22- Mind your own

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There is that awful moment when you realize that you're falling in love. That should be the most joyful moment, and actually it's not. It's always a moment that's full of fear because you know, as night follows day, the joy is going to rapidly be followed by some pain or other. All the angst of a relationship.

It's never planned or made easy, you're never warned about it, it just happens, slowly and then all at once.

How can you simply be friends with someone when every time you look at them, you're thinking about how much more you really want?

How can you possibly make out that you're fine with the standard relationship of a friendship? You just can't, and if you try it hurts.

That's all that Phil can think about whilst in Dans car on the way to the church, besides the horrendous singing they both just did, they then sat in silence to enjoy one another's company.

But it wasn't joyous, being this close to someone who isn't yours.

Sure Dan may not belong to anyone else, but he isn't Phil's either. All that Phil can think about is the fact that he knows he's fallen in love with Dan Howell, the vicars son, is in love with another boy. It just doesn't seem real.

He never thought he'd get the chance to fall in love but here he is, a smile constantly on his face and a sparkle in his eyes because every time he thinks of him, Phil can't help but feel overjoyed.

It's almost pitiful how much he yearns for him, when at first it was Dan who was craving for Phil. That's still the case, but on different terms.

Phil had promised he wouldn't let himself get involved with the bad-boy, yet fate clearly has a different plan.

Damn fate.

Dans car pulls up the the church, skidding slightly and making the two lads chuckle, Dan opening his door to quickly run around to Phil's side and open his. Defiantly keen to impress him.

"Why thank yo- agh!!"

Without warning Dan lifts the church boy up onto his back, kicking the car door closed and struggling to stay balanced from how hard they're both laughing.

Phil grips his arms around Dans neck and rests his chin on his shoulder as the brown haired boy walks them up to the entrance of the church. His cheeks heat up slightly as Dans hands are incredibly close, almost cupping, his bum for support.

He decides to mess around a little and kiss around the back of Dans neck, smirking when hearing Dan clear his throat.

Pretty much the whole start of the ride towards the church was spent singing rather loudly to the radio, Phil didn't even know the words but bless him he still belted out the tune.

Already Dan has made him happy about this day, it's magical what he can do.

Phil slides down on to the floor from Dans back and giggles before running in front to the doors.

Oblivious to Dans eyes warmly watching him, his breath taken away.
Only for his breath to be non existent when Phil turns around and looks over his shoulder, his fringe falling down one half of his face as his blue eyes innocently look up.

"Coming?" He questions, still smiling.

Dan nods and follows behind.

The two walk in as quietly as possible, the vicar in the middle of a reading. The rows of seats aren't quite filled up and never usually are but it gives the two a good variety of options on where to sit.

The first few rows are occupied, the third one only sitting Charlie. Phil spots the boy alone and decides to accompany him, considering he is new and must find this all rather overwhelming.

Take me to church (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now