12- take down

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"So what do you suppose we bake then Phill- Phil?" Dan questions, lifting himself up on to the kitchen counter and ruffling his hair slightly after they walk into the kitchen. They have a few hours to spare so might as well do some baking. Phil shakes his head and looks through the cupboards for ingredients, Dan clearing his throat. "Your tutor seemed chill."

Phil nods as he gets out some bowls. "His names Henry, he's really nice when I do the work he sets me. I think he's scared of my dad though." As Phil continues getting out more equipment Dan jumps down from the side and slowly pads around the kitchen, observing as Phil moves.

There's only so much restraint this boy can have he won't touch but he'll observe- for now.

"What's being home schooled like?" Dan asks, leaning against the fridge with his hands shoved tightly into his pockets, his fingers curling up when feeling old chewing gum or something in the bottom of the pockets.

"It's boring, not as good as everyone makes it out to be. Its hard to make friends." The brown haired boy nods slowly at Phil's words, trying to push away the tug at his heart.

It's clearly been rough for Phil and still is, having to live with his father who's so restricted on everything. He's strong though, Dan can see that, anyone who's been with Phil for more than an hour can see that.

Phil walks over and tugs Dan away from the fridge by his arm to gain access and open it to take out the butter and milk, humming softly as he does so.

The excitement keeps building up. The last time he actually did some baking was when his mum was alive, they made fairy cakes which his father said was not manly enough for Phil even though he was twelve. Food fights always broke out between Phil and his mum, tickling and laughing, it was their special time when they baked, no one else's.

Whilst Phil snaps out of his daydream, Dan starts the oven and whistles as he washes his hands.

Phil follows his lead and also washes his hands, blushing under Dan's gaze as they share the same tea towel to dry, fingers brushing ever so slightly yet causing each boys' stomachs to flip.

"Okay so the first step is to pour the flour into the bowl!" Phil suddenly exclaims, stepping back from the tea towel and grabs the packet of flour from the side towards Dan, who luckily, catches the unopened content before ripping it open and pouring it all into the bowl without a second thought. "Wait shouldn't we measure the amount first?" Phil questions.

Dan shrugs and smirks, halting his pouring. "I don't go by rules." He chuckles and throws a pinch of the flour towards the church boy, making him cough a little before pouting.

"Fine but we need two eggs." Phil instructs and grabs that amount of eggs from the cupboard, cupping them in one hand. "Care to do the honours?"

"Sure." Phil hands an egg over to Dan who stares at it for a second, a sly smile running along his lips. He taps the egg on the side of the bowl and the insides fall out perfectly into the flour, Phil smiling almost proudly. He then takes the other and purposely throws it at Phil's feet. "Take down!!" Dan shouts, pointing at the remnants of the egg shells and yolk.

"Dan!" Phil yells and shuffles away from the mess. "Try not to make a mess." he huffs, grabbing a damp cloth from under the sink and going to wipe it up.

"That's what she said!" Dan sings, laughing at his own joke but then pauses when seeing Phil bend down to clear up the egg, his mouth turning dry as he forces himself to look away.

Dear god.

The tea towel then catches his eye and he smirks before picking it up, wrapping it around his hand a few times into a thinner line of fabric before whipping at Phil's bum, causing Phil to scream and jump half way across the kitchen in fright.

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