24- Confessions

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The taxi pulls up outside Dan's place, Dan paying the driver and telling him to keep the change as he helps Phil out the car.

The driver looks on in concern at Phil, who is no longer crying, but staring silently into the space of nothing. He's barely blinking and only moves when Dan grabs his hand gently, pulling him out of the cab.

They slowly walk up to the house together, Phil leaning against Dan for support.

Dan unlocks the door, closing the door as soon as they walk in and leading Phil into his room.

"Shh, I've got you." He whispers, holding Phil tightly before laying him down on his bed. Phil's lips are trembling and he's shaking with fear, even after twenty minutes of he attack.

Dan bites his lip hard, trying so hard not to show his emotions and show how hurt he is himself.

Those were grown men he fought with and their hits hurt. His backs in pain and his jaw burns from the impact, not to mention the mental pain of seeing the boy he loves almost be raped.

Phil manages to calm down slightly, glancing up at Dan. He moves his thumb and wipes away some blood from his cut lip, a small hiss escaping Dan's lips.

"You're hurt." Phil croaks with worry.

Dan laughs through his dry tears, being careful where to touch Phil, his hand gently cupping the church boys.

"Don't worry about me. Do you need anything?" The soft words leaving Dan's lips are almost foreign to Phil's ears. Sure, he's been calm and caring before, but his is on a whole new level.

It's almost as if he's scared the church boy will crumble in front of him.

Phil shakes his head. "Just you. That's all I need."

Dan complies and nods, during cross legged whilst watching Phil close his eyes. He's not sleeping though.

He winces as his back touches the wall, Phil's eyes instantly snapping open.


"I'm fine, Phil. I've gone through worse." The brown haired boy mumbles, soon correcting his harsh voice and smiling sweetly at the church boy.

Phil carefully pushes himself up, so he's sitting cross legged too, into he gets a pillow and places it over his lap for obvious reasons. Needing layers for protection. He feels dirty and disgusting.

"Danny," Dan's breath hitches at the nickname. "At Chris' place you said-- you said you..."

"That I loved you." Dan finishes.

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