42- Us

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Dan sets up the bunch of flowers on his lap, the slight residue leaking into his trousers but he doesn't care. His face is breaking with a grin, the sun practically illuminating from his body from how positively happy he is.

His eyes skittishly move to the clock situated above the fireplace. Charlie should be home by now.

His tongue drags across his lips and he giddily bounces his leg up and down.
Today is their six month anniversary and Dan had so many things planned tonight, starting off sweet and then of course more intimate activities after.
For weeks, the brown eyed boy had planned this and for weeks he has set himself up with hyped expectations.

Charlie was going to love everything.

The front door opened and Dan rose to his feet in a flash, clutching the flowers close to his chest, the red and yellow bunches casting off the sweetest scent.
Although the scent gets demolished as the strong smell of weed and alcohol fills the room. Charlie stumbles in through the living room door,
Dan nervously shuffling on the spot as he watches on, his smile now faded to one of almost disappointment.

Charlie hiccups before meeting eyes with the other boy- the much younger boy who's small frame and big, innocent eyes are enough to make hearts melt. But the drunk mind builds a wall that surrounds Charlie's heart, his usually compassionate love for Dan now nothing but a small speck of dust, coursing around his veins.

On the other hand, no matter how worried Dan is he still manages to smile and hold the flowers out. Charlie raises an eyebrow at the boy, his pupils so off course.

Dan speaks up. "Happy anniversary, Charlie!" He exclaims, before almost skipping forward and handing Charlie the flowers. Charlie himself inspects the gift, meeting with Dans eyes again. "I've planned this for weeks, it's going to be so good!"

The bright smile of the young boy cracks when Charlie shakes his head and tosses the flowers on the floor, shoving past the boy and towards the kitchen.

Dan freezes for a few seconds, his brow furrowed in shock before he rushes into the kitchen after his boyfriend, halting when spotting Charlie opening a bottle of vodka. A sinking feeling seems to over take the happy emotions that Dan had before that moment, his fingers twiddling together and his bottom lip secured nervously between his teeth.

Charlie soon realises he's being watched and once again raises an eyebrow. "What?"

"It's our anniversary-"

"I don't give a shit Dan. Go to bed for fucks sake."

A small squeak peeps from the younger boy, his eyes shimmering as they fill with tears.
He worked so hard. It needs to be perfect.

In response, Dan pushes the sadness down and reaches for Charlie's hand, tugging him towards the bedroom- much to his boyfriends distress. He opens the door where rose petals lead to the bed, the bed sheets are noticeably freshly washed and there's soft music playing in the background from the radio.

Dan beams at his hours of work, casting his smile up at Charlie.
"See? All this is for you!" He chirps.

"Jesus Christ," Charlie groans and covers his face with his hands. "You fucking idiot."

All light from which Dan admits simmers into a low glow, his face filled with concern for what he's done wrong. Were the petals not red enough? The bedsheets not neat enough?

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