41- Had to be done

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People have to do everything they can to make a living, whether or not they want to do it or even if they enjoy doing it... It's something that needs to be done. You'll go to extreme lengths at times of need and desperation, the endless possibilities draining into the plug hole of a bath and slipping through your fingers because no matter how hard you wish for that success in life, you can't always get it.

Phil's mum used to work hard whilst his father was at the church all the time, all the while Phil still being home schooled by his same tutor.
His mum had three jobs that all helped support the family. For a while she did good, but something went wrong and however much Phil loves his mum, he hates to know that she got into the drug community.

She only dealt it and it was only for a few months, he only knew this because she spoke to him whilst she thought Phil was sleeping.

She would sit on the edge of his bed and gently trace his knuckles, sometimes play with his hair too. He would act as a dairy and half the time he would drift to sleep by the time she started talking about deep stuff, that wasn't always the case however.

He had to consult her and did so. He was only six yet understood everything. Phil was a smart kid and this was something many adults envied over him for, wanting their children to be as intellectual and fast thinking.
That was probably the only thing the vicar was proud of him for.

Either way, one night Phil consulted his mother and told her that he knew about the drug services. She explained how money was tight and that the vicar wasn't exactly contributing and church donations weren't for them.
Phil was confused that church donations weren't for them, he always thought they were but of course found they're for actual charities.
Phil's mum agreed to stop the drug business, for her sons own good.

She was a good woman, so strong and loving. She had enough pieces of heart to give out for the whole world.
He only wishes that he could be as inspiring as her.

Phil wouldn't get involved with such harsh stuff as drugs in order to get money, unless it came to extreme circumstances. He had a different plan which is probably worse in his case.

There was no doubt about it that Phil had to wait until nightfall to construct his plan for getting money.

His plan is crazy to say the least, he could get hurt badly and be taken away from Dan if he's caught. But he and Dan are desperate and he'd rather risk this than starving to death with a side of ending up on the streets.
Yes, he has a grandma and so does Dan and they have their friends, but how long could they sub-stain that lifestyle for?

After seeing Ian, he and Dan went back home and to be brief... Dan was very thankful that Phil helped him from that gang.

Phil watches Dan sleep for a few seconds longer, the peaceful face of a sleeping angel. The small freckles and redness across his cheeks that naturally come even if no emotions of embarrassment are being felt. Phil doesn't have trouble referring to Dan as an angel because under all that aggression and 'big talk', he's just a small puppy. All bark and maybe a bit of bite... But usually he's harmless.
Slipping on his red jacket that he's grown fond of, the blue eyed boy quietly walks out the room. His footsteps are not as soft as he would prefer them to be on the laminated flooring, a few creaks here and there and considering its pretty dark, he's walking at an even slower pace.

Really he should inform Dan of this and even bring him along, but he can't risk Dan getting involved after everything with the police already and if Dan can't go then he won't let Phil go. It's simple.

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