54- Friendship Feels

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"Phil, your new guest keeps trying to eat my pancakes and I will not be held responsible if I throw it half way across the room!"

Phil rolls his eyes and walks into the front room from the kitchen, raising an eyebrow at Charlie who is currently having domestics with the adopted cat- who has yet to still be named.

Louise and Emma's apparent boyfriend, Luke, dropped Charlie off about an hour ago and since then the boy has made himself quite at home. Which Phil doesn't mind, it's better than the atmosphere being tense.
He had prepared pancakes to give to Charlie for when he arrived that served as a nice house warming gift. They aren't enemies, so Phil won't treat him like one.

The blue eyed boy grabs the cat from Charlie's leg, cradling the animal for a few seconds as Charlie redeems himself.

"Thanks. Since when did you two get a cat?" Charlie questions, licking some syrup from his fingers.

Phil puts the cat down and shrugs. "He's a stray and kept hanging around me. Then, he just showed up in our bedroom one day, so he's staying for a bit." He explains, walking back out to the kitchen to collect his own pancakes, soon to then return and sit beside Charlie on the sofa. The TV is on, but per usual, Charlie isn't watching it.

He's never the type for watching TV and Phil has quickly noticed that.

"Our room. That's cute." Charlie comments, shoving a piece of pancake into his mouth.

"That's because it is mine and Dan's room. Try not to get too jealous." Phil smirks, Charlie returning it and appreciating the friendly confrontation.

Charlie loves how close he and Phil is now and tries not to over-step the line if he can help it. Like Dan, he finds Phil fascinating and a joy to be around. However, unlike Dan, Charlie can deal with the platonic restrictions.

Sure enough, at first it was about more than friendship. Charlie wanted Phil for sex to get back at Dan, but now, since he can't get that, it is purely friendship.

He sets his plate on the small coffee table, pressing his finger against his cut lip and hissing at how sore it is, along with the rest of his injuries.
Phil can't help but look over in concern,  anger and distress running through him at the thought as to why someone would do that to Charlie? Well, actually there's probably many reasons as to why someone would want to hurt Charlie, but either way, what was the reason? The person must've been wound up in some way to have hurt him to that extent. Did Charlie actually do anything wrong? Maybe it was just a spontaneous attack?

"You're staring." Charlie mumbles, glancing up from fiddling with the bandage on his wrist.

Phil blinks and snaps out of his thoughts, returning to his pancake, catching Charlie's small smile from the corner of his eye.

Charlie is definitely a peculiar and mysterious character. Maybe that's why Phil is so intrigued towards him at times, of course Dan is the same so it would make sense.

He knows there's something different to Charlie and he mustn't act this way just because he enjoys being a horrible person to people. Because as of now, he's being sweet and the type of guy you'd introduce to your family. But then at other times, he can be violent and obnoxious. Of course, it's not like Phil hasn't already had to put up with that with Dan, nonetheless, it's odd. Charlie is odd.

He's incredibly smart and amazingly talented at manipulation, two thing's in which Phil can definitely agree with. He's also witty and can be humorous, along with sensitive. And of course, he's also an gigantic dickhead most of the time. He isn't the type of person in which you choose whether you love or hate, you can be in-between about it, which is where Phil usually is most of the time.

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