20- swinging up trouble

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Phil walks into the park that he was only beaten up in last week. Why he's back here he doesn't know but he just needs to be secluded from the rest of the world.

He doesn't know why he's so angry with Dan, maybe it's because he presumes that Phil belongs to him, or that he's still an utter twat who has it against the whole world and people who aren't like him?
He may never truly know why he's angry at this moment.

It was stupid of him to walk away as he has missed Dan dreadfully. They could have just talked it over, but everything with Phils father and with his mothers birthday being tomorrow, he just can't be dealing with Dan's stupid jealousy. He barely knows Charlie for heavens sake! He's only just met the boy and Dan already thinks they're going to go off and have sex.

It's not like he would be able to do much since he just wanted to be friends with Phil anyway. So if Phil did get with Charlie, Dan couldn't complain.

But Phil wouldn't get with Charlie, because he isn't Dan.

Phils eyes shift around before he sits on the swing set that he so fondly likes to go to at times of thought.

Yet although he's trying to get his mind off Dan at this moment, he can't. He worries about him. He doesn't know where his parents are or what his past was like. At least Dan can presume that Phils past was lonely after his mum died, he would be pretty much correct with that assumption.

He freezes when the park gate opens, his mouth becoming dry when seeing it's the person he would really not rather see at this moment.
Phil grips to the chains of the swings as the figure approached him, a dull smirk on their face, almost bored.

"Well hello church boy, wouldn't expect to see you back here alone?" Matt muses, popping a piece of chewing gum into his mouth.

Phil cowers under his eyes, sharp slits that hold a lot of knowledge. Matt isn't a built person, he's got slightly tanned skin with black hair, a round face. He jumps around as if he's the king of the world- kind of reminds him of someone. He's very well groomed and cocky. Even the bruises from where Dan attacked him are clearly covered in makeup to preserve his flawless complexion.

Once Matt realises that Phil isn't going to communicate he huffs out a laugh. "Listen, no hard feelings towards you. I apologise for harming you."

Phil cocks an eyebrow at the man.
"For the record I didn't know Dan was going to beat you up." He quietly informs, scuffing his feet at the grass.

"On the contrary I was expecting it, us boys need to let off steam sometimes."

"Not always."

"Well you're no fun." Matt whines with a playful pout.

The church boy rolls his eyes as Matt searches the park, his beaded eyes on look out. Phil almost wants to laugh.

"Scared of someone showing up?" He scoffs, making Matt smirk to himself and shake his head.

"Oh I don't get scared. Just wondering where your boyfriend is."

"He's not my boyfriend." At Phils harsh reply and correction Matt shrugs and stuffs his hand into his pocket, pulling out an empty packet of chewing gum.

He frowns before scrunching up the wrapper in his fist and throwing it at Phils head, the material bouncing back and on to the park floor.
"I owe you a chewy." He mutters with a sly smile before walking off. "See you later Philly."

Phil finally lets out a breath and scratches the back of his neck, willing himself so go off and find Dan.
Everywhere he goes there's always a reminder of him or someone has to talk about him. Gosh he's hooked.

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