50- "Pickle."

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Dan could only sit and wait.

That's all he seems to be doing.

Sitting. Waiting. Then some more sitting and maybe a bit more waiting.

It's hard for him to focus when his mind is so jumbled up. He tries to figure out all the mixed images in his head, the faces and the memories. But it's just an ongoing struggle and he simply just doesn't have the energy for it right now.

A light sigh would be quite distinguishable if he was in the same room he was in earlier. However, he got transferred to a ward straight after Phil had left. He's now surrounded by other people. It's not quiet and he's constantly being stared at.
He goes to have a drink and about three people watch him as if he's a performing monkey.

There's about six others including himself on the ward.

Luckily, Dan's situated at the end beside the window, so he can at least ponder at the outside world, in hopes of soon being strong enough to go out there again.

In the bed opposite him is an older man, maybe in his fifties who rarely says a word, even to the nurses. Most of the time he'll be reading a TV magazine or gazing out the window. He seems to share that same fondness and appreciation as Dan, of being placed at the end.

The bed to the right of Dan holds quite an old woman. Her silver hair and wrinkled up skin makes no difference against her clear obvious beauty though. She must've been a stunner when she was younger. Her eyes are a dust grey, her voice is soft and warm, she speaks to the nurses with such care and tenderness, unlike the other patients -including Dan- on the ward.

Often she'll be chatting away to herself, or she'll be sketching in a small notebook.

Dan can't help but usually peek over every few seconds to try and catch a glimpse of the drawings. He can only ever see the rough lines and sturdy shapes.

The rest of the patients on the ward consists of two girls in their teens and another older man. It's a mix of ages and nationalities. Dan admires how each person must have a different story to tell.

He restlessly grabs the pillow from behind his head and plumps it up a little, messing around with it, plainly for the fact he's utterly bored.

Truth be told, he wants Phil to hurry back. One reason is for company and the second is cause he hopefully bought music of some kind for Dan to listen to.

In reality, Dan just wants to feel better and wants to remember thing's and that's easier done when Phil is near.

It's strange how he barely knows Phil yet already has this strong, unbeaten bond with him. Then again, apparently they've known each other for a while now and have gotten quite intimate; at least that's what PJ told him.

Either way, he's lonely and wants Phil here.

With distraught, he places his pillow back behind his head and slumps down, pouting and crossing his arms. No one else in the ward seems to be as bored as him. They all seem pretty content where they are and it's awful.

He doesn't want to be the only one who doesn't want to be here, that hardly seems fair.

The pupils of his eyes scan the room, desperately trying to find something fascinating enough to take his mind off things. He's slowly going mad.

Suddenly, something taps against the side of his cheek, then falling beside him.

Dan glances down and tightens his lips into a smaller pout of wonder when seeing it's a boiled sweet in clear wrapping. He looks over to see the old lady beside him, unwrapping her own sweet before popping it into her mouth.
He stares back down, a tad confused.

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