25- Run

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To say that Phil wasn't slightly shocked to wake up beside Dan, would be an understatement.

He blinked a few times to make sure he was seeing correctly, then wiping his cheeks that are still peppered with tears from last night.

Of course, last night...

He nearly got raped. That's a thing you hear about in the news all the time but never expect to actually happen to you. However, per usual, Dan swept in like a hero in shining armour. Phil can't even count how many times Dan has saved him or came to his aid.
Obviously he's still shaken up about it and would rather not remember the events.

Apart from last night was also amazing as he and Dan admitted their love to each other. Phil Lester now has a boyfriend.

Not just that-- Phil Lester the church boy, has a boyfriend.

It's still doesn't seem real, but of course he and Dan are both laying in the same bed, half naked, with their legs intertwined. Chest to chest, heart to heart.

A small beam of sunlight pours through the curtains and on to Dan's face, illuminating his features.

His face isn't completely flawless. He has tiny freckles and blemishes powdered across his cheeks, but those just add to the beauty. Phil couldn't be luckier to find this boy. Dan's lips are cracked slightly, the cut being prominent from last nights fight.
Phil's blue eyes trail more down towards his chest. Dan's collar bones are defiantly a noticeable feature, he doesn't want to think about how many people have kissed and nibbled them before him. The freckles continue down his chest, little constellations around his heart.

He leans down and presses a soft kiss below the neck, the sleeping boy soon stirring awake and smiling almost drunkenly, opening his eyes to find two bright orbs staring back up from his chest.

"Well good morning to you too." Dan chuckles, stretching his toes.

Oh god that morning voice...

Phil swallows and smiles shyly, lips twitching into a smirk when noticing how flustered Dan is.

"How're you feeling?" The sleepy boy questions, his arms wrapping around Phil's body, fingers trailing and feeling at his curves.

Phil shrugs. "I'm doing surprisingly well. What about you?"

"Still sore, but it's not the first time."
Phil rolls his eyes and listens to Dan's hyena giggle, hiding his face into his neck. "At least let me have a moment to hear your morning voice, Lester."

"What? So that you can think of me whilst in the shower?"

Dan gawks at the church boy, smirking in smugness. Only to then fully take in his gravelly voice, it's so much deeper in the morning, less light and... Innocent.

Already Dan's mind fills with dirty thoughts, that he quickly has to diminish.

The church boy sucks in his lips and furrows his eyebrows. "What do boyfriends do?" He questions, genuinely interested.

Dan shrugs, smiling. "I would imagine it's about the same. With maybe holding hands..." He takes hold of Phil's hands, squeezing them. "More kissing..." He then pecks his nose. "And... A little bit of..." His breath fans over Phil's pale face, shivers rising over his arms.


Dan starts pinching and jabbing at Phil's sides, making Phil scream out in laughter, rolling into a ball for protection-- but it doesn't help the situation.

Both boys giggle, Dan moving over the top of Phil to pin him down, straddling his waist.

"I hate you." Phil breathes, tears from laughing and his ribs aching.

Take me to church (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now