27- Pulled apart

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The two cars pull up outside the police station, dust falling slightly from the wheels and bumpers, the radiators over-heating to some extent from the chase.

The group of friends get out the vehicles, Chris and PJ jogging up to each other and high-fiving before hugging, Dan and Phil reuniting from their own car so they can properly hug also.

"That was the maddest thing I've ever done!" Chris exclaims.

Dan laughs and shakes his head, glancing back to Phil. "Nah, the maddest thing I ever did was fall for this dork." He chuckles and playfully shoves the church boy who pouts in return, Emma rolling her eyes at the two. "You were incredible, Chris." Dan compliments, making Chris shrug it off but clearly look proud of himself.

"Right, now what?" PJ questions, standing into the group circle that naturally formed in midst speech, Chris stood beside him.

"I guess I go in, explain what I've been accused of and then have you guys help back me up." Dan replies with a shrug.

"It can't be that simple." Emma says.

Phil sucks in his lips at her words, over thinking the plan too. It can't go perfectly, surely they won't just walk back out of there in one piece. He knows his father and he won't give up easily unless Dan is punished one way or another.

He jumps when fingers interlock with his, the familiarity of the touch soon calming him, Dan breathing out and forcing a weak smile.

"Let's do this then bitches." Chris chirps and turns to walk, the rest of the group following.

Dan suddenly disconnects his hand from Phil's and walks beside PJ, grabbing his shoulder and whispering something into his ear. Phil squints his eyes as PJ nods in response to whatever Dans words were. The brown eyed boy casting a glance over his shoulder to the church boy before whispering what looks like 'Please' into PJ's ear.

Phil stops and steps back from the entrance of the building, sensing that Dan thinks something's going to go wrong.

What if it does and he won't be able to see him again?
The church boy and bad boy belong together, this can't go wrong.

Dan notices Phil's absence and pats PJ's shoulder before walking back to his boyfriend, a soft smile on his lips.

"Can you promise me this won't go wrong and you won't be taken away from me?" The church boy questions, his eyes blinking rapidly as he focuses on his breathing.

Dan sighs and gently tugs the boy forward by his waist, fingers lingering at the spot. "I can't. But it doesn't mean I won't go down without a fight." He replies, lifting Phil's chin so their lips touch ever so softly, the kiss filled with a uncertain promise of return.

Once they pull back, Phil takes out his phone and gets the camera up. "At least let me have a picture with you."

"Soppy twat. Sure."

They both position themselves in front of the camera, blowing up their cheeks and widening their eyes comically, Phil moving his head closer to Dans, his arm slinking around the boys' waist.

He snaps the picture and grins widely, Dan gasping in horror. "I look like trash."

"You are trash. My trash."

"Sure just label me Phil's trash. Thanks."

The church boy giggles and pecks Dan's cheek, locking hands again before walking towards the entrance of the building.

The police surely can't turn down four witnesses and two close friends who can speak in favour of Phil, they'll have to take everything into account. Hopefully it won't have to come to a court case.

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