4- Beg

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"I know you want me Lester, no point in denying it, everyone wants me." Dan whispers into Phil's ear during the vicars speech. The brown eyed lad smirks when seeing Phil shiver slightly, shuffling away but not really having anywhere to go without being noticed.

Ever since his disagreement with his father yesterday Phil's been permanently sat beside Dan. Apparently they're now church buddies or some crap like that.

It's stupid that his father thinks making them partners for everything will make them friends.

Phil said he was going to try and get along with Dan and give him a chance but all the teenager has done is flirt with Phil and be a full on sexual predator. Phil has notice than Dans very up-himself, he thinks he's the best thing to ever walk this planet.
For some reason that just annoys Phil at the fact that Dan just doesn't seem to care whether or not he hurts people.

The talk is finally done and Phil goes to get up which Dan must've sensed as he too gets up, rushing in front of the church boy and up to the vicar to shake his hand.

"That was an excellent reading today sir." Dan smiles sweetly, putting on a more silky tone in his voice.

Phil stands shocked, mouth agape at the scene before him.
Dan is such a kiss ass that there isn't enough asses that he can kiss anymore.

The vicar nods appreciatively. "Thank you Dan, if only Phil complimented me like that." He mumbles, glancing to his son who has now moved beside Dan.

Dan pouts and throws his arm around Phil's shoulders. "Oh give your son here a break sir, he's just spending too much time listening to your words that he forgets to compliment you. Right Philly?" Dan says, smiling towards Phil who just glared at him before moving out of his embrace.

"It's Phil, don't ever call me Philly." He snaps, storming off down the church hall to the store cupboard. It's a little bigger than the one that holds all the bibles, it even has a small bean bag.
It's about the size of a bus, plenty of room.

The blue eyed lad lets out a sigh before sinking down the wall and to the floor, propping his chin on his knees. "I hate him." He mumbles.

His ears twitch when footsteps arrive at the door until it actually opens.

"Oh go away." Phil groans and grabs the nearest book before throwing it towards Dan who actually catches it. Does this boy never give up and just leave him alone?

"Tut tut Philly, this is a bible," Dan bends down to Phil's height with a smirk playing at his lips. "We don't throw bibles."

"We do when it comes to getting rid of stupid apes like you." Phil's words don't even seem to affect Dan at all, just making the boy laugh and shuffle even closer.

"Your insults could use a bit more fining."


"Fine, then piss off Howell." Phil hisses and shoves the boy back so that he lands on his bum. Phil can't help the smirk that rides on his lips as he sees the shocked expression on Dans face. Although the marvellous sight doesn't last long as Dan smiles and licks his lips before pushing himself up and quickly sitting over Phil's legs, straddling the poor boy.

His hands grip onto Phil's collar, holding him in place.

"D-Dan, get off please." Phil stammers, his breath caught when Dan moves closer to his neck, the tips of Dans fringe tickling his cheek slightly.

"I love it when you beg," Dan chuckles before placing a small kiss beneath Phil's jaw.

Luckily for Phil, Dan thinks he's tortured the poor boy enough for today and pulls back, shuffling purposely on Phil's lap for a few seconds until he finally gets up and leaves.

Phil doesn't even have time to notice the swing of Dans hips as he walks away because he's trying to catch his breath and process what on earth just happened.

That was worse than the yesterday.

Yet even though it was bad why is Phil so aroused by it? Why does he find it the most adrenaline rushing thing ever when Dan does something bad?

Maybe it's because he knows this is bad.
But technically he's not doing anything wrong, it's Dan who makes the moves and if he carries on then this could get dangerous.

He slowly pushes himself up and off the floor and makes his way back to his father, hoping his face isn't too flushed.

Just his luck that when he returns Dan is still there, skimming his fingers along the organs keys.

As soon as Phil is noticed a deep chuckle sounds from Dans lips which Phil tries to ignore as one of the sexiest sounds he's ever heard in his life.

However at this moment Dan seems more occupied with the organ, pressing down a key every now and then.

Phil walks over to him in the empty church, the vicar probably outside with the rest of the visitors.

"Can you play?" Phil questions, stopping a few steps away from the brown haired boy.

Dan nods slowly and presses a C cord, smiling at the sound it makes.

He looks so interesting stood here playing the organ, he doesn't look like the usual bad boy Dan who constantly tries to arouse him.

Dan snickers to himself and glances to Phil for a second before scoffing and looking away.

"What?" Phil asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Shame, didn't give you a boner." He nearly choked on the air as Dan smiles deviously at him. "You're not used to this sort of talk are you?"

"I'm home schooled, a church boy and have barely any friends, you tell me." Phil replies with an evident sass in his voice.
He may be the vicars son but that doesn't stop him from holding his ground if he needs to.

Dan licks his bottom lip before grabbing hold of Phil's shoulders and pushing him against the organ, the keys shouting out of rhythm.
The hard wood of the organ stabs into Phil's back as he's pinned against it, Dans hand trailing up his thigh.

"You wanna get used to this sort of talk then, church boy." Dan coos in his ear before pressing his lips hard against Phil's.

Phil's head is suddenly blocked and full of many thoughts. This is wrong why is he doing this? Why is Dan kissing him? But most importantly why is he fighting an urge to kiss back?
He shouldn't want to kiss back at all.

He's also just realised that this kiss is his first kiss.

Once Dan realises that Phil isn't going to kiss back he pulls away and smiles, but for once the smile is almost genuine.

He squeezes Phil's thigh before jumping back and walking off towards the exit of the church.

"See you around Philly."

And because of that kiss, Phil's first kiss, he falls asleep crying that night. Hating every inch of Dan Howell.
No matter how undeniably attractive he was, he's a jerk and Phil hated him.

Take me to church (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now