34- you're a joke

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Dan lets himself embrace in the warm afternoon air. Usually it's pretty cold but the sun seems to be acting like the powerful star it is today.
The horizon of the sunset down the street is orange and pink and purple, it's quite beautiful but Dan doesn't have a lot of time to appreciate it as he's walking fast towards the shops.

Everyone had fallen asleep after watching Tarzan and although Dan did try to sleep too, even in Phil's arms, it wasn't happening.

He was tempted to wake Phil up and ask if he wanted to walk with him to the shops, but he doesn't know how much sleep Phil has been getting lately so decided to leave him.

Dan himself has been struggling to sleep whenever Phil isn't with him and it's frustrating as he shouldn't rely on the church boy as much as he does. He hates to admit it but Phil is his backbone and his clarity. He's been laying off the smoking for Phil, he's been avoiding parties and of course not hooking up with people. Dan especially specified to PJ that their little ordeal was now officially over.

However much Dan loves Phil, he still won't share everything about himself and in all honestly they still barely know each other. Yet, Phil is now living with him and they're boyfriends.

It wasn't that easy with Charlie. It was a lot of sex and mostly just wanting to be shown off to Charlie's friends. Dan wanted to fit in and by being with Charlie, he was not rejected.
But as most friends-with-benefits arrangements turn out, Dans feelings progressed and soon enough he and Charlie were officially an item.
It was nice for the first few weeks... Then it went wrong. So wrong.

Arguments and constant paranoia kept Dan from sleeping and from keeping stable. Charlie would always go out and come back smelling of other people.

Once the accusations had started of Charlie cheating, the first slap led on to the abuse. Dan was even too scared to cry because he knew that was weakness in Charlie's eyes. He wouldn't leave the house and refused to leave Charlie, even though he was hurting.

Phil was never a potential boyfriend when Dan first met him. He was plainly going to be a quick fuck and then be dropped like the rest of them.

Of course, Phil was difficult and that meant Dan had to spend more time with him and more time gaining his trust. That just turned into feelings being caught. But god, does Dan not regret it. He loves Phil with every inch of him and wouldn't consider anyone else a priority over his church boy. Phil's better than Charlie and that's all that matters, for once he won't be hurt, for once he can be treated right by Phil.

Walking into the shops, Dan pounders on what to get. He only has a few pounds that he snatched from PJ's fireplace. The curly haired boy won't mind.

The lady at the desk smiles sweetly towards Dan, clearly it's strained, he isn't the most non-intimidating person especially with his height. Yet he smiles back and heads to the alcohol, sighing at the prices.

He scratches the back of his neck, licking his lips before a couple catches his eyes at the end of the isle. Two men holding hands and one of them looks very familiar indeed.
Dan smirks and strides over, waiting for himself to get noticed.

The man who he recognises turns and looks a little confused at Dan just staring at them, quickly furrowing his brow.

"Can I help you?" He questions.

Dan grins even wider. He's definitely the guy.

"I'm surprised Phil hasn't introduced us yet. A boyfriend should always meet his boyfriends tutor." Dan replies, rocking back on his feet slightly.

Henry, Phil's tutor, widens his eyes and quickly detaches his hand from the other mans, stepping in front, almost protectively of his obvious partner.

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