39- Never An Easy Life

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"Philly, Phil... Wake up."

Phil's head throbs and his hand swats about in order to try and slap whoever the hell is trying to wake him up, a small whine leaving his lips.
Mornings can sometimes be an easy task for the church boy, however, today it seems it's something he'd rather didn't exist.

"Oh my god, wake the fuck up!" Dan's voice yells, Phil's eyes finally shooting open, a squeal erupting from him as Dan is literally hovering over the church boy. Brown eyes seep into blue, tanned skin against pale and brown hair against black.
"Morning." Dan chirps, a huge grin on his face as he notices Phil's eyes scanning his movements.

Phil furrows his eyebrows and skeptically tilts his head. "Why are you so happy? It's so early." He groans, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm offended. After last night you ask me why I'm so happy?" Dan playfully pouts. Instantly Phil's cheeks pepper red, his whole body flushing when he notices they're still both completely naked, the bed cover is even still half way across the bedroom floor. But now that Phil has been reminded of that, he too is smiling brightly.
"Also for the record, it's twelve, so it's not that early." Dan informs with a chuckle, bending down and kissing sweetly under Phil's jaw.

The church boy marvels at his boyfriends sinfully skilled lips. He's filled with joy and love, he just wants to kiss every inch of Dan, because he's his. Last night made that perfectly official.

Dan's teeth nibbles at Phil's collar bone, making a ticklish sensation run throughout, Phil squealing and giggling into Dan's shoulder.
Phil then pokes at Dan's ribs which has the brown haired boy also squealing and chuckling together.

It seems at moments of sensual acts and care, the two love to giggle and laugh together, seemingly finding the whole situation crazy, even after all this time. The whole idea of the church boy and 'bad boy' getting together is almost a fairy tale and dream. It isn't exactly a dream come true as no one was specifically dreaming for this, but hell, neither of them are going to complain.

It's only when the bedroom door flies open that Dan screams, falling on the floor as Phil quickly grabs a pillow to cover his modesty.

"Holy shit!"

"Chris get the fuck out!"

"Sorry, I'm sorry we'll be in the front room!" Chris exclaims and backs out of the bedroom, closing the door and mumbling a 'oh my god' as he walks away.

Dan mutters profanities under his breath as he pushes himself up, Phil still horrified and wide eyed about what just happened. Of course it would be Chris, who else would it have been?

Dan grabs a dressing gown from the back of his door and throws it over to Phil, smiling humorously and still finding a light heartedness within this moment. Phil reacts slightly differently, tugging the dressing gown on and crossing his arms with a pout, watching as all Dan does is slip some boxers on before gesturing the church boy to follow him into the front room.

Phil wishes he had his confidence sometimes.

They walk through, Dan's hand on Phil's waist, the black haired boy tugging the dressing gown tightly around himself.
If he's honest, he wishes Chris hadn't barged in like that. He was so happy and the fact his friends are here without planning means that something's wrong... Or they're simply being annoying... Either way.

"There's a thing called knocking, you twat." Dan snaps towards Chris as they walk into the living room. PJ, Emma and Chris all being present. Phil can't help but instantly feel awkward when meeting eyes with PJ, certainly after how things were left at the fireworks display. Dan runs his hands through his messy bed hair and sighs. "What's wrong, what's happened?" He asks. A gut feeling giving him the need to ask that question.

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