60- The Funeral

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Not many people showed up to Charlie's funeral, which is hardly a surprise. But as the few people of whom did arrive, walk into the church, two boys are still waiting outside the doors, stalling their time.

Phil's eyes scan over the structure of the familiar church that he knows oh so well. His fists are tightened and he hates how the ceremony is being held here.

He tried to divert to a different church, went on for hours to Dan about how there must be another way that the burial could be at a different place. It was however, useless. His fathers church is the only church within miles that has a small cemetery and plus, they couldn't afford to move Charlie somewhere else.

That is why Phil is etched to the spot outside the church, with Dan at his side; it's becoming virtually impossible for him to move.

He feels Dan's fingers run down his back to calm him down, which does work to some extent, but doesn't resolve the panic coursing through him.

Luckily, his father isn't leading the funeral. Chris' aunt is married to a funeral director who agreed under thin payment to do the ceremony. Phil was extremely thankful for both him and Chris.

Speaking of which, Phil spots a familiar car pull into the parking lot, he sees a smile spread over Dan's face at the sight of their friends.

Phil admires how they're dressed. PJ and Chris in fitting suits, PJ opting for a bow tie whilst Chris went for a normal tie. Emma and Louis have near matching black dresses on, they look wonderful. He manages to smile as he observes Chris and PJ, the two fussing with each other about their outfits and PJ practically forcing Chris to co-operate and to let him fix his tie. Once Chris complies, he receives a kiss as a reward.

It's been a few weeks since the fire and they're now an official couple.

Everyone was happy that they finally became an item. Dan and Phil in particular always knew it was going to happen, it was just a matter of time.

Emma and Louise simply wave to the boys before entering the church, Chris and PJ walking over instead.

"Alright twats." Chris says, opening his arms in which Dan embraces before moving to PJ. Phil also hugs his friend, noting how he's not as thin as he used to be, curtesy of PJ he's sure.

Phil then hugs PJ, making the grip tight and meaningful. They've had their problems in the past, but they've been overcome and they're basically best friends now.

"How're you guys feeling?" PJ asks as Phil pulls back, Dan's arm immediately snaking around his waist.

"Could be better..." Phil replies, scratching his neck and glancing to the church.

Chris rests his chin on PJ's shoulder and PJ nods in understanding. No one wants to really be at this church after everything with Phil's dad, but they're glad to be here to support Phil all the same.

No one also wants to be here because quite simply, no one wants to believe that Charlie's dead. This funeral is just going to make it more real.

Emma pokes her head out the front of the church doors, not wanting to interrupt but kind of needing to.

"We're starting soon." She informs.

Dan nods gratefully and she disappears inside again.

Chris clears his throat before pinching PJ's ass and retreating towards the church, waving to his friends. PJ can only roll his eyes and follow, glancing back to Dan and Phil before going inside.

Instinctively, Dan begins also walking forward, only to stop when realising that Phil isn't beside him.

He turns on the spot and smiles sadly. "Phil, you can't stay out here for the whole ceremony."

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