36- Kitty Jealousy

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Singing wakes Phil up from his sleep as does the warmth of the sun on his arm, making him throw the covers off him and spread his legs out, that one patch of heat coming through that window making his whole body hot and sweaty.
Just by sticking his legs over the covers, he cool's down and is thankful he's only wearing boxers.

"Well, that's certainly a view I thought I'd never see." Dan's voice speaks up.

Phil opens his eyes and looks up to the door where Dan's leaning against the frame, a towel hanging at his curved hips and water making his slightly tanned skin glisten. His hair is curly and damp, collar bones exposed and the church boy can't help but lick his lips and swallow thickly at the sight.

Dan chuckles and flicks his hair out his face, the gesture is purposeless however since the wavy strands just fall back over his forehead.
The patronising glance that he sends over to the boy shows that the effect Dan has on him is amusing to watch apparently.

The church boy sits up properly and crosses his legs, wriggling his toes as he watches Dan look through the drawers for clothes. He likes to just observe sometimes. He's often been the quiet type and has often been set on watching people instead of talking, especially this early in the morning, Phil would much rather watch his boyfriend.

The sound and thought of him having a boyfriend is still so alien for the church boy. Phil's never been in a relationship, full stop. To be in a relationship and to be in love with a boy, is almost something he'd never imagine himself doing. However, he won't deny that it never crossed his mind. Phil and his mother would always have late night conversations about these things. She may have been married to a vicar, but she disagreed with the church's views and anything to do with religion in general. She always reminded Phil that equal love is important and not unnatural, sexuality doesn't define a person; nor does gender.

Dan throws on a red t-shirt that resembles Pac-Man from the White eyes printed in to the felt. Phil was never allowed to play a lot of video games and only managed to get away with the games his mum snuck him. The small consoles like Tetris and of course Pac-Man. They would be cheap and most likely come from Mc Donald's meals, but they were the best things to six year old and above, Phil.

The church boy also marvels at what colour looks like on Dan. Usually the boy wears a lot of black and grey's, which obviously looks amazing on him, but seeing him in colour is a whole new thing. He looks cute.

"PJ and the others invited us out again tonight," Dan begins, turning away from Phil as he lets the towel drop from his hips and as he pulls some boxers on. Phil doesn't look away, he has no reason to. "You up for it?"

Phil ponders over the suggestion. "What do you mean 'invited us out'?"

The brown haired boy chuckles and walks over, getting on the bed, the mattress sinking as he crawls over Phils legs until he's hovering at his face. Bare legs touching as Dan is still in just his boxers and shirt-- as is Phil-- minus the shirt.

"Tonight is fireworks night. We're gonna go out and watch all the works of fire."

Blue eyes widen at Dans words and a smile makes its way on Phils lips. He buzzes with excitement at the thought.

His mind wonders back to nights where he would beg his father to let him stand outside and watch the 'magic loud colours in the sky'. His mother would try and convince the vicar too, but they could never get through to the persistent man. Phil would then resort to staring out his window late into the night, the sounds and the colours would illuminate his face, it was magical. But he had always wished he could experience it in person.

Even over the last few years where he has his obvious independence, the magic was pretty much dead and he just never bothered with fireworks night. It didn't matter anymore... Until now.

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