father for private tutoring. It may be boring and pressuring but it's better than being tormented in the class room where the piss-head teacher won't do anything to stop them.

Usually Phil's mind is wondering off to his own little world. A whole made up planet full of exotic creatures and only a few exceptions of humans.
Some ranging from his favourite celebrities to his dear mother who he wished was alive again, she was so much more understanding than his father and never forced Phil into religion but as soon as she died everything went bad.
He didn't imagine his father to the planet though, it just never came up. But for some reason a new figure has arrived on his planet but he can't quite make out who it is.

"Phillip, your father paid me to teach you, not watch you daydream." The tutor scolds, smacking his pencil against the dinner table.

Phil sucks in his lips and sits up straight. "S-sorry. Just tired."

And that wasn't a lie. Phil was exhausted, he could barely close his eyes last night without being in that scenario back at the church again.

Being with him again.

Phil finally admitted to himself that Dan was everything he despised, besides looks that boy was evil and could never make a guy like Phil happy.

That monster stole Phil's first kiss. A moment like that is meant to be special and remembered. Now all Phil will remember is being pressed against an organ by some random badboy who he'll totally dismiss as soon as he's old enough to leave the city of Manchester.

No way is he staying here.

Phil didn't even realise but he had clenched his fists and crumpled the piece of paper with his notes on.

"Phil!" The tutor exclaims and Phil just sighs.

Honestly when does it start getting easier?

The front door opens and Phil's head whips to his father walking in with some shopping bags.
Immediately the boy gets up to assist his dad.

"I'm quite alright Phil, thank you anyway. Continue with your lessons." The vicar comments, making Phil groan and sit back down.

Anything at all to take him away from this work would be just fine. Anything at all.

There's a sudden knock on the door and Phil widens his eyes. A bad feeling rises in his stomach and he sinks into his chair.

It's him. He knows it's him. Only God hates him this much to bring him.

"Phil answer the door." His father demands, the clanging of bottles signifying he's too busy packing things away. Phil sighs and slowly makes his way to the front door.

His hands sweat as he turns the knob, pulling on the door to reveal his friend Louise. Well she's certainly better than Dan.

"Louise!" He chirps and throws his arms around the girl who returns it, chuckling into his shoulder.

"Hey there best pal, how are you doing?" She questions excitedly as they pull away.

Regardless of whether or not his father dislikes Louise, she's Phil's best friend and honestly he would be lost without her. They talk about everything and have always had a sibling type relationship. Phil's never had brothers or sisters so Louise is about as close as he can get.

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