31- Did my heart love till now

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"Where are we going? You drove past your house?" Phil questions, his eyes shifting over Dan's face for the tenth time since they left the police station. He still can't quite believe they won the case, but then again, his father had no evidence against Dan. All they had to work on was the fact he nearly did it before. Thankfully that wasn't enough.

Dan hums to himself and avoids Phil's question, continuing to drive to wherever he plans to take them.

The church boy does nothing more but  lean across the seat and kiss Dan's cheek, nuzzling slightly into his neck and inhaling his scent. It's such a warm smell; an almost constant pine aroma like a Christmas tree with hints of fresh mint.

Phil can imagine that at Christmas the smell of Dan and wrapping paper mixed with the tree, that would be amazing.

"Having fun being a sniffer dog there, Philly?" Dan chuckles, causing the blue eyed boy to move away from his neck and smile lovingly. "You remember the first car ride I took you on? And we went to that hill?"

"The one that looked over the city, yes."

"It's near there. It's warm today so we shouldn't get too cold."

Phil furrows his brow, licking his lips. "Why would we get cold?"

All Dan does is smirk in response, although it's a smile within a smirk so his dimples show.
Phil loves his dimples, they're like craters on the moon or Mars and he loves space too, so it's even better.
Dan also has two freckles placed just perfectly so beside the dimple that when Dan smiles, it looks like the freckles make a frowning face. It's fascinating how complex someone's face can actually be if you stare long enough. Phil certainly stares a lot at Dan's face.

Looking out the window and away from Dan for the first time since driving, Phil for once feels humbled that he's escaped his father. He'll most likely be living with Dan now. He can get a job -or try to- and help with the bills.

He has to pick up a few more things from his fathers house, he'll take someone with him this time.

The only thing that is going to be hard about leaving his home is his mother. It's not like he can visit her whenever's easiest. He'd have to communicate with his father and he wants to avoid that.
His dear, loving mother who he'll rarely see now. He must get that picture of him and her that's in his room.

Phil gasps slightly when feeling the car stop. His eyes widen as he gazes across a tranquil lake. Water runs down the top of the rocks and creates a aesthetically pleasing waterfall of some sorts.  "How the hell do you find these places?" He questions, hearing Dan laugh deeply behind him.

"My dad used to hike a lot, he'd take my old dog and I with him. We'd find loads of brilliant places. We never told mum or anyone else about them."
Phil turns to Dan, needing to see the face that comes with the voice. As expected, his face is light and happy, fondness casting over his eyes as the memories flood back.

It's hard to understand what Dan's childhood was like. As sometimes he'll speak of great things and then he'll seem as if it was terrible.
Phil needs to ask about it.

The brown haired boy suddenly gets out the car, Phil opening his door to follow. His foot catches on the door and he trips slightly when getting out, falling hands first on to the gravel, wincing as a rock cuts into his hand.

"Jesus Christ, can I not have one day without you being hurt?" Dan laughs softly, Phil smiling guiltily and sitting back on his knees, inspecting the cut and it's not too bad, but it is bleeding.

"Come here."

The church boy nods at Dan's instructions, his hand outstretched as the brown eyed boy pulls him up.

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