11- Digging deeper

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After the church Phil goes home for his usual tutoring, today's subject being English he believes.

But of course he can't concentrate today, his tutors words just go in one ear and out the other, no information of any sorts being placed into Phil's brain; and it's all because he's thinking about Dan. Typical.

He twiddles his pencil with his fingers and smiles almost drunkingly out the window, catching the tutors attention.

"Phil? Could you maybe pay attention." The tutor requests, furrowing his brow when Phil nods and continues smiling at his piece of blank paper. "Dear god what's happened to you?"

That questions makes Phil snap out of it and tilt his head in amusement.

"Why are you acting so... happy? Like you've been injected with a love drug?" The tutor questions, turning his attention from the lesson to actually being concerned with the vicars sons actions. Phil may be a nice lad but he's never this happy, never so bubbly and cheerful.

Phil shrugs and glances to the tutors hand, noticing the gold ring on his finger. "You're married?" Phil asks with interest.

"Of course I am, after being your tutor for more than four years I thought you would know that."

Phil raises his hands in surrender, moving his seat slightly and shuffling to keep still. His father is still at the church, doing his all day readings today, also doing the confession booths.

He hopes Dan got out easily and wasn't caught with whatever he was doing. It couldn't of been bad other wise he wouldn't have gotten Phil involved.

The tutor sighs before closing the text book and shaking his head. "You're up in the clouds today Phil. I'll have to tell your father that you're slacking."

Phil's head whips around as his eyes widen in horror. "Please don't. I've already been in enough trouble please." He begs, his hands shaking from fright.

His tutor rolls his eyes and nods. "Fine. But you need to stop day dreaming." Once the tutor stops talking there's then a knock at the door and Phil excuses himself to answer it, his tutor still giving a disapproving look .

He opens the door and nearly faints when seeing Dan stood there. The buttons of his black shirt being a few too many undone and revealing his prominent collar bones which Phil had never noticed before but wow.

"He-" before Dan can even finish his sentence Phil tugs him in and closes the door, shifting his eyes to the kitchen before shoving the lad upstairs. "If I had known I'd get this sort of welcome I would've came around here more often." Dan chuckles, wriggling his eyebrows when being pushed into Phil's room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Phil questions in a whisper, closing the bedroom door.

Dan shrugs and lays down on the bed, his arms supporting his head as he faces the ceiling. Phil huffs and walks over, untying Dan's laces before tugging his shoes off so they don't get his bed dirty.

"Already undressing me Lester? Now we're getting somewhere." The brown haired boy sniffles, sitting up and watching as Phil places the shoes in the corner of the room. "Seriously chill. It's not like I'm not allowed to be here."

Phil spins around and glares at him. "You know my dad doesn't like you right now so why are you still trying to make things more difficult?" He questions whilst crossing his arms.

Dan licks his lips and smirks lightly. "You look great when you're angry by the way."

"Piss off."

Both boys stare at each other for a few seconds before small smiles drawl out onto their lips, and before they know it they're both laughing like they were in the church. Phil cupping his belly as his face scrunches up again, Dan being more subtle with his laughter and watching Phil.

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