26- Thrill of the chase

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"Dan you can't just leave the conversation like that, talk to me!" Phil exclaims, chasing after Dan as he storms up to PJ's door. He grabs hold of Dan's wrist and tugs him, so they're face to face.

The church boy sternly narrows his eyes at his boyfriend, his grip not wavering at all.

"Talk to me."

Dan shakes his head and shoves Phil back, before knocking on the door.

Phil nearly stumbles but manages to hold himself, his fists clenched in anger and frustration. Especially when the door opens and he sees Dan embrace PJ with open arms.

PJ looks over and smiles warmly to Phil, gesturing him in too. Which he does.

"PJ, I need a favour." Dan starts, walking into the living room, Phil timidly following behind PJ. "I'm in trouble and so is Phil."

PJ nods. "What happened?"

"My father thinks Dan tried to rape me." Phil breathes, wrapping his arms around himself. Dan's eyes soften at the sight and he walks over to stand beside Phil.

PJ curses under his breath, shaking out his curls before walking into the kitchen.

Phil turns to Dan, unable to form words after the information he's just heard. Dan sighs, carefully bringing his hand to Phil's face, but the church boy flinches and steps back a little.


"Here you go, eighty pounds is all I got Dan, I'm sorry." PJ huffs, placing the money into Dan's hand.

He shakes his head. "This won't last both of us."

"I haven't got anymore. I'd help you more if I could but I can't."

Phil sighs and nods thankfully, intertwining his fingers with Dan's. "Thank you, PJ. We appreciate it." He softly replies.

PJ smiles weakly, clearly trying to act strong. Phil glances behind PJ to see Chris thinking hard to himself, he didn't even notice that Chris was in the room until now.
Everyones heads stiffen up when they hear police sirens in the distance. They're already searching for Dan, the boys need to work quick.

"The best chance you have is going to the station and explaining the situation." PJ says, knowing it isn't the most ideal idea, but the two boys have no chance of getting out of town now. Eventually they'd be found anyway.

Dan looks terrified. Phil can only look on at his boyfriend and be filled with different emotions. His head is spinning, he feels sick. He doesn't know the boy in front of him as much as he thought he did. What more to him is there? How could his little sinner be so poisoned?

The sound of sirens getting closer snaps Phil out of it.

"They know what model my car is. It won't take them long to find me." Dan states, his voice slightly shaken. "If we go, then we go now."

PJ nods in agreement and grabs a coat from the back of the sofa, Chris copying the action. "We're coming with you."
Dan nods and begins heading for the door.

He stops in his tracks when he notices Phil hasn't followed and is still stood in shock and contemplation.
His heart breaks, the way his church boy is looking at him, in a way he's never done before. Dan wants to say something, explain everything, but he can't.

Chris pats Phil's shoulder and he finally begins walking towards the door.

All four of them begin getting into the car, only for Chris to pause and squint his eyes into the distance at a familiar figure.

"Emma! Get your fine ass over here quickly!"

Phil's head perks up as he presses his face against the glass, spotting Emma run up to the car and hop into the back, Dan and Phil in the front with Dan at the steering wheel. Chris and PJ are both in Chris' car and are going to tag behind. She smiles at everyone before noticing the tense atmosphere.
"Everything alright?" She questions.

Dan sighs and starts up the car.


The five drive down the main road, Chris following closely behind Dan. Dan has explained to Emma the situation and since then it's been silent.

Phil wants to be swallowed by the ground, made rid of and cast away at sea. He's sick of this town and the people in it.

"Shit." Emma says, glancing at the wing mirror and spotting a police car behind them. The lights are off but almost as soon as he spots it, the sirens begin to sound, as if the car got wind that it was the car they were looking for.

Instantly, Dan presses down on the acceleration, the car swerving between lanes; there's no use being subtle now.

Phil watches as Chris follows them the best he can, the police car behind Chris.
He can tell that Chris keeps trying to intercept the police car from passing him and getting closer to Dan, which he silently thanks the fellow northerner for.

"Dan go steady." Emma warns, gripping at the seats.

He protests are ignored and if anything he speeds up even more.

Now both him, Chris and the police car are going well over 90mph, swerving in and out of lanes of other cars and somehow none of them managing to crash yet.
For the first time in his life, Phil prays to himself that they make it out alive.
Dan can tell that he's scaring Phil with his driving, but he can't stop, he needs to get to the station first for him to get a better chance.

Emma's phone begins ringing and she answers, putting it on loud speaker.

"Chris?!" She yells, glancing behind her to his car.

"Alright fuckers?! Listen here, you lot need to lose this police car. Theres a slip road up ahead that we can take. I'll create a diversion and whilst I do so you guys go up the lane and I'll join you shortly." Chris explains.

"Please go careful!" Phil shouts.

"I'll be fine, you just focus on getting your boyfriend there in one piece." Chris chuckles.

"But I'm not drivi-"

"Adios!" Chris then hangs up and phil stuffs his face into his own hands.

Dan squints ahead and widens his eyes at a sign. "There's the slip road, I just need to wait for Chris' que." He explains, continuously looking back at the car behind him.

Phil also stares at them, gasping when he suddenly sees Chris' car drift sideways, turning a full ninety degrees, causing the police car to slam its breaks and skid in a one eighty degree angle.
Chris' car regains composure and that's Dans que to accelerate and turn quickly up the slip road, Chris following not far behind.

"That boy is insane!" Dan laughs proudly, running his hand through his hair. Phil nods nervously, but still smiles that it managed to work.
His smile doesn't last long however when he spots the sign for the police station coming up.

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