38- Beating desires

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(There is smut in this chapter and I will put a warning before it gets too much ok ok enjoy)


The ride in the taxi has both boys in a tired sit. Neither touching or looking at each other besides small glances from the corner of their eyes.

Dan sighs softly, gripping the bridge of his nose and shutting his eyes. Tonight didn't turn out how he wanted it.
It was supposed to be romantic and fun, he was hoping to go further with Phil once they got home but somehow the mood has been ruined by Matt and also PJ. Bloody PJ. Dan won't deny that he hates that boy right now for making a move when they were in the hallway of his house earlier. All Dan did was follow and comfort him whilst Phil comforted Chris, then suddenly PJ had his lips all over Dan's.
To be fair Dan did punch his stomach a bit too hard to get him off and he's just thankful no one walked out and got the wrong idea.

He feels extremely guilty about it and knows he needs to tell Phil. It wasn't his fault so the church boy shouldn't react as badly as he hopes.

His eyes open and shift over to Phil, his lips smiling when seeing the black haired boy dropping in and out of consciousness. His head bounces and taps against the window as the taxi rounds a corner, soon enough making Phil wake up fully.

The taxi then stops, Dan rolling his eyes as he scrapes a few required pounds from his pocket. He's low on money. His bills are stacking up and sooner or later he's going to be evicted if he doesn't start paying.
He wouldn't care if it was just him, but Phil lives with him now which means if Dan becomes homeless then so does he.

Sure, they could go to PJ's, but right now he's not the brown eyed boys favourite person. Chris also lives with his mum so that wouldn't help. Emma and Louise are possible people to go to... He'll figure it out when the time comes. Because it will happen.

As he and Phil get out the taxi, Phil stops in his tracks and stares at the front door. Dan looks to see what's startled him, swallowing thickly at the sight of Charlie leaning against their door.

"Dan, why is he here?" Phil whispers, clearly tired and fed up with always having these problems in his life.
Phil watches as Dan doesn't reply but instead grabs his hand and tugs him towards their house. Each step makes Dan feel even more sick but he just needs to get Phil inside and he'll deal with Charlie himself.

Charlie raises his head and smiles slyly as they approach him. Phil's grip tightens on Dan, as Dan's grip tightens on Phil.

Fireworks are still sounding around them, the loud noises no longer being comforting to the church boy.

Dan scowls darkly at Charlie, stopping in front of him. "That's my front door, would you be so kind as to get the fuck out the way." Dan commands more than an ask.

Charlie shrugs. "You're so polite. Your dad would be impressed."

"Don't talk about my family, now move, we're both tired just let us go inside." Dan's voice becomes more of a plead and he curses himself at how weak he sounds, but he's not doing it for him or Charlie, he just wants Phil safe. Out here, he's most certainly not safe.

Charlie shakes his head and smugly shuffles his feet, showing that he's not moving anytime soon.

Before Dan goes to lash out towards him, Phil grabs his waist, his fingers gently rubbing circles at his waist. Phil tugs him back as he steps in front, Dan narrowing his eyes on Charlie very carefully.

Phil, although nervous, stands up for himself and Dan. "Charlie, you need to grow up and stop this stupid feud with Dan. You're an adult now, we're all adults--"

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